Probably. Many deaths never sat well with me. Robin Williams, Paul Walker, Anne Hetch, Kobe Bryant, Chester Bennington, and probably a few others I cannot recall. Hell, even way back Michael Jordans dad, though that could have been a gambling hit. Princess Diana, Michael Jackson, and...
The helicopter crash occurred at around 13:30 local time in heavy fog in a remote, mountainous area.
When have you seen heavy fog at 1:30pm in the afternoon? Usually, the sun has burned off the "thick blanket of fog" early in the morning, especially on mountain slopes. The only areas where fog may remain is in the mountain valleys or in what they are calling the "fog shrouded forest".
OK... who flies a helicopter into a foggy mountain valley or above a "fog shrouded forest"?
It was reported to be raining heavily in those mountains to as was shown on the first few videos of the rescue staging area with the heavy sheet of fog. Just seems too convenient suddenly all the Sat Weather has been wiped. I wonder historically if that area has sudden odd weather patterns like some rare places here in the US? And if not, what or whom are they covering up for?
I've been on a helicopter where we had to land midday and wait hours for fog to clear. It's hard to know what the conditions will be over your entire route.
Ditto. My family was forced down in the middle of the day, in the mountains.
Actually, it landed on the lawn of an Amerian Embassador, and his wife very kindly gave us tea, and invited us to visit for Christmas dinner.
You mean we can't know if there was "heavy fog!"
LOL! You got it!
Didn't a sudden mystery fog also take out Kobe?
Probably. Many deaths never sat well with me. Robin Williams, Paul Walker, Anne Hetch, Kobe Bryant, Chester Bennington, and probably a few others I cannot recall. Hell, even way back Michael Jordans dad, though that could have been a gambling hit. Princess Diana, Michael Jackson, and...
Not sure. But I am sure Kobe was most likely taken out by sinister forces.
The helicopter crash occurred at around 13:30 local time in heavy fog in a remote, mountainous area.
When have you seen heavy fog at 1:30pm in the afternoon? Usually, the sun has burned off the "thick blanket of fog" early in the morning, especially on mountain slopes. The only areas where fog may remain is in the mountain valleys or in what they are calling the "fog shrouded forest".
OK... who flies a helicopter into a foggy mountain valley or above a "fog shrouded forest"?
It was reported to be raining heavily in those mountains to as was shown on the first few videos of the rescue staging area with the heavy sheet of fog. Just seems too convenient suddenly all the Sat Weather has been wiped. I wonder historically if that area has sudden odd weather patterns like some rare places here in the US? And if not, what or whom are they covering up for?
I've been on a helicopter where we had to land midday and wait hours for fog to clear. It's hard to know what the conditions will be over your entire route.
Ditto. My family was forced down in the middle of the day, in the mountains. Actually, it landed on the lawn of an Amerian Embassador, and his wife very kindly gave us tea, and invited us to visit for Christmas dinner.
🤣🤣🤣 it’s a “Christmas miracle”
indeed, it encouraged me to read my first Nancy Drew novel - (I am Dutch), which was the Christmas gift from that very kind lady.
What a memorable experience. When was this?
I was a child.
OK, but what time frame? 1940, 50s, 60s, 80s, 2000? We don't know your age.
OK it was the 70's
Thanks. I like to imagine the situation as it was. A happier, safer and less 'woke' time.
WOW. What an amazing coincidence. 19 blank spaces in the kill box.
3 days after HAARP-like weather conditions across the Southern US.
How odd.
HAARP confirmed
Here's In2ThinAir discussing the missing weather data on InfoWars:
Weird! It's almost like there may have been outside influences. Imagine that...