Amen, truth has always been a thorn in evils side. Truth has power as it exposes evil and destroys evil and evil is well aware of this. This will never change and was designed by God.
One, how fricken' awesome is Trump visiting the Bronx!!!! Ncswic....
Two: Ask yourself (in the topic of AOC, which for some pedes in this thread seems to be the most important (?) noticable (?) attention worthy (?) aspect of the story, rather than the incredible crowds that DJT is bringing together..... but in any case)
Is what AOC has been doing actually helping the Democrat Party?
Is it hurting Donald Trump?
If you are reacting to AOC instead of observing, dispassionately and objectively, you might just miss some interesting points.
For example, what is the tangible effect (the impact) of speaking out about Trump in the way she is as described in this article?
While rabid lefties, neo-Marxists and purple-haired activist fems will cheer on AOC because she speaks directly to their myopia and ideological prejudices, what about the rest of America?
Does AOC speaking out about Trump in the Bronx minimize the impact of the trials and the campaign power that DJT is garnering through the trial process, or does it maximize it?
Step back from your biases for a minute, and reflect on what sort of impact AOC has actually had since her time in congress:
One, she highlights perfectly and effectively the insanity of the rabid marxist positions.
Two, she provides more meme cannon material than almost anyone, except perhaps Joe Biden.
The boarder Issue? The destruction of jobs in NY (Amazon)? teh crazy notions of the Green New Deal?
Considering the net effects, anons should quietly consider whether in fact AOC is HELPING the patriot and maga cause rather than harming it.
If so, why? Stupid? or actually smart? Just a constant stream of bumbles, or actions designed to highlight the failure of the Democrat Left and their crazy agendas?
In husbandry, a Judas goat is: a goat that has been specially trained to lead sheep or other livestock, especially to the slaughtering place in a stockyard or meat processing facility
Responding is better than reacting. Maga normies will naturally react to AOC because they cannot understand that there is in fact a psywar underway, and that the war involves a war of narratives and characters designed to wake up America and undermine the very foundations of the Deep State Control. But anons should be able to consider alternative perspectives.
Maybe AOC is as dumb as she pretends, or maybe she isn't. But it seems to me that nothing she has done or ever does really aids the enemy. Rather, the impact of her actions only seems to enhance the power of our memes and highlight the rabid extremism that a lot of Middle America have been ignorant of or complacent to.
As such, it's worth at least considering the possibility that she is in fact an operative with a mission to undermine the Left and expose them more.
To consider AOC in her entirety you have to go back to her time at Boston College. There she co authored a thesis in a group project on the green new deal. So to believe that she is an actor acting on behalf of the Patriots the entire time, you would have to assume that she has been groomed for this at least as far back as her time at University.
Not out of the realm of possibility but Im not sure I am ready to go there. I can offer no other explanation for what we see though, or your well reasoned supposition, other than she is dumb as a stump and her handlers are as well.
Here are the paragraphs that capture the importance essence of things in my humble opinion...
The media drumbeat notwithstanding, the ordinary people are beginning to see the same thing. They, too, resent seeing a presidential candidate undermined through tyrannical power plays, they oppose having their children exposed to the insanity of a bazillion imaginary “genders,” they are appalled that their children can define those genders but can’t read or do math, they are angered that we are experiencing a slow-mo invasion replete with freeloaders, criminals, and terrorists, they are horrified to see Bidenflation impoverish them, and they know that it’s morally wrong for America to support a terrorist group (Hamas) and a terrorist nation (Iran), both of which are dedicated to murdering Jews, women, gays, Christians, Hindus, and Americans.
The media can’t hide these things anymore or paint them in pretty colors. Increasing numbers of Americans see what’s happening, and they hate it. So, when Donald Trump is shackled in Manhattan, the ordinary, normal, and truly good Americans will come to the Bronx to cheer him on.
Something profound is happening here. This is bigger and deeper than Trump’s unexpected victory in 2016. The sleeping American giant may finally be waking up.
One of the most important things in politics is momentum. Once it builds, it’s very hard to stop. Biden is stagnant, while Trump is the most exciting game around. No matter what happens in that New York courtroom, Trump has the mojo. If he walks out a free man, he’s a winner. And (God forbid), if he walks out a convicted felon on a still unidentified, totally bogus charge, he’s also a winner because the American people have finally woken up.>
AOC is just another grifter, hired by the Deep State to do their bidding. I would love to see her bank account before she “ran” for Congress, and what it is now.
Ask yourself: would the Deep State be really happy about AOC and what she is doing? Would they be saying to her, behind closed doors, "Great Job! You are making a big impact! More and more people dislike Trump and dislike MAGA and love more and more the Marxist agenda!!! Great Job!!!"
Somehow I do not think that is what they would be saying, so I have to question, is she really doing their bidding? Or something else?
If you strip away the msm, the university protests, the vitriol of politicians and the occasional Karen-like videos of the brainwashed lefties, where are the political rallies of the left? There is no left equivalent to a Trump rally and certainly nothing like what we saw in the Bronx last night. MAGA has become the megaphone and the left has become the silent minority.
BTW, I absolutely loved the way the Puerto Rican x-congressman with the fancy suit and white cowboy hat said MER-chaaan.
AOC was called out as a false Prophet.
Prophet? I prefer banshee. Harpie… something like that.
lol. she mocked God ,and now God exposed her as a false Prohpet.
