GOTTA LOVE the crumbling of this narrative! UNLESS the public are educated on the "Maidan Coup" and all the Global Elite power playing that preceded it, which gave Russia NO other choice than to protect itself we are all doomed to suffer the fate of IGNORANCE.
Yeh, agree. Sad thing is that most can't even point to Ukraine on a map, much less comprehend the politics behind it all.
Worse, those same people can't even explain what the 1st and 2nd Amendments to our own Constitution really says or means, much less the other 8 that totals the Bill of Rights.
My sister is someone who can find Ukraine on a map yet is one of these braindead zombies who swallows the MSM narrative about it whole sale. What have we done as a civilisation where people who aren't entirely thick can believe the world works in the way the lying no good satan worshipping pro pedophile mainstream media serves up?
You don't need to be able to point it out on a map if the statements and context relate to things like NATO's mass sanctions of Russia, putting NATO installations on their border in Ukraine, etc.
You can also comprehend concepts like the color revolution without knowing it's actual location.
I know it's a turn of phrase, but I have always felt that particular one a bit awkward for certain overarching discussions.
Most people on both sides can't point to it on a map, but the side with a moral compass can understand why Russia might feel hostile.
However, the best rated comments don't agree to the media and support Nigel for saying the truth. Seems like the masses don't believe what the media is feeding them!!
Nigel Farage is blasted for 'echoing Putin's vile justification' for Ukraine conflict: Critic says 'every vote for Farage is celebrated in Moscow' after Reform leader's comment that 'we provoked this war'
You can tell that's just campaigning with this line: "every vote for Farage is celebrated in Moscow"
It's one thing when a campaign is making those statements, but media and such should not be since voters really shouldn't care about other countries directly.
Much is made of Ukraine's "sovereignty" and how it was "violated." I like to point out that the American position on sovereignty, from its beginnings, has been that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the citizens. Once the government of Ukraine decided to conduct genocide against Donbass Russians (listen to Poroshenko's speech of damnation), it forfeited any claim to just powers, including sovereignty. Russia was the only government that stepped in to protect the people's sovereignty in the Donbass.
You could make the argument that the typical model of sovereignty has never really applied to Ukraine. It's an artificial construct of the Bolsheviks which has had various parts added on to it time and again. It existed essentially as a pluralistic state but with a unitary administration mainly of former soviet officials and gangsters who declared independence as a means to help themselves to enormous amounts of Soviet state property. It never confronted the oligarchs like the former KGB in Russia did. There was no capacity in the system to reform it to a more federalised system that may have allowed the country to survive.
The Ukrainian government was fed the notion from the very beginning that by separating from Russia it would prosper even though most of its Soviet industries were tied into Russia's economy and it never has. Ukrainians seem to have come to widely believe that joining the EU would be the magic bullet to their problems when really many of the changes needed to make Ukraine become more westernised could only really come from inside like crushing the oligarchs and clamping down on corruption.
Ukraine post 1991 has been a Greek tragedy. If the West had actually tried to help them without playing geo-politcal games against Russia it might well have been the best long term medicine for Western-Russian relations as the country may well have served as a bridge between Russia and the West.
While he is going down by hand of white hats(for good reason) they might as well use his demolition to get some actual truth out in view and circulation....
It's amazing how some on the left don't question how Ukraine was a hot spot during BO's administration. Then went quiet during T's to the kinetic action it is now. So odd.
GOTTA LOVE the crumbling of this narrative! UNLESS the public are educated on the "Maidan Coup" and all the Global Elite power playing that preceded it, which gave Russia NO other choice than to protect itself we are all doomed to suffer the fate of IGNORANCE.
Yeh, agree. Sad thing is that most can't even point to Ukraine on a map, much less comprehend the politics behind it all.
Worse, those same people can't even explain what the 1st and 2nd Amendments to our own Constitution really says or means, much less the other 8 that totals the Bill of Rights.
My sister is someone who can find Ukraine on a map yet is one of these braindead zombies who swallows the MSM narrative about it whole sale. What have we done as a civilisation where people who aren't entirely thick can believe the world works in the way the lying no good satan worshipping pro pedophile mainstream media serves up?
Its more than just the politics involved, there is 1500 years of history to take into account.
People think the bill of rights come in 1, 20, 50, and 100
You don't need to be able to point it out on a map if the statements and context relate to things like NATO's mass sanctions of Russia, putting NATO installations on their border in Ukraine, etc.
You can also comprehend concepts like the color revolution without knowing it's actual location.
I know it's a turn of phrase, but I have always felt that particular one a bit awkward for certain overarching discussions.
Most people on both sides can't point to it on a map, but the side with a moral compass can understand why Russia might feel hostile.
To believe our governments assertion that Russia attacked unprovoked you had to actively avoid and/or deny all truth.
Wait until the sheeples wake up to the fact that Russia is actually liberating regions and that those regions have freely voted to join Russia.
What you assume is the left is shrinking by the minute.
Because "Orange man bad".
The dailymail headline is negative towards Farage
However, the best rated comments don't agree to the media and support Nigel for saying the truth. Seems like the masses don't believe what the media is feeding them!!
You can tell that's just campaigning with this line: "every vote for Farage is celebrated in Moscow"
It's one thing when a campaign is making those statements, but media and such should not be since voters really shouldn't care about other countries directly.
Much is made of Ukraine's "sovereignty" and how it was "violated." I like to point out that the American position on sovereignty, from its beginnings, has been that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the citizens. Once the government of Ukraine decided to conduct genocide against Donbass Russians (listen to Poroshenko's speech of damnation), it forfeited any claim to just powers, including sovereignty. Russia was the only government that stepped in to protect the people's sovereignty in the Donbass.
You could make the argument that the typical model of sovereignty has never really applied to Ukraine. It's an artificial construct of the Bolsheviks which has had various parts added on to it time and again. It existed essentially as a pluralistic state but with a unitary administration mainly of former soviet officials and gangsters who declared independence as a means to help themselves to enormous amounts of Soviet state property. It never confronted the oligarchs like the former KGB in Russia did. There was no capacity in the system to reform it to a more federalised system that may have allowed the country to survive.
The Ukrainian government was fed the notion from the very beginning that by separating from Russia it would prosper even though most of its Soviet industries were tied into Russia's economy and it never has. Ukrainians seem to have come to widely believe that joining the EU would be the magic bullet to their problems when really many of the changes needed to make Ukraine become more westernised could only really come from inside like crushing the oligarchs and clamping down on corruption.
Ukraine post 1991 has been a Greek tragedy. If the West had actually tried to help them without playing geo-politcal games against Russia it might well have been the best long term medicine for Western-Russian relations as the country may well have served as a bridge between Russia and the West.
While he is going down by hand of white hats(for good reason) they might as well use his demolition to get some actual truth out in view and circulation....
This in 2014
It's amazing how some on the left don't question how Ukraine was a hot spot during BO's administration. Then went quiet during T's to the kinetic action it is now. So odd.
If russia was unprovoked then everyone forgot 2014 when ukraine fired the first shots
They do pour out the propaganda refuting the dire situation of the Ukranian people who they've placed in unnecessary harms way.
File this under the "No Shit" sign.
Like every single conflict this nation has been in since the end of WWII, we started them.