Agreed that she comes off as rough, but she's appealing to a constituency that isn't at all offended by this. I worked in NYC for awhile (decades ago) and the-f-word is merely an adjective - a rather commonly-used one at that. Not having been raised to talk like that, it came off as abrasive at first, but once you get used to its pervasive use you kind of get desensitized to it. Listening to New Yorkers who talk like that, for me and, more importantly, for her constituents, it's as offensive as if she'd used the word "stupid" (f-ing) or "get lost" (f- off).
She's been running forever. She needs a campaign manager. I took a trip to NYC last year and thought I'd see her do a rally or something. She hasn't made a peep.
Look at the shape of the world, run by men. They can't be trusted in positions of power either. FFS, there are good and bad people of all kinds. Stop with the bullshit division tactics, you sound like a leftist. That is what they do.
Time to FIRE AOC.....
Just hoping that we are not replacing her with a Rino.
Tina seems to be MAGA....
YEP good profile. I guess everyone is sooo cynical these day,s. That is why TRUMP endorsements are so needed. AND really good research from locals.
Even Trump endorses Rinos.
Be nice if she is.
She ran 2 years ago, the stole it from her...
Oh, a steal?
I like Tina ---- she cusses like a sailor.
She needs to tone it down a lot for the general public.
I do think she is on our side.
She is not cussing. That's just her Bronx accent.
Thanks. The shitshow of AOC need to go
She has cleaned up her language since this
Omigod, I LOVE her!
Agreed that she comes off as rough, but she's appealing to a constituency that isn't at all offended by this. I worked in NYC for awhile (decades ago) and the-f-word is merely an adjective - a rather commonly-used one at that. Not having been raised to talk like that, it came off as abrasive at first, but once you get used to its pervasive use you kind of get desensitized to it. Listening to New Yorkers who talk like that, for me and, more importantly, for her constituents, it's as offensive as if she'd used the word "stupid" (f-ing) or "get lost" (f- off).
Everyone is so fucking sensitive
I still want to see a cage match :)
With this one and especially her last name, AOC won't stand a chance.
Dont think shes a Rino..Ive followed her since 2016..Pretty tough gal
Heard she campaign from her basement.
ME TOO, At least AOC is red pilling half the nation on the dangers of voting for a really stupid person.
AOC is an actress playing a stupid role
I AGREE but give me her over a rino anyday.
I don't want a rino.
It's NYC . Do not throw out the better is search of the perfect. But keep looking for even better , while keeping the heat on the RINO's
Good observation for NYC
FYI, I don't know anything about her. NYers, you do the research
Tiktok won't let me get to it. Sorry.
try seraching her up on youtube...she put out some very colorful videos lol....pretty much layed into everything....
"'da fuck outta here!!"
yeah yeah yeah
K. Thanks.
shes a ball buster.....
*sponsored by Kia
Kia? Korea vehicle. Interesting.
Huge enemy to your cause.
And.. you've got Tina Forte?
Jesus.. do you just like losing that much?
Not sure what you mean?
As long as she isn't a rino dog.
She's been running forever. She needs a campaign manager. I took a trip to NYC last year and thought I'd see her do a rally or something. She hasn't made a peep.
So she campaign from her basement. I got you.
Gotta give this woman credit she is nothing else but persistent! Pay attention people this is one powerful lady!
Also tough if she lives in the Bronx.
Make the word “fuck” great again…
NO. We don't want Maga known as bunch of cursing people.
I love this patriot. She's got the right knd of balls.
From the Bronx, you have to be tough but I also heard she campaign from basement.
"Making uppity leftists bite the proverbial curb? That's..." Puts on shades " Forte."
I'm tired of Botox faced emotional virtue signalers in office. Pass. Women can't be trusted in positions of power. Period.
Look at the shape of the world, run by men. They can't be trusted in positions of power either. FFS, there are good and bad people of all kinds. Stop with the bullshit division tactics, you sound like a leftist. That is what they do.
Found the feminist.
Found the woman hating faggot leftist loser. Reddit is calling for their village idiot back!
he ran last time and lost.