posted ago by MAGA_Patriot_1776 ago by MAGA_Patriot_1776 +57 / -1

Three snipers were stationed inside building used in Trump assassination attempt

This is pure speculation. I am not making any authoritative statements. This is a random thought to generate conversation and pure speculation. Everyone should use their own mind to think of their own thoughts and take none of this as a statement of fact. It is pure speculation and not to be taken as a call for violence of any kind.

The story goes that a deranged young man who was a registered Republican but donated to democratic causes was a lone gunman on a rooftop. This rooftop was likely one of the best locations possible for an assassin to attempt to kill President Trump. It was straight in front of President Trump and within range of a regular rifle. A sniper rifle was NOT required.

Of all of the places to secure, this one building was likely the highest priority. It is impossible to think that the Secret Service or Local Law Enforcement would leave this ideal shooting location unguarded and unsecured.

Eye witness account: Exclusive on Trump Assassination: โ€œIโ€™ve Been to Every Trump Rally, They Left a Clear Line-of-Sight to Kill Trumpโ€ (VIDEO INTERVIEW)

It has been reported that Audio forensics suggest as many as three weapons fired at Trump rally.

It is also being reported that Three snipers were stationed inside building used in Trump assassination attempt.

If three snipers inside the building shot at President Trump, and there was a lone gunman on the roof "shooting" at President Trump, the trajectory of the bullets would be pretty close to the same. They would at least come from the same direction and the same range, albeit at a different elevation than the roof, but maybe close enough.

Dallas Alexander, a veteran sniper whose team holds the world record for the longest confirmed sniper kill, has suggested that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a rally on Saturday night, may have had inside help.

Dallas Opinion 1 Here.

Dallas Dan Crenshaw Rebuttle Here.

Is it possible that Crooks was simply a patsy on the roof? Was the real kill team inside?

Again. Pure speculation. For discussion purposes only. Not a call for violence in any way. Always discern and think for yourself. Be kind and don't hurt anyone.