Regime media suddenly admits an unelected “oligarchy” surrounding Biden is really in charge of the country. “This decades-long kitchen cabinet operates as a… governing oligarchy." It's amazing to watching entire media suddenly morph into far-right extremist conspiracy theorists!

Isn't that the definition of the deep state? Or am I sinking into conspiracy theory mode again? What a fascinating turn of events this year has brought us (so far).
Oligarchy is synonymous with the Deep State. The normies are being flooded with redpills from the MSM now.
The plan in action. Everything funneling down to a singular date, November 5th. There have been many here espousing this even as the normies bounce from news cycle to news cycle taking everything at face value doing the blackpill boogie.
Let us not forget even fuckin Nostradamus predicted a time of "two presidents". I really wonder what 'it will be biblical' truly means
I kinda hope its the rapture. The world needs it.
But unlikely we deserve it , our edumacation far from complete.
They still need to get rid of Rachel Madcow!!!
What’s weirder is
Why are there two articles on the same platform by the same guy on the same subject put out there with different wording?
Is this a glitch in the matrix?
You are not suggesting Brandon is Mr. Kaufman's Shabbos Goy ?
I know this isn’t what’s meant by that, but Joe Biden keeps Shabbat like Jeffrey Dahmer kept kashrut.
No, I’m curious why two articles that seem targeted to different groups of us plebs, with similar content, by the same guy, on the same root subject matter, both showed up as the top two results in my search. Their targeting algorithm must have broke.
I would argue this is a soft disclosure op attempt to normalize it to the masses.
MSM trying to get ahead of and catch the falling knife....they don't know it's a guillotine.
Keeping the herd calm in the thunderstorm when the blade hits is the first goal.
More those throwing stars I'm Mad Max ;)
When I think of the “Deep State,” I imagine it as a malevolent bureaucracy controlling the federal government in whole or in part (e.g., D.O.J.).
His choice of “oligarchy” is interesting. Usually, oligarchies are controlled by more permanent classes that are served by the more transitory bureaucracy and/or elected political class.
Very slightly different meanings? Of course. It’s one of those things that comes off as ambiguous.
The United States Federal Government (indeed, all present day governments in the world) have not been "recently taken over" by the "Deep State," on the contrary, my research suggests they were all created by them. This "Deep State" (I'm not a fan of that phrase because it is somewhat misleading) acts somewhat like a Oligarchy, but is, I think, really more of a hierarchical Theocracy.
The effort by this Hidden Hand that is now being exposed goes back very, very far into the past. Indeed, I think the entire "Enlightenment" movement, and all of the other major social changes that have occurred over the past few centuries; the scientific advancements, the social advancements, push for more democratic governments (The Great Lie), the "Revolutions," the apparent movement away from the Monarchies, etc. were all the work of this Theocracy, designed to consolidate power into one faction of the larger power group and move society into their version of "Utopia."
In many cases the "losses" that we think we observe in history and on the world stage are not actual losses, but intentional appearances of a "loss" that hide the consolidation of power and create a population wide false belief. For example, the present day "Oligarchy" that is currently being exposed has been the clear and dominant power ("Deep State") since the late 19th century. The "breaking up of the Rockefeller Trust" as attributed to Teddy Roosevelt was a complete farce which did exactly what I said, and the exact opposite of what it pretended; i.e. it was an apparent loss that was actually a great victory for The Trust, hiding their complete Monopoly behind The Grand Illusion. I have laid this particular scam out in great detail in my report which you can find here.
This was just a consolidation of power however. Prior to Rockefeller, the Aristocracy already controlled everything in America. The Bankers wrote the Constitution which is easily seen if one reads it and pays attention to the fine print. In other words, there were different factions before the Rockefeller consolidation of power, but the United States was still run by the same Aristocracy before and after.
Almost everyone else in America (I'll call them the "99%"), from it's beginning as English colonies, up until the Constitution was written, and all the way through the Rockefeller consolidation were little more than slaves. The number of indentured servants, slaves, and at best, wage laborers (people who were not contractually slaves, but also did not, and due to economic control, could not own land or their own business) was the lower 99% (or so) of American Society. History paints a completely different picture, and calls America the "Land of Opportunity." Nothing could be further from the truth, or rather, it's true, just not as we think it is. It was the land were the 1% (the lower members of the Aristocracy) could become the 0.01% (the higher members of the Aristocracy). The 99%, those not born to an Aristocratic family, were still fucked from birth to death. This is seen when one actually looks at the population, education, and economic data from the 16th through 19th centuries, then investigates who history talks about as "raising their station", and who their daddy/granddaddy was. All of this information is left out of our "official history." You don't have to lie to rewrite history, you just have to leave things out. You would not believe how much has been left out.
The ideas that this "Deep State" is something new is a lie, a farce, the illusion you are supposed to believe. This particular effort towards a very specific "Utopia" run by one faction has been going non-stop for at least four centuries, and I think likely more like five, possibly starting with Jakob Fugger et al and maybe even before.
Terrific high-effort comment, Slyver -- worthy of being its own post.
YES! Although actual lying is clearly in evidence as well.
Oh ya, there's some doozies. But most of the out right lies (the ones that matter) are the things that "everyone knows are true." That makes them much more difficult to expose.
If you want to know where the lies are, look to those things that everyone (or almost everyone) agrees on.
Very good post.
The Robber Barron era was just a brief pull back of the curtain to make the public think that they were exposed and that their power would be broken up. But those same players never went away and are still around and were around before the Robber Barron era.
Misdirection to advance their vision of a utopia by consolidating power and influence.
Interesting, to me it’s both. I see the Clintons, Obama and Bushes as the oligarchy, and the ones they appointed into positions are the deep state operators, the ones on the frontlines. Anyway that’s how I see that
Those are not traditional families of power and more of the low level foot soldiers of the old families that carry out their bidding.
The old families of Europe are the ones with lasting power and why they often grapple with the new families of influence and wealth (eg Saudi Arabia) or build alliances/business dealings.
There is a lot of more for sale than just business and it is about power and influence.
I always wondered why Andrew Tate of all people all of sudden aligned himself with Muslim Arabs. That is because he was really pissing off the old guard of the families of Europe by influencing young men in the western world to resist the programming of the western "media".