Yepp. I found this site and what Q was in December 2020. I followed rabbit holes upon rabbit holes of truth until the ultimate Truth, Jesus Christ, revealed a himself to me by the end of Jan 2021. It was truly a supernatural experience. I’ve been following Him ever since 😎
Yep. Started following Trump in 2015 and Q in 2018 as an atheist, gave my heart to Jesus a little over 3 years ago. I just couldn't deny God's loving hand anymore.
I am not new here. I have been banned before for dooming and for doubting. If admitting that results in another ban, so be it. I only wish to speak the truth and not lie.
I was previously not a 'believer' in the sense that many here are/were.
I did however have 'faith' in God through a direct experience. For a very long time, I thought I was 'above' religious interpretation. I saw it as 'metaphor' and looked down, however compassionately I believed it be, on those that took religious teachings to be 'literal'. I was misguided.
I also followed 'Q' and saw it as real in a sense, but more of teaching device created by a team of people, without 'anything else' going on. - I believe I was wrong.
With the attempted assassination of President Trump, all that has changed
I believe we witnessed a genuine miracle. 'Miracles' didn't happen to jive with what I thought possible about the laws of nature, God etc.
I began to question deeply and suffer immense existential terror. Panic attack upon panic attack, convinced I was about to die. I can't really put it into words, suffice to say it was really scary and horrifying. Something like 'Hell'
I could write a thousands of words for this section, it's really really hard to put it into words and I'm not very good at it. I'm imperfect, quite frankly I'm terrible and fail in many ways, as we all do, but truly I'm terrible, so I'm not going to try unless people really want to hear it and I can find the words somehow to do it. So I'll just skip this bit. I suffered greatly and I called upon anything, anyone, to bear this suffering and ease my burden. That's about as far as I can really go toward explaining it for now
From this great suffering I was filled, for the first time, with a sense of compassion. This suffering is the suffering that that all beings suffer and for the first time I felt true compassion. This is really the point I want to get at. This is something I have never experienced before. I 'thought' that I understood it, but I hadn't experienced it directly
my goodness how to even tie this together... Everything kind of flows from experiencing this infinite compassion/mercy/love/light
Q is real. It is time travel, essentially, and there is indeed a team of 'patriots' or 'white hats' with access to a machine or some device that receives data or information from a future point. Very complicated stuff, I believe I have found the mechanism by which this is possible. I'm happy to explain but it's very 'out there' stuff
For a long time, until this recent experience, I was 'resistant' toward the message and teachings of Jesus Christ as lord and saviour. As I said, I thought I was 'above it' and didn't 'need' this teaching to have my personal connection to God.
All that has changed
If you wish to continue reading, please know that my words are just words or metaphor. They are shaped by the framework of my experience and language and are according to my limited ability to express it with the language I am able
Jesus was an awakened being. He is of the 'father' or god, and he came to end the 'suffering' or 'sin' of other beings. He sacrificed his life out of 'love' or 'infinite compassion/mercy' so that all who call upon his name and follow his way may be 'saved' and have eternal life in 'heaven'.
His vow was to awaken all beings and rid them of suffering
I have made the same vow, as we are all called to make it
It is not through coercion or threat of judgement, but motivated by great compassion
I am not Jesus. I am not even a 'good' person. I have failed and will continue to fail and be imperfect.
What I can do, is to follow the 'way' or 'path'
It is like this,
Illuminated by the 'True light', infinite radiating compassion/mercy/love/light/peach/truth
shining forth, effortlessly luminous, from the hearts of an infinite number of other beings walking the path, motivated by compassion, etc
my words are poor and my explanation sucks. Jesus said it better
and that's enough, more than enough
the skilfulness of his teaching is unsurpassed amongst us
So I will shut up
God bless you :)
I'm happy to extrapolate further about Q if you would like and perhaps other elements but essential yes, 'Jesus saves' and I no longer walk with doubt.
it's better expressed in simple terms with simple words so that simple every day people can understand. Everything else is just mental masturbation and intellectual bullshit. It is for the salt of the earth
Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
Pauls revelation of the mystery revealed a secret that God kept to Himself since before the foundation of the world. That each believer would have Christ in them Colossians 1:27 and that the gentiles would be fellow heirs with the Jews. All men have opportunity to be saved as it is God's will all men be so. Mans freedom of will to choose or not is his own. But God's love made sure all who choose are saved.
You sound like a thoughtful person who is willing to consider expanded thinking about spiritual matters. Without getting preachy i wonder if you read the Word of God? Specifically the epistles whichbare addressed to the the Church of which Christ is the head. If I could be so bold as to suggest them. You may be interested in the sections 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 which illustrates the correct operation of power by the believer in the Christian church. Thanks for your post. Look forward to more in the future to see where your journey takes you.
I attended a catholic school, though never was religious, so I've read the New Testament and studied it quite a bit, as well as bits and pieces from the Old Testament here and there. Among many, many other things i have read since then from other traditions and teachings, lol.
what is interesting is that now, since you could say this new 'experience' happened, the words of scripture feel as though they are 'bursting' out at me, as though they have an inner life. What was metaphor now seems to contain literal truth. Hard to explain. I've been reading the verses posted here, and funnily enough, the verses quoted today at the rally that RSBN was covering, people randomly quoting the same verses, lol, as well as Trump's speech today at TPUSA
maybe I should read through the entire Bible, but I don't think I'm ready to do so. It's still all a little 'scary' and I think that is okay for now.
if you would like, I believe i could maybe open up for you a whole 'other world' of scriptures and teachings, by bridging the gap between 2 different-seeming languages and teachings.
I won't mention it if you don't want me to because it could be perceived as heretical or even evil if you are set on Christianity as the one and only way. I'm not proposing another doctrine or a mix of 2 doctrines, either. I tried to mix the 2 for a long time and it only resulted in confusion and suffering. So that would be the danger of showing you. But if you willingly choose, I can attempt to show you.
I think also friend, the 'true' teaching or way, or 'Gospel' if you want to consider it in those terms, is alive, a living experience. The scriptures, though divinely inspired I can now admit, and though skilful and useful to many people, are not the 'ultimate' way. The true 'gospel' would be something so simple that the simplest person or being could comprehend and be saved by. It wouldn't have the prerequisite for someone to be able to read or the have the intelligence to study and comprehend. Even the blind would be able to see it and the deaf hear it. So in a sense, 'only through grace alone' would exist the possibility of awakening or salvation.
God's 'love' -compassion, grace, mercy, wisdom etc is the true 'miracle'.
I can't make threads because my account is new. It would also be hard to know where to begin or stop. This is as best as I could do for now. I don't really want to complicate it or make it hard to read, require special knowledge to understand or learn a new 'language' in order to grasp it. I've developed my own 'language' as best as I can but it's shitty and ignorant really. Others have already said it better.
but at the same time, expressing it is what we are called to do. We have to accept our imperfections and limitations.. We are not 'bad' simply because we can't express it perfectly. For a long time I would feel immense guilt whenever I tried to express it, because I knew i was 'messing up' and saying 'unwise' things. It sort of drove me to refine it to a 'simpler' approach. I'm still working towards simpler and better ways, it's a process. We're all doing our best :)
What I can do is make sure that all my words and actions are guided by compassion so that the light of truth may shine forth from them.
This is what we can all do. We can love each other, as we ourselves are loved. We can treat each other with honesty, fairness and kindness.
I mean I didn't come up with that it's been said countless ways but now I see for the first time.
and somehow, ultimately, it means turning the other cheek and loving even those that hate us. Yes, even our enemies and the great armies of darkness.
I'm not at a point where I can 'accept' that, these people are wicked, 'evil'
and yet at some level, simply ignorant. Misguided.
It is not for me to forgive them, at this time, because I am not Jesus and I am not perfect. The compassion i feel is not the 'full' 'complete' perfect compassion. My heart is not perfectly pure. This is the process we undergo, this is 'through a glass, darkly, but then in full.
God never sees your faults only you and the devil see them.
Romans 8:1 no condemnation.
God is kind and he expects we need to grow and is patient to work with us as we do. Stay faithful. Though we are spiritually complete our minds need to be renewed to that truth and it takes time.
this is very, very close to what i'm attempting to express but I like your way a little more :)
it is, sort of, an already complete 'destination' but simultaneously a 'journey'. Our human minds will never see the destination or the completed perfection.
we're sort of, not really meant to.
again I put it poorly. Thank you for your input :)
I want to point out one more thing because I think it's interesting. Others may see what I have written here and assume I am advocating for some 'new age' spiritual woo woo, and if it comes across that way, I'm truly sorry. I'm not trying to reinterpret anything or pass it off as my own work or some 'new' teaching
Others might also see in my words a 'messiah' complex, like the crazy people that begin to claim that they are God or the 'second coming of Jesus'
I'm not claiming this at all and to do so is exceedingly dangerous. I have had these 'ideas' before as part of the 'existential terror' that I experienced
I figure that there is a way to resolve this 'paradox' or messiah complex,
it is like this,
If it were the case that a person claims to be Christ, through their 'fruits' you would know them.
Are their words and actions 'Christ like'? Do they produce 'good fruit' and ease the suffering of others?
Jesus was a great and skilful teacher. Through his words and actions many were saved or 'awakened' to a spiritual truth.
Are my words and actions Christ like?
My words are pretty bad, I'm not a good teacher, i'd be surprised if anyone could read anything I have written and be awakened by it.
I am selfish and full of fear. I have phobias, attachments, pride, etc
If you were to see me in real life you would just see an awkward, fearful person with no real accomplishments, that doesn't have their life together in a way that others could follow as an example.
I am working on it, as we all are
I will never be perfect, as none of us will be in this lifetime, so to speak
Is there something more then? beyond this lifetime where we might attain 'Christ-like' status?
It's not helpful to think about, It is counter productive, because then there is a reason to 'put off' being the light you CAN be in this lifetime. It is procrastination.
It is also taking on a burden of the 'messiah complex' and that leads to the existential fear and suffering I described. That is too much for me, it is an impossibility.
And yet, Jesus lived, as I believe others have lived, awakened beings. If it were not possible (miraculously?) there would only exist endless suffering with no potential for it to be alleviated or extinguished.
I have simply felt what it feels like to have it extinguished, at least partially.
Back in the day when we had " The Calm Before the Storm"(60,000 of us) and " The Great Awakening"(30,000 of us) on Reddit(Who Killed them off), I was going through a major family crisis. One night I asked for prayers. I couldn't sleep, so I got up. I logged in and had almost 500 heartfelt Blessings from my Frens. That's when I knew God is with us and things would be alright. I Love you folks. God Bless all of you.
I found God first. Then only a few short months later, a Christian friend pointed me right to Q. My eyes began to open further towards the happenings of this world. Thank you, God!
11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Yepp. I found this site and what Q was in December 2020. I followed rabbit holes upon rabbit holes of truth until the ultimate Truth, Jesus Christ, revealed a himself to me by the end of Jan 2021. It was truly a supernatural experience. I’ve been following Him ever since 😎
And the angels rejoiced!
Amen fren!
Yep. Started following Trump in 2015 and Q in 2018 as an atheist, gave my heart to Jesus a little over 3 years ago. I just couldn't deny God's loving hand anymore.
God brought us here for a reason! So happy for you Juan! 🙌🤍
Yes, it reawakened the connection and brought things full circle after the muddiness of satan/cabal was exposed. Praise Jesus Christ!!!❤️❤️❤️
Amen! 🙏🙌
I went searching to reconnect with god and you are the first person I followed. You have no idea the impact.
No coinkidinks...we are led by Godwinks!
Well, discovering that real Satanists run the world will do that.
Absolutely Winston..
im one of them
Yay! 🙌
would you like to hear my story?
If just one person wishes me to share, I will
But i will not force it upon anyone or speak without being asked
I would love to share if you would like to listen
I would love for you to share your story!
I will try to 'abbreviate' it :)
I am not new here. I have been banned before for dooming and for doubting. If admitting that results in another ban, so be it. I only wish to speak the truth and not lie.
I was previously not a 'believer' in the sense that many here are/were.
I did however have 'faith' in God through a direct experience. For a very long time, I thought I was 'above' religious interpretation. I saw it as 'metaphor' and looked down, however compassionately I believed it be, on those that took religious teachings to be 'literal'. I was misguided.
I also followed 'Q' and saw it as real in a sense, but more of teaching device created by a team of people, without 'anything else' going on. - I believe I was wrong.
With the attempted assassination of President Trump, all that has changed
I believe we witnessed a genuine miracle. 'Miracles' didn't happen to jive with what I thought possible about the laws of nature, God etc.
I began to question deeply and suffer immense existential terror. Panic attack upon panic attack, convinced I was about to die. I can't really put it into words, suffice to say it was really scary and horrifying. Something like 'Hell'
I could write a thousands of words for this section, it's really really hard to put it into words and I'm not very good at it. I'm imperfect, quite frankly I'm terrible and fail in many ways, as we all do, but truly I'm terrible, so I'm not going to try unless people really want to hear it and I can find the words somehow to do it. So I'll just skip this bit. I suffered greatly and I called upon anything, anyone, to bear this suffering and ease my burden. That's about as far as I can really go toward explaining it for now
From this great suffering I was filled, for the first time, with a sense of compassion. This suffering is the suffering that that all beings suffer and for the first time I felt true compassion. This is really the point I want to get at. This is something I have never experienced before. I 'thought' that I understood it, but I hadn't experienced it directly
my goodness how to even tie this together... Everything kind of flows from experiencing this infinite compassion/mercy/love/light
Q is real. It is time travel, essentially, and there is indeed a team of 'patriots' or 'white hats' with access to a machine or some device that receives data or information from a future point. Very complicated stuff, I believe I have found the mechanism by which this is possible. I'm happy to explain but it's very 'out there' stuff
For a long time, until this recent experience, I was 'resistant' toward the message and teachings of Jesus Christ as lord and saviour. As I said, I thought I was 'above it' and didn't 'need' this teaching to have my personal connection to God.
All that has changed
If you wish to continue reading, please know that my words are just words or metaphor. They are shaped by the framework of my experience and language and are according to my limited ability to express it with the language I am able
Jesus was an awakened being. He is of the 'father' or god, and he came to end the 'suffering' or 'sin' of other beings. He sacrificed his life out of 'love' or 'infinite compassion/mercy' so that all who call upon his name and follow his way may be 'saved' and have eternal life in 'heaven'.
His vow was to awaken all beings and rid them of suffering
I have made the same vow, as we are all called to make it
It is not through coercion or threat of judgement, but motivated by great compassion
I am not Jesus. I am not even a 'good' person. I have failed and will continue to fail and be imperfect.
What I can do, is to follow the 'way' or 'path'
It is like this,
Illuminated by the 'True light', infinite radiating compassion/mercy/love/light/peach/truth
shining forth, effortlessly luminous, from the hearts of an infinite number of other beings walking the path, motivated by compassion, etc
my words are poor and my explanation sucks. Jesus said it better
and that's enough, more than enough
the skilfulness of his teaching is unsurpassed amongst us
So I will shut up
God bless you :)
I'm happy to extrapolate further about Q if you would like and perhaps other elements but essential yes, 'Jesus saves' and I no longer walk with doubt.
it's better expressed in simple terms with simple words so that simple every day people can understand. Everything else is just mental masturbation and intellectual bullshit. It is for the salt of the earth
There is a point when you cannot walk away
When you have to stand up straight and tall and mean the word you say
There is a point you must decide, just to do it 'cause it's right
That's when you become a point of light
There is a darkness that everyone must face
It wants to take what's good and fair and lay it all to waste
And that darkness covers everything in sight
Until it meets a single point of light
All it takes is a point of light
A ray of hope in the darkest night
If you see what's wrong and you try to make it right
You will be a point of light
There are heroes, whose names we never hear
A dedicated army of quiet volunteers
Reaching out to feed the hungry, reaching out to save the land
Reaching out to help their fellow man
There are dreamers, who are making dreams come true
Taking time to to teach the children, there's nothing they can't do
Giving shelter to the homeless, giving hope to those without
isn't that what this land's all about?
One by one, from the mountains to the sea
Points of light are calling out to you and me
All it takes is a point of light
A ray of hope in the darkest night
If you see what's wrong and you try to make it right
You will be a point of light
Ephesians 6:19-20
Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
Pauls revelation of the mystery revealed a secret that God kept to Himself since before the foundation of the world. That each believer would have Christ in them Colossians 1:27 and that the gentiles would be fellow heirs with the Jews. All men have opportunity to be saved as it is God's will all men be so. Mans freedom of will to choose or not is his own. But God's love made sure all who choose are saved.
You sound like a thoughtful person who is willing to consider expanded thinking about spiritual matters. Without getting preachy i wonder if you read the Word of God? Specifically the epistles whichbare addressed to the the Church of which Christ is the head. If I could be so bold as to suggest them. You may be interested in the sections 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 which illustrates the correct operation of power by the believer in the Christian church. Thanks for your post. Look forward to more in the future to see where your journey takes you.
I attended a catholic school, though never was religious, so I've read the New Testament and studied it quite a bit, as well as bits and pieces from the Old Testament here and there. Among many, many other things i have read since then from other traditions and teachings, lol.
what is interesting is that now, since you could say this new 'experience' happened, the words of scripture feel as though they are 'bursting' out at me, as though they have an inner life. What was metaphor now seems to contain literal truth. Hard to explain. I've been reading the verses posted here, and funnily enough, the verses quoted today at the rally that RSBN was covering, people randomly quoting the same verses, lol, as well as Trump's speech today at TPUSA
maybe I should read through the entire Bible, but I don't think I'm ready to do so. It's still all a little 'scary' and I think that is okay for now.
if you would like, I believe i could maybe open up for you a whole 'other world' of scriptures and teachings, by bridging the gap between 2 different-seeming languages and teachings.
I won't mention it if you don't want me to because it could be perceived as heretical or even evil if you are set on Christianity as the one and only way. I'm not proposing another doctrine or a mix of 2 doctrines, either. I tried to mix the 2 for a long time and it only resulted in confusion and suffering. So that would be the danger of showing you. But if you willingly choose, I can attempt to show you.
I think also friend, the 'true' teaching or way, or 'Gospel' if you want to consider it in those terms, is alive, a living experience. The scriptures, though divinely inspired I can now admit, and though skilful and useful to many people, are not the 'ultimate' way. The true 'gospel' would be something so simple that the simplest person or being could comprehend and be saved by. It wouldn't have the prerequisite for someone to be able to read or the have the intelligence to study and comprehend. Even the blind would be able to see it and the deaf hear it. So in a sense, 'only through grace alone' would exist the possibility of awakening or salvation. God's 'love' -compassion, grace, mercy, wisdom etc is the true 'miracle'.
Please make a post about your!
I can't make threads because my account is new. It would also be hard to know where to begin or stop. This is as best as I could do for now. I don't really want to complicate it or make it hard to read, require special knowledge to understand or learn a new 'language' in order to grasp it. I've developed my own 'language' as best as I can but it's shitty and ignorant really. Others have already said it better.
but at the same time, expressing it is what we are called to do. We have to accept our imperfections and limitations.. We are not 'bad' simply because we can't express it perfectly. For a long time I would feel immense guilt whenever I tried to express it, because I knew i was 'messing up' and saying 'unwise' things. It sort of drove me to refine it to a 'simpler' approach. I'm still working towards simpler and better ways, it's a process. We're all doing our best :)
What I can do is make sure that all my words and actions are guided by compassion so that the light of truth may shine forth from them.
This is what we can all do. We can love each other, as we ourselves are loved. We can treat each other with honesty, fairness and kindness. I mean I didn't come up with that it's been said countless ways but now I see for the first time.
and somehow, ultimately, it means turning the other cheek and loving even those that hate us. Yes, even our enemies and the great armies of darkness.
I'm not at a point where I can 'accept' that, these people are wicked, 'evil'
and yet at some level, simply ignorant. Misguided.
It is not for me to forgive them, at this time, because I am not Jesus and I am not perfect. The compassion i feel is not the 'full' 'complete' perfect compassion. My heart is not perfectly pure. This is the process we undergo, this is 'through a glass, darkly, but then in full.
God never sees your faults only you and the devil see them.
Romans 8:1 no condemnation.
God is kind and he expects we need to grow and is patient to work with us as we do. Stay faithful. Though we are spiritually complete our minds need to be renewed to that truth and it takes time.
Truth! 🙌
this is very, very close to what i'm attempting to express but I like your way a little more :)
it is, sort of, an already complete 'destination' but simultaneously a 'journey'. Our human minds will never see the destination or the completed perfection. we're sort of, not really meant to.
again I put it poorly. Thank you for your input :)
Thank you for sharing Quantum!
it's my honour. I've been a very lonely person, I have very few people to share this sort of stuff with.
If anything I have said resonates with the truth you know in your heart and strengthens your faith, that would fill me such happiness and gratitude.
Me posting here is as much for my own benefit as for the benefit of others.
It's all of us, in this together.
Absolutely fren...your story touched me and we are family here. WWG1WGA!
I want to point out one more thing because I think it's interesting. Others may see what I have written here and assume I am advocating for some 'new age' spiritual woo woo, and if it comes across that way, I'm truly sorry. I'm not trying to reinterpret anything or pass it off as my own work or some 'new' teaching
Others might also see in my words a 'messiah' complex, like the crazy people that begin to claim that they are God or the 'second coming of Jesus' I'm not claiming this at all and to do so is exceedingly dangerous. I have had these 'ideas' before as part of the 'existential terror' that I experienced
I figure that there is a way to resolve this 'paradox' or messiah complex, it is like this, If it were the case that a person claims to be Christ, through their 'fruits' you would know them. Are their words and actions 'Christ like'? Do they produce 'good fruit' and ease the suffering of others? Jesus was a great and skilful teacher. Through his words and actions many were saved or 'awakened' to a spiritual truth. Are my words and actions Christ like? No. My words are pretty bad, I'm not a good teacher, i'd be surprised if anyone could read anything I have written and be awakened by it. I am selfish and full of fear. I have phobias, attachments, pride, etc If you were to see me in real life you would just see an awkward, fearful person with no real accomplishments, that doesn't have their life together in a way that others could follow as an example.
I am working on it, as we all are
I will never be perfect, as none of us will be in this lifetime, so to speak
Is there something more then? beyond this lifetime where we might attain 'Christ-like' status? It's not helpful to think about, It is counter productive, because then there is a reason to 'put off' being the light you CAN be in this lifetime. It is procrastination. It is also taking on a burden of the 'messiah complex' and that leads to the existential fear and suffering I described. That is too much for me, it is an impossibility. And yet, Jesus lived, as I believe others have lived, awakened beings. If it were not possible (miraculously?) there would only exist endless suffering with no potential for it to be alleviated or extinguished.
I have simply felt what it feels like to have it extinguished, at least partially.
Back in the day when we had " The Calm Before the Storm"(60,000 of us) and " The Great Awakening"(30,000 of us) on Reddit(Who Killed them off), I was going through a major family crisis. One night I asked for prayers. I couldn't sleep, so I got up. I logged in and had almost 500 heartfelt Blessings from my Frens. That's when I knew God is with us and things would be alright. I Love you folks. God Bless all of you.
I got my start on the chans and CBTS on Reddit..such exciting times! Was this your name on Reddit?
I found God first. Then only a few short months later, a Christian friend pointed me right to Q. My eyes began to open further towards the happenings of this world. Thank you, God!
Amen! Happy for you y! 🙌
It’s a true battle of good vs evil. Be on the side of light🙏🏻✝️
Yes! Q turned a conspiracy movement to a spiritual movement. God bless Praying medic. God bless everyone here.
Praying Medic was one of the first accounts I followed... loved listening to his calming voice...
Absolutely! Same here
I did, too. I had wondered if it was the same for others as well.
It has helped strengthen my faith. I pray Ephesians 6:10-18 nightly.
11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
I’m one of those people. I guess I should say I rediscovered God through the process.
Qesus saves??
Because it's God's plan (:
There’s something supernatural about Q. Or quantum physics, same thing. Different words.