At this point, I am amazed, I have to say, these people look so stupid and so desperate 👀. I think their absolute depravity shocked me less than how completely inept they all truly are! I just never imagined the deep state was mostly room temperature IQ beaurocrats with anti social personality disorders. Jeez, once you see it, you just can't unsee it. Its amazing, honestly, that they have come this far. Their ASPD is so predictable to us now. 🤣🤣 Even slow boiling us frogs wasnt slow enough and they never dreamed we wouldn't roll over on the 2nd like Europeans did. They thought we were just like them. 🤣🤣🤣 What a dumb misstep. This is truly a tragic comedy of stupidity. In the end, we, the People, will be the saviors of mankind and they will herald us as heros for what happens next 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸. History will remember us fondly, my frens. Stay comfy.
Comments (12)
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Just imagine how many people would not be awake now if it wasn’t for Trump calling them out on their bullshit with all of his “mean tweets”. Hopefully everyone realizes that his tweets were to goad them into attacking him and thereby revealing how the DS really feels about the American citizens.
Their desperation is waking a lot of people up.
"Room temperature IQ" ... A lot like corporate bureaucracy... that's why they pick 'em.
Exactly. Majority of town employees and school administrators also.
It's certainly a clown show.
But the audience is a at Edwin Gacy level clownship
Like Q said, "these people are stupid."
I tend to agree. Perhaps I’m just more observant the average, but they are so blatantly open and exposing themselves that I can’t help but think that they are indeed this stupid. All the visionaries and engineers are gone and only DEI “leaders” remain. The swamp is a dean man walking. Still dangerous, but they’ve lost the narrative and their cover is blown. Every day, less and less people are buying what they are selling.
I suspect that decades of “good times” for the swamp has created weak people. The system has been so rigged for them that the current crop has never had to think for themselves or fight any real battles. It’s like when a private company starts with a great leader and idea, the second generation takes it big, and the third pisses it away.
I’m looking forward to pissing on their ashes.
I couldn't agree more lol
Looking at my username. And no, it has nothing to do with solar power.
And THEN they stick De Niro out there...
As if it wasn't bad enough already 🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🍿🍿🍿