When you wake up tomorrow, it may be a whole new world. Here is what COULD happen:
Biden will be dead by morning. Harris by virtue of the fact that her parents were foreign students from Jamaica and India at the time of her birth will be disqualified as a presidential candidate.
Speaker, Mike Johnson, will become Interim President. Under law, he can invoke article 25 and place anyone he chooses as president. That includes his drunk neighbor if he wants.
Mike Johnson will place Donald J. Trump as president. Trump will then invoke Executive Order 13848 and begin taking down the deep state, including seizing assets from Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street.
The gaffs today by Secret Service director Kim Cheatle revealed that there was more than one shooter. That second shooter is identified as Maxwell Yearnick. He is an Antifa associate who did a year in prison after the Portland riots. He is an avid Trump hater. She also alluded to having to be concerned about “Continuity of Government.” You are only concerned about that in the event of Executive order 13848!
Yearnick will be tied financially to Antifa - which in turn now implicates Soros. The entire Soros family and organization will be arrested and sent to GITMO.
AOC today announced that there is a “civil war” inside the DNC. She said that they are going to remove the entire “Ticket!” Meaning Biden and Harris. AOC is in fear for her life now, and my turn states evidence.
There will be no presidential pardons for Hunter Biden or any of the criminals in the Biden family.
High ranking criminals in the Democrat party and some in the Republican Party will be arrested and sent to GITMO.
Trump will meet with Putin within ten days and end the war in Ukraine.
Zelensky will flee the country and go into hiding. All of his mansions in the USA will be seized.
Trust the Plan!
From ur mouth to God’s ears
OMG I was going to say the exact same thing but, “From your keyboard to God’s eyes!”
Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
Your parents have no bearing on your eligibility of President of the United States, unless your parents are BOTH citizens of the United States and you're born abroad, in which case you are considered a natural born United States citizen.
Under the 14th Amendment's Naturalization Clause and the Supreme Court case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 US. 649, anyone born on U.S. soil and subject to its jurisdiction is a natural born citizen, regardless of parental citizenship.
As much as I wish she wasn't able to become the President, it's untrue that Kamala is ineligible because of her parents. Let's not spread bullshit, everyone. ♥
Wrong SC case site. . .should be Minor vs Happersett 1875. She is not a natural born citizen. She is not eligible. Minor vs Happersett provides definition of natural born citizen as born of two (plural) US citizen parents.
He also most likely knew Crooks because I believe they both went to that same shooting range. Says it in the first 20 seconds of video...
That Would/should happen IF the US. Constitution were Still enforced by The US. Military. We will see.
Kamala Harris can become the new POTUS since she is a natural born citizen. Sources : https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artII-S1-C5-1/ALDE_00013692/ "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. " and https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/natural_born_citizen "A natural born citizen refers to someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth, and did not need to go through a naturalization proceeding later in life. "
I was going to mention that if she was disqualified from becoming prsident, wouldn't that also mean she couldn't be VP ?
What was the latest on Yearick? Was it him who was shot on the roof? Who was Crooks then if not one of the shooters?
God bless you.
God willing.
Why would he go after Blackrock when he is rumored to have picked Larry Fink to be in his cabinet?
As long as they drop the claim DJT won in 2020. If they prove that, he can't be elected for 2024. He can be installed for Joe's remainder term and then serve 2025 -2029.
This has got to be the precipice. I've never seen the roller coaster get this high before. I wonder what the military's DEFCON is.
You've got one hell of an imagination! 😳
Wouldn't that be something!!
All very reasonable predictions.
Make it so!