Obama could not be ELECTED to the office of the President.
But he could be ELECTED as VP and he could be APPOINTED as either POTUS or VP. Nothing in the Constitution restricts him from being APPOINTED to either office and nothing restricts him from HOLDING either office. He is restricted by the 22nd Amendment from being ELECTED to POTUS but he is not restricted from being elected as VP. He could be elected as VP and then APPOINTED as POTUS and he could then HOLD the office of POTUS. (Birth Certificate issues aside.)
Since when does the left play by any rules or any provisions in the constitution? Wouldn’t surprise me at all if they nominated him as VP and called everyone racist for having a problem with it.
Also wouldn’t surprise me if they nominated him as VP and the Republicans in office did nothing to combat it.
Michael doesn't qualify either... he was born in Kenya with Obama. They were boyfriends there.that cat is out of the bag. Won't get away with it again.
But IF Big Mike were to get in at any level, that automatically includes the kenyan. I could see them trying to do it. There is no rule or law that they give even a glancing concern about.
Obama could be appointed to the office of VP. But he couldn't be elected to the office of VP. For example Gerald Ford was never elected as either POTUS or VP, he was APPOINTED to both. Barrack could be APPOINTED to either of those offices, but he couldn't be ELECTED to either. 22nd Amendment only restricts someone being ELECTED to the office if they've already served two terms. If Barrack were to be APPOINTED (as was Ford) then he could hold the office. So if Joe resigned right now and Kamala became POTUS she could APPOINT Barrack and then resign. Then Barrack would be APPOINTED to POTUS without having been ELECTED and the 22nd wouldn't come into play.
For 0bama to be appointed VP, both houses of CONgress would have to approve via a majority vote. Personally I don't believe there is a chance in hell that either team would vote for that. Reps wouldn't want him anyway, and Dems are theoretically smart enough to realize that would be tied up in every court for years until it reached SCOTUS. I could see half of the state AGs suing to stop it, individually. By the time a case reached SCOTUS the situation would be long over, and the only thing to be decided is what to do about the 12th, 20th, 22nd, and 25th amendments so nobody tried it again. That is - if SCOTUS doesn't just punt saying the point is moot.
What's worse is if Kamala is stupid enough to try it, she could also be stupid enough to step down before any court cases are filed - leaving the POTUS and VP both vacant. We would be left with the SoTH Mike Johnson as POTUS (currently a Rep) and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate Patty Murray (currently a Dem) as VP - and of course another open SoTH vote to replace Johnson.
Also that would mean for the first time ever, the Executive branch would be run by the top two ranking people in the Legislative branch just a day before.
It is a fun exercise, but there is zero chance of it happening.
Finally - Ford was not appointed to both offices. He was appointed and confirmed as VP, but he assumed the office of President (via succession and the 25th amendment) when Nixon stepped down. Immediately and Automatically.
I suppose if Kamala were to take the office of POTUS right now she could appoint BO (or anybody) as VP and then let Congress and the courts fight it out. While they're doing that she could appoint anyone at all as acting VP.
edit: I did some research and it looks like there can be no such thing as an "acting VP".
What if Panama changes his name again then is it legal? Asking for Barry Soetoro
Therefore the laws of this land are meaningless. That street goes both ways.
Ok he became president with fake birth certificate
Obama could not be ELECTED to the office of the President. But he could be ELECTED as VP and he could be APPOINTED as either POTUS or VP. Nothing in the Constitution restricts him from being APPOINTED to either office and nothing restricts him from HOLDING either office. He is restricted by the 22nd Amendment from being ELECTED to POTUS but he is not restricted from being elected as VP. He could be elected as VP and then APPOINTED as POTUS and he could then HOLD the office of POTUS. (Birth Certificate issues aside.)
This is what Dave is saying and giving a basic reading of the text, this all checks out.
Since when does the left play by any rules or any provisions in the constitution? Wouldn’t surprise me at all if they nominated him as VP and called everyone racist for having a problem with it.
Also wouldn’t surprise me if they nominated him as VP and the Republicans in office did nothing to combat it.
Came to say it.
Uh, yeah...because demonrats always obey the laws.
It's 2024. Rules don't matter. Look at the DNC.
Obama vp is still possible. You forget the MOHAP
That’s why Q post 4083 is pointing to this article: The Hill article from post 4083
The 2020 liberal/communist COUP, fixed the US. vote and installed and unelected POTUS, which Is Impossible.
Other than sternly worded subpoenas and swearing at them in Congress- whose going to stop them?
Could They be referring to Michael.... AKA Michelle Obama
Allowed and eligible seem to have little consequence these days.
Reminds me of The Princess Bride, "Inconceivable!", "I do not think this word means what you think it means..."
Could they make him Kamala's chief of staff?
Michael doesn't qualify either... he was born in Kenya with Obama. They were boyfriends there.that cat is out of the bag. Won't get away with it again.
Haiiiiiiii my name is Dave....
How he keeps it going
That will stop him from trying to steer from behind with Michelle ( AKA Big Mike )
But IF Big Mike were to get in at any level, that automatically includes the kenyan. I could see them trying to do it. There is no rule or law that they give even a glancing concern about.
I thought this was obvious. Makes me really question Dave in the future.
It wasn’t the only flub I heard from him recently. I’ve moved on.
Obama could be appointed to the office of VP. But he couldn't be elected to the office of VP. For example Gerald Ford was never elected as either POTUS or VP, he was APPOINTED to both. Barrack could be APPOINTED to either of those offices, but he couldn't be ELECTED to either. 22nd Amendment only restricts someone being ELECTED to the office if they've already served two terms. If Barrack were to be APPOINTED (as was Ford) then he could hold the office. So if Joe resigned right now and Kamala became POTUS she could APPOINT Barrack and then resign. Then Barrack would be APPOINTED to POTUS without having been ELECTED and the 22nd wouldn't come into play.
For 0bama to be appointed VP, both houses of CONgress would have to approve via a majority vote. Personally I don't believe there is a chance in hell that either team would vote for that. Reps wouldn't want him anyway, and Dems are theoretically smart enough to realize that would be tied up in every court for years until it reached SCOTUS. I could see half of the state AGs suing to stop it, individually. By the time a case reached SCOTUS the situation would be long over, and the only thing to be decided is what to do about the 12th, 20th, 22nd, and 25th amendments so nobody tried it again. That is - if SCOTUS doesn't just punt saying the point is moot.
What's worse is if Kamala is stupid enough to try it, she could also be stupid enough to step down before any court cases are filed - leaving the POTUS and VP both vacant. We would be left with the SoTH Mike Johnson as POTUS (currently a Rep) and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate Patty Murray (currently a Dem) as VP - and of course another open SoTH vote to replace Johnson.
Also that would mean for the first time ever, the Executive branch would be run by the top two ranking people in the Legislative branch just a day before.
It is a fun exercise, but there is zero chance of it happening.
Finally - Ford was not appointed to both offices. He was appointed and confirmed as VP, but he assumed the office of President (via succession and the 25th amendment) when Nixon stepped down. Immediately and Automatically.
I suppose if Kamala were to take the office of POTUS right now she could appoint BO (or anybody) as VP and then let Congress and the courts fight it out. While they're doing that she could appoint anyone at all as acting VP.
edit: I did some research and it looks like there can be no such thing as an "acting VP".
Dave is wrong about a number of things.
Lets start with Europa