Have to brag on my based 15 year old son. 🫑 THE GREAT AWAKENING πŸ”†
posted ago by BasedWatcherWatching ago by BasedWatcherWatching +173 / -0

Spent this cool morning changing oil in some ranch vehicles and minor maintenance issues, then we put up 14 patio doors where we had replaced screens. Decided to take the window screens to Ace Hardware and let them do those. I had enough of that nonsense. Took them to have a burger and then headed home. On the way home I pointed out a couple of military helichopters flying South. My daughter commented that she's seen far more military in the sky than normal and wondered why. I took this opportunity to have a discussion about Russia being at our doorsteps, gave some education about Russia and Ukraine, and told them not to worry, that we are protected and nobody is taking out the Oklahoma Boonies. Told them I would worry about our own government before Russia, and before I could explain my one 'fear", my 15 year old said, "just hope they don't use Russia as an excuse to pull another 9/11." He beat me to it. Couldn't have been more proud. Had to share, and thank you for listening my frens.