Hilarious... I remember when De Nero was a decent actor. What happened to him? Oh yeah, liberalism happened to him. This is what ingrown stupidity looks like in older people.
Liberalism didnt happen to him, blackmail over his proclivity for fucking kids happened to him. You didnt hear about his political views until the death cult needed someone who they thought you would hero worship to shout Trump down.
Yup. CDCN also had an item about De Niro and his pal Roman Polanski having tween and young teen parties in the early 1970s in Hollywood. Crazy Days and Crazy Nights also hinted that Polanski was getting (hush?) money from De Niro for a time after Roman fled to Europe to avoid prosecution for drugging and sodomizing a 13 year-old girl.
Before the Internet we thought these fake-macho actors from The Godfather and tough 80s movies were the shit. Then WIkipedia came along and now we know Robert DeNiro's parents were the biggest liberal artists in the NY scene and his dad was gay. They wrote eroticas and hung out with the most artsy bunch in Brooklyn. Well, I wouldn't be surprised now if Deniro was groomed since a young age by one of his parents' weird friends. You gotta go back all the way to the beginnings look at who their parents are.
Hilarious... I remember when De Nero was a decent actor. What happened to him? Oh yeah, liberalism happened to him. This is what ingrown stupidity looks like in older people.
Liberalism didnt happen to him, blackmail over his proclivity for fucking kids happened to him. You didnt hear about his political views until the death cult needed someone who they thought you would hero worship to shout Trump down.
Hmmm.... he DOES sound desperate, doesn't he?
desperate and scared sh!tless
🤣😂🤣😂🤣 @ ingrown stupidity... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
He is a known pedo. He got pinned down in France to an underaged prostitution ring.
Yup. CDCN also had an item about De Niro and his pal Roman Polanski having tween and young teen parties in the early 1970s in Hollywood. Crazy Days and Crazy Nights also hinted that Polanski was getting (hush?) money from De Niro for a time after Roman fled to Europe to avoid prosecution for drugging and sodomizing a 13 year-old girl.
Look up DeNiro's parents in Wiki.. it goes deeper down the rabbit hole.
I suspect he was groomed since a young age, and his parents were involved with those devil worshiping type of crowd.
A small stupid guy campaigning for another stupid guy - both pedophiles.
Exactly and the people know it... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
WHAT makes a great movie? Great DEAD actors.
Kekekekek... 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Kekekekek... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Robert who?
I completely agree... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
I don't think it's so much as liberalism as it is this: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKirWIAj/robert-deniro-was-linked-to-a-hu/c/
That is definitely a contributing factor as well but I think he and DJT have some kind of history... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Sawed off runt.
Kekekekek... 😂🤣😂🤣😂 Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
I just love how it's Trump's fault that everyone hates him. It clearly has nothing to do with the fact that he is an unhinged pedophile.
He and DJT have had something go down between them from their past imho... Call it a gut feeling... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Before the Internet we thought these fake-macho actors from The Godfather and tough 80s movies were the shit. Then WIkipedia came along and now we know Robert DeNiro's parents were the biggest liberal artists in the NY scene and his dad was gay. They wrote eroticas and hung out with the most artsy bunch in Brooklyn. Well, I wouldn't be surprised now if Deniro was groomed since a young age by one of his parents' weird friends. You gotta go back all the way to the beginnings look at who their parents are.
Very valid point... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Who knew De Niro would sign on to this movie... Must have got an offer he couldn't refuse.
bonjour mon amoureux