BLUEANON Conspiracy: Democrats Accuse Trump of Staging His Own Assassination Attempt — Claim Trump Uses ‘Fake Blood’ with the Help of Secret Service
🧠 These people are stupid!
I think it is funny how they deny all the false flags and staged events of the Left but ALL OF THE SUDDEN become conspiracy experts when Trump is invovled.
Yes and I've been doing my part in mocking the hell out of them all over social media. Remember these people don't respond to reason, you need to use their own Alinsky principles against them. They really don't like being called "BlueAnon", "Lefty Alex Jones", told that they're "going full Sandy Hook", etc. Even the lefties that aren't full braindead are calling them idiots.
Only agree with them that someone allowed the attempt to happen and point out that evidence but the minute they suggest that Trump is the new Smollet shut their ass down.
Unfortunately we have some people here that believe it was staged, as well. They think since Q once posted “potus is insulated”, that means it’s impossible for anyone to really take a shot a Trump.
There has been a lot of that here this week. I'd love to know how many of them *actually believe it is fake, and how many of them are simply shills.
I think there’s a third possibility: that this war has gone on for so long that they’ve lost their basic humanity.
In my opinion the following is definitive proof that this wasn't staged...
Look at this sequence of three rapid-fire high-definition pictures taken right at the moment the bullet struck his ear. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1e2q931/the_photograph_sequence_of_the_bullet_that_hit/
(The first of these photos is the one that 'captures the bullet in mid-air'.)
Notice this:
In the first picture, his hand is clean. In the second, he reaches for his ear. In the third, his hand is bloodied.
This sequence all happens in a fraction of a second. There's no time to 'pop a blood packet'.
Also, where would the blood packet be? There is no 'blood packet' in his hand (you can see an empty hand in pic #1), and there is no way that a blood packet was 'taped behind his ear' (it would have easily been spotted prior to the shooting - there were lots of hi-def cameras on that man).
Something definitively 'ripped through his ear' during that photo sequence.
(From my comment on another post.)
See also Beyond incompetence; The Shooters & The Water Tower - Peak Prosperity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YUoBcp1me0&list=WL&index=4
Two shooters!?
It's already been debunked.. someone had a good link on it yesterday on this site.
Yep. And I would advise anons to be on the lookout here on GAW for accts that are propagating the "it's muh WH fake shooting/allowed to happen by DJT psyop".
I've noticed several handshake accts spamming many of the rising posts early this morning with this ridiculous narrative.
Longer-held accounts too.
Just checking in. ;)
Are you suggesting we should silence and/or deport anyone who thinks this event is a Q psyop? I think it's a Q psyop. I'd bet my life on it. I've put forth numerous arguments that support it and they remain unanswered.
I'm pretty sure I'm not a "handshake." That doesn't mean my thoughts or opinions need to align with yours, or that I should be silenced if they don't.
Not at all. The only thing I've ever been vocal about silencing on this board is known PAYtriot garbage.
I'm suggesting recognizing and remembering who is pushing whatever narratives that are causing division or creating potentially false buns. I merely notice patterns and eat crayons. As the old humble saying goes, all I know is that I don't know.
Going by what we know so far, what's on the notable board, and the drops themselves I don't see anything to suggest this was a WH operation other than possible, if limited foresight and using the enemies own moves against them judo style.
Could it be the scare event? Sure, but that's assuming something scarier isn't in store the next X months. I don't personally auto attribute X habbening to Y drop. There's still months if not years of the movie yet to go.
Beyond incompetence; The Shooters & The Water Tower - Peak Prosperity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YUoBcp1me0&list=WL&index=4
Two shooters!?
Any good Q psyop that didn't make it seem like an "inside job" would have been an utter failure. It HAD to look like that, otherwise it would have been useless for the GA. I don't think that this was a Q psyop because it increases the number of Trump votes (though it certainly does that). I think it was a Q psyop because the "inside job" thing must be exposed. People have to understand how evil the system we live in is. This is a part of that exposition.
The parallels with JFK are uncanny, and are being made mainstream. I suggest that is not coincidental. Once people start looking at both under the same microscope, and they see that nothing has changed in all that time, and that the CIA is connected (really the same as) all the other intelligence agencies, and that they control the world by controlling all information...
That's what this is all about.
It's almost believable because it was such a lack of security. However trump would NEVER allow someone innocent get hurt. The rational part of me thinks security for events has been lax for years and we are now seeing the results. The CT in me thinks Jill Biden set it all up. Notice they are not talking about Joe stepping down.
At least we can all agree that the feds cannot be trusted.
Not the Left. The State is their God
the only conspiracy here is how the hell these people are still asleep.
That is a fact Jack not a theory LoL
Tin-Foil-Hat Losers loool
so if they feel it is plausible that Trump faked all this, then it is also plausible ashley babbit faked being shot, stoneman might have been a ff, and sandy hook was a psyop...
Q said it right, These people are stupid!
They type who believe precisely what they choose to believe. Logic and evidence don't matter.
I knew this would be one of the headlines eventually. These people are demons.
Oh those same secret service agents the were inside the building below the shooter? Do those Secret Service agents not work for Joe Biden? Just asking!