She is in congress, it’s expected.
That's not how she spells profit.$$$$
lol, I highly suspect she does also. Thank you for sharing this.
More like a thorn in the side of truth.
Amen, truth has always been a thorn in evils side. Truth has power as it exposes evil and destroys evil and evil is well aware of this. This will never change and was designed by God.
I have also heard that AOC is a blistering cunt.
I give thanks that people are waking up.
One, how fricken' awesome is Trump visiting the Bronx!!!! Ncswic....
Two: Ask yourself (in the topic of AOC, which for some pedes in this thread seems to be the most important (?) noticable (?) attention worthy (?) aspect of the story, rather than the incredible crowds that DJT is bringing together..... but in any case)
Is what AOC has been doing actually helping the Democrat Party?
Is it hurting Donald Trump?
If you are reacting to AOC instead of observing, dispassionately and objectively, you might just miss some interesting points.
For example, what is the tangible effect (the impact) of speaking out about Trump in the way she is as described in this article?
While rabid lefties, neo-Marxists and purple-haired activist fems will cheer on AOC because she speaks directly to their myopia and ideological prejudices, what about the rest of America?
Does AOC speaking out about Trump in the Bronx minimize the impact of the trials and the campaign power that DJT is garnering through the trial process, or does it maximize it?
Step back from your biases for a minute, and reflect on what sort of impact AOC has actually had since her time in congress:
One, she highlights perfectly and effectively the insanity of the rabid marxist positions.
Two, she provides more meme cannon material than almost anyone, except perhaps Joe Biden.
The boarder Issue? The destruction of jobs in NY (Amazon)? teh crazy notions of the Green New Deal?
Considering the net effects, anons should quietly consider whether in fact AOC is HELPING the patriot and maga cause rather than harming it.
If so, why? Stupid? or actually smart? Just a constant stream of bumbles, or actions designed to highlight the failure of the Democrat Left and their crazy agendas?
In husbandry, a Judas goat is: a goat that has been specially trained to lead sheep or other livestock, especially to the slaughtering place in a stockyard or meat processing facility
Responding is better than reacting. Maga normies will naturally react to AOC because they cannot understand that there is in fact a psywar underway, and that the war involves a war of narratives and characters designed to wake up America and undermine the very foundations of the Deep State Control. But anons should be able to consider alternative perspectives.
Maybe AOC is as dumb as she pretends, or maybe she isn't. But it seems to me that nothing she has done or ever does really aids the enemy. Rather, the impact of her actions only seems to enhance the power of our memes and highlight the rabid extremism that a lot of Middle America have been ignorant of or complacent to.
As such, it's worth at least considering the possibility that she is in fact an operative with a mission to undermine the Left and expose them more.
We know that she is in fact a literal actor......
But who is she acting for?
To consider AOC in her entirety you have to go back to her time at Boston College. There she co authored a thesis in a group project on the green new deal. So to believe that she is an actor acting on behalf of the Patriots the entire time, you would have to assume that she has been groomed for this at least as far back as her time at University.
Not out of the realm of possibility but Im not sure I am ready to go there. I can offer no other explanation for what we see though, or your well reasoned supposition, other than she is dumb as a stump and her handlers are as well.
i'm gonna go with Q and agree these people are stupid.
that was a nice montage of bronx twitter clips - one stop shopping
Agreed. Though the rappers were cringe, but hey I think all rap/culcha is cringe so whatever
Here are the paragraphs that capture the importance essence of things in my humble opinion...
The media can’t hide these things anymore or paint them in pretty colors. Increasing numbers of Americans see what’s happening, and they hate it. So, when Donald Trump is shackled in Manhattan, the ordinary, normal, and truly good Americans will come to the Bronx to cheer him on.
Something profound is happening here. This is bigger and deeper than Trump’s unexpected victory in 2016. The sleeping American giant may finally be waking up.
One of the most important things in politics is momentum. Once it builds, it’s very hard to stop. Biden is stagnant, while Trump is the most exciting game around. No matter what happens in that New York courtroom, Trump has the mojo. If he walks out a free man, he’s a winner. And (God forbid), if he walks out a convicted felon on a still unidentified, totally bogus charge, he’s also a winner because the American people have finally woken up.>
AOC is just another grifter, hired by the Deep State to do their bidding. I would love to see her bank account before she “ran” for Congress, and what it is now.
Ask yourself: would the Deep State be really happy about AOC and what she is doing? Would they be saying to her, behind closed doors, "Great Job! You are making a big impact! More and more people dislike Trump and dislike MAGA and love more and more the Marxist agenda!!! Great Job!!!"
Somehow I do not think that is what they would be saying, so I have to question, is she really doing their bidding? Or something else?
Infiltration goes both ways.
Me; "AOC?"
AOC; "Yeah"
Me; "I'll have an old fashion please, thanks"
And then she proceeds to give you a hand job?
An old fashioned HJ? I’ll allow it
If you strip away the msm, the university protests, the vitriol of politicians and the occasional Karen-like videos of the brainwashed lefties, where are the political rallies of the left? There is no left equivalent to a Trump rally and certainly nothing like what we saw in the Bronx last night. MAGA has become the megaphone and the left has become the silent minority.
BTW, I absolutely loved the way the Puerto Rican x-congressman with the fancy suit and white cowboy hat said MER-chaaan.
Yeah, devolution, the plan.