Dershowitz: I was inside the court when the judge closed the Trump trial, and what I saw shocked me
The judge actually threatened to strike all of Costello’s testimony if he raised his eyebrows again.
There is absolutely no good reason why a trial of this importance, or any trial, should not be televised live and in real time. Allowing the public to see their courts in action is the best guarantee of fairness. As Justice Louis Brandeis wisely said a century ago, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”
Does this mean the tribunals will be televised?
Absolutely! The new courthouses have just that ability...
We are gonna run out of rope before all the executions are done. What will we do?
Rope is reusable!! I’ll donate.
So many necks are gonna be stretched, I fear the ropes durability will be called into question, thus my original reply. ;)
Trump made hemp growing legal. We good.
ZIP TIES have a point there BUT we have MORE THAN ENOUGH BULLETS...
I betcha' the firing squad will see a face covered and will NOT KNOW WHO IT IS...the order to execute will more than likely be read in their cell(s)...
Famous quote of one of America's Finest Military Generals, Gen Geaorge S Patton:
"May God have mercy for my enemies because I won't."
Good business opportunity
Judge “ I’m the greatest judge ever” (JURY) “ WHAT A FUCKING JERK”
Typical leftist.
Those r some powerful eyebrows!
The judge actually threatened to strike all of Costello’s testimony if he raised his eyebrows again.
LOL Silly bitch
Things like this make me wonder if the judge is an actor. All these cases are falling apart by complete losers who make big mistakes.
I think part of The Show is to establish the legal pathway for taking down a President of the United States; against President Trump first and then against Biden.
Agreed. At times, Trump seems to be actually baiting them to send him to jail. What a precedent it sets for sending all the real criminals to jail.
The judge is a tyrant, used to making illegal and unconstitutional orders.
No one notices when it's the little people
Looking for a reason to railroad them. His power trip will cost him.
His testimony must be damning.
Let's hope someone got some secret video from a button camera or something.
Imagine being reprimanded and threatened by a judge for making a fucking face.
Why would Alan Detshowitz's, of all people, opinion matter?
Because he is one of the most accomplished and fair lawyers in existence when it comes to constitutional law.
Wasn't he accused by an Epstein victim?
He also admitted to receiving "a massage" from one of Epstein's victims...
With AI and great face masks, how can we even be sure that the enemies of the U.S. are actually executed and not spirited away to Antarctica or elsewhere? After all the Nazis were brought to serve in the U.S. government, S. America and Antarctica after WW II.
😳😏 sounds like they need to be!
Serious question: was there a link in this thread? Has it disappeared? for some reason, many of the threads I see have a headline I would expect to lead to an outside source but I don't see the link. Tis occurs across browsers, OSs and platforms.
The link is in the body of the message.