We want her removed so SOTH takes the reigns. Kamala should not be 'acting' President even for an hour, never mind days or weeks or months whole this situation is resolved.
Egh, its admirable to think so. Problem is, if you impeach Kamala, she can't be used as an example to help the awakening. Anything used against her is ineffective to the cause, and she's perfect for exposure. Its quite expected for others to try to impeach her, because then the target is eased off of them as well.
I think that kamala is a bad candidate. This move may be a favor to the bad guys. Knowing whether Ogles has a history doing the deep-state's bidding would help me to decide what this is all about. I am not familiar with him. There are a lot of swamp creatures with R next to their name.
Ogles can have the best of intentions and this can still be a shit idea. Not sure myself, but it could definitely fuck us over in November depending on how people react.
Next to counter the Martyr status Trump gain from the PA attempt, maybe they'll fake Kamalamadingdong getting pregnant where she has to get a back alley abortion to become one with all the baby killers who no longer have access to state sponsored Infanticide.
A side note: What come to mine when you hear word Geronticide. I was thinking about the Texas on the airplane.
So, for our Tennessee patriots, Is Ogles a good guy or establishment. Just trying to figure out this move.
Ask TNBanjoman he will tell you.
He lives there.
He's White Hat all the way. As mayor he fought the covid mandates!
Thank you.
Agreed. Not in my area, but I like what I know of Andy.
He does have a funny name, though.
No. Keep her in there, she's gotta be in power when everyone thinks the world is imploding
If someone is in office because they stole an election, than that is what you impeach them on. This legitimizes their steal.
Bingo. You cannot impeach an illegitimate office holder.
How hard is it to use the Constitution to state and prove that she isn’t eligible?
Better to go full retard and push the ineligible angle instead of impeachment
What seems to be the Trouble, officer?
Trying to figure out why we want Harris removed at the moment.
We want her removed so SOTH takes the reigns. Kamala should not be 'acting' President even for an hour, never mind days or weeks or months whole this situation is resolved.
Not a fan of auto correct...reins was meant but maybe Reigns over the House so Trump gets installed is acceptable.
That's ok Lisa, we all knew what you meant whole we read it.
Thx Amber - Others are not so kind.
Well now I just feel like an asshole, I was being a smartass & pointing out the other typo/auto correct. It was all in jest though
I never spell check and auto correct fucks me up all the yame
Yebbit the farmers need the reign
Egh, its admirable to think so. Problem is, if you impeach Kamala, she can't be used as an example to help the awakening. Anything used against her is ineffective to the cause, and she's perfect for exposure. Its quite expected for others to try to impeach her, because then the target is eased off of them as well.
I think that kamala is a bad candidate. This move may be a favor to the bad guys. Knowing whether Ogles has a history doing the deep-state's bidding would help me to decide what this is all about. I am not familiar with him. There are a lot of swamp creatures with R next to their name.
Ogles can have the best of intentions and this can still be a shit idea. Not sure myself, but it could definitely fuck us over in November depending on how people react.
Next to counter the Martyr status Trump gain from the PA attempt, maybe they'll fake Kamalamadingdong getting pregnant where she has to get a back alley abortion to become one with all the baby killers who no longer have access to state sponsored Infanticide.
A side note: What come to mine when you hear word Geronticide. I was thinking about the Texas on the airplane.
Now, this could be the play.