I think that responsibility lies with us. How many conservative/independent people do you know that truly understand the affront that federal income taxes truly are?
Most of these well-meaning folks are just happy whenever a Republican President cuts their taxes by 2-3%. They do not understand that they shouldn't exist at all and that the founding fathers always intended the federal government to be solely funded via tariffs, primarily to keep it under control and to only feed itself at the benefit of the American citizens.
We have to educate our fellow citizens on this issue before a massive change like that could be made. I view it through the same lens as DJT's mandate now versus what he had in 2016. Yes, people knew that HRC was a criminal. But most didn't realize the depth and breadth of corruption and outright evil. DJT didn't have the mandate to clean it up the way he does now.
It takes time to change hearts and minds. But more importantly, it takes patriots to share that message.
Any 18+ citizen without disqualifying mental illness, felony, or drug use can buy an AR-15 clone brand new with 50 rounds of ammunition and the FFL transfer fee for $500. Rebellion can be financially quite cheap, but you're likely to die or be imprisoned, which is a non-monetary cost.
Whoever put this out started off on the wrong foot. The part of the constitution quoted at the top is from Article 1, Section 8. The 16th Amendment is completely different.
SCOTUS had ruled the 16th amendment wasn’t even necessary, as income—what we now call capital gains—was always taxable. Wages were never included in the legal definition. All taxes on wages are unconstitutional per SCOTUS, yet here we are.
Wages and tips are NOT income. You traded your labor, the hours of your life, for that money. It was an even exchange.
INCOME is capital gains. You did nothing for the money except invest other money. The American system created more cash for you. (I'd say one to two percent tax should be enough for the tiny fedgov we SHOULD have).
I'd like to see the country try scrapping all taxes in favor of a love-offering basis. Like church. You get to give whatever amount your heart and mind lead you to give. If you're getting good and respectful service from your tiny fedgov, you give more. If not, you don't. That'll teach them to do good and stay tiny.
Thought I just said that but yeah. There's literally no case law overturning the SCOTUS cases on this matter and yet somehow everyone just fell in line and started paying "income tax" on their wages. Legal illiteracy is a crime in this country. The only reason they get away with it is that just like with the January 6ers, anybody in recent decades who tried to fight the color of law system we have was met with swift penalties and never allowed appeals high enough to make a difference.
The same is true regarding our right of travel/locomotion. SCOTUS has ruled like 19 different times that we don't need a license to ride our cars (drive has a legal definition and it's how they get us, by replacing "ride" with "drive" in common vernacular, forcing us through legal language into something we never needed to involve ourselves with). But try fighting the system on that point and see what happens. Just not worth the headache so even when people know the truth, such as me, we fall in line.
Horse and buggy RIDERS didn't. DRIVERS did. That's the word they used to swindle the public on the topic.
A driver is someone who transports goods and people from place to place on public roads for pay. That can be regulated and thus, is subject to licensure.
A rider is someone who merely uses public roads to get around by whatever means they have available for any reason other than employment.
To simplify the idea, it actually does help to go back to horse and buggy days.
You ride a horse. You drive cattle. But you're still riding on a horse when you're driving cattle.
The lingo still exists in modern day when talking about bicycles and motorcycles. You ride a bike, but you..drive a car? No. None of use drive cars. Not even bus drivers or tax drivers or truck drivers "drive" any of those vehicles. They drive people in buses and taxis and they drive products in trucks. Yet this is how the lingo gets us. We work backwards logically "Oh you're a truck driver so you drive a truck, and I'm a car driver cause I drive a car." None of it is legally accurate and yet here we all are, using the lingo day and night, thinking we're subject to Vehicle Codes that have nothing to do with 90% of us.
And of course, police don't know this, and even if they do, they want to keep their job, so they don't put up with it and are more than happy to keep oppressing the people they're supposed to serve under color of law. And so many people like the idea of forcing people to pass a test to get a license to ride their cars that it's nearly impossible, even armed with the truth, to get a critical mass of people to care enough to band together and do something about it. These guys on the internet calling themselves Sovereign Citizens have tried, but more often than not they end up with a judge who doesn't want the curtain pulled back on that issue and invariably rule against them without any legal basis whatsoever.
It’s worse than this shows. Income tax up until like the 1950s or something legally only referred to what we now call capital gains. Wages were never included in the legal definition of income—SCOTUS has ruled on this a shocking number of times but at some point the definition was lost on the public and people just fell in line and operating under color of law the Feds starting taxing wages and calling it income.
