Fellow Anons - I believe that the GameStop Saga is officially part of The Plan. If you truly understand the GME, MOASS, HODL, DRS Saga, there's a lot of planning at an almost impossibly complex level. This is merely one 5GW path within a much larger Plan. Watch the video! WWG1WGA!
He is indicating that the fuse has been lit on the MOASS by Roaring Kitty. Might see early signs tomorrow (today).
So please correct me if I'm wrong.
If he's really using E*Trade and showing his positions, he hasn't bothered to DRS (Direct Register) any of those shares.
The shares I DRS'd to ComputerShare disappeared from my Fidelity account once they are transferred.
Soooo, he's obviously NOT worried about his positions being stolen or manipulated.....
Ooooooor....if this movie wants to expose more of the fraud, maybe his positions WILL be stolen later and serve as proof that the brokers are able to manipulate the shares via the orders of the Hedgies and DTCC.
Am I over thinking this, or am I just regarded?
I suspect RK has some sort of higher level (military) link because the quality of his memes, presentation, and bets are so high and consistent.
I suspect both he and RC would not DRS until they need to in order to trigger advancement to a later stage.
TBH it's to our collective benefit because it's allowed apes to accumulate at a lower cost for three years and plant the seeds for wealth distribution into citizens with discernment all over the world. It's also trained us on market operations, legalese, bankruptcy proceedings, etc. It's our time in the desert away from popular finance that has hardened our skills and resolve.
RC & RK let apes in the lifeboats (DRS) first.
I thought it was just me seeing it this way!
GME is going to cause a massive wealth transfer to a group that otherwise would have been left further behind once the new system is in place.
All the apes have been getting trained in stock buying since 2021. The amount of YouTube content geared to teaching 18 - 30 how to trade stocks is incredible.
To me it looks like the plan is designed in such a way that mitigates anyone getting left behind after the storm has settled.
There's no doubt in my mind this is true.
Maybe it's just RK trying to get rich.
If you watch the video OP posted you would recognize that isn’t his priority.
He's only showing his E*Trade position.
There could be more in DRS.
Shows off his "liquid" brokerage to keep his posts consistent and avoid the "Market Manipulation" BS title.
He is holding a gun to E-Trade's head. He was literally threatening them on the air during his live stream.
When he pulled up the html and said he could remove their logo and delete them he was talking about using an ACATS transfer off their platform (which at that level takes 1 day) to ANYWHERE including DRSing through Computershare.
He / they know there's not enough shares left to do that AND they haven't hedged his call options and have enough real shares to cover if he moves.
He is holding them hostage.
Seriously ACAT???? As in Roaring Kitty?
Sauce Here
During thee congressional GameStop hearing, RK stated "I am not a cat" also.
Now you're getting it.
That one little piece of the puzzle brings it all together.
That's a really good point. But do you think there's any chance the DRS glitches and it gets lost? Honestly I'd be afraid of that.
BTW today is Donald Trump's birthday just saying