I want to know when and IF the American people are going to rise up to stop the theft of their lives, integrity and our nation which was fought for and the blood that was shed to keep us a free nation?
Agreed but this has been going on since before Moses... It's Good/God vs Evil/Satan and always has been... Have faith in God's plan... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
I think we're all guilty of that my fren... All we can do is to continue putting our faith in God and know that he has the best of intentions for our well being... Cheers fren and don't give up...
Taxation is theft... Before 1913 every need of this country was taken care of without taxing the American public to death... Government has gotten too big and We The People are paying gor it through these endless taxes... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
the standard family deduction should be 20 times what it is.......it is theft of the people for what?? GOVERNMENT WASTE
Not for waste. For control! The population must be weakened so they don't have the resources to rebel.
We are tax slaves. They system needs burned down. I don't think trump will go far enough
"I don't think trump will go far enough"
I think that responsibility lies with us. How many conservative/independent people do you know that truly understand the affront that federal income taxes truly are?
Most of these well-meaning folks are just happy whenever a Republican President cuts their taxes by 2-3%. They do not understand that they shouldn't exist at all and that the founding fathers always intended the federal government to be solely funded via tariffs, primarily to keep it under control and to only feed itself at the benefit of the American citizens.
We have to educate our fellow citizens on this issue before a massive change like that could be made. I view it through the same lens as DJT's mandate now versus what he had in 2016. Yes, people knew that HRC was a criminal. But most didn't realize the depth and breadth of corruption and outright evil. DJT didn't have the mandate to clean it up the way he does now.
It takes time to change hearts and minds. But more importantly, it takes patriots to share that message.
Well said and you are 💯 percent correct. That's a tall task but people like can do it. The problem is no one wants to hear about it
Nailed it.
Any 18+ citizen without disqualifying mental illness, felony, or drug use can buy an AR-15 clone brand new with 50 rounds of ammunition and the FFL transfer fee for $500. Rebellion can be financially quite cheap, but you're likely to die or be imprisoned, which is a non-monetary cost.
I completely agree with you... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Sources for these numbers?
I stole the meme from Truth Social... I'm sure the numbers are higher in some of the categories... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Whoever put this out started off on the wrong foot. The part of the constitution quoted at the top is from Article 1, Section 8. The 16th Amendment is completely different.
SCOTUS had ruled the 16th amendment wasn’t even necessary, as income—what we now call capital gains—was always taxable. Wages were never included in the legal definition. All taxes on wages are unconstitutional per SCOTUS, yet here we are.
Wages and tips are NOT income. You traded your labor, the hours of your life, for that money. It was an even exchange.
INCOME is capital gains. You did nothing for the money except invest other money. The American system created more cash for you. (I'd say one to two percent tax should be enough for the tiny fedgov we SHOULD have).
I'd like to see the country try scrapping all taxes in favor of a love-offering basis. Like church. You get to give whatever amount your heart and mind lead you to give. If you're getting good and respectful service from your tiny fedgov, you give more. If not, you don't. That'll teach them to do good and stay tiny.
Thought I just said that but yeah. There's literally no case law overturning the SCOTUS cases on this matter and yet somehow everyone just fell in line and started paying "income tax" on their wages. Legal illiteracy is a crime in this country. The only reason they get away with it is that just like with the January 6ers, anybody in recent decades who tried to fight the color of law system we have was met with swift penalties and never allowed appeals high enough to make a difference.
The same is true regarding our right of travel/locomotion. SCOTUS has ruled like 19 different times that we don't need a license to ride our cars (drive has a legal definition and it's how they get us, by replacing "ride" with "drive" in common vernacular, forcing us through legal language into something we never needed to involve ourselves with). But try fighting the system on that point and see what happens. Just not worth the headache so even when people know the truth, such as me, we fall in line.
Interesting. I assume horse and buggy drivers didn't require a license.
Horse and buggy RIDERS didn't. DRIVERS did. That's the word they used to swindle the public on the topic.
A driver is someone who transports goods and people from place to place on public roads for pay. That can be regulated and thus, is subject to licensure.
A rider is someone who merely uses public roads to get around by whatever means they have available for any reason other than employment.
To simplify the idea, it actually does help to go back to horse and buggy days.
You ride a horse. You drive cattle. But you're still riding on a horse when you're driving cattle.
The lingo still exists in modern day when talking about bicycles and motorcycles. You ride a bike, but you..drive a car? No. None of use drive cars. Not even bus drivers or tax drivers or truck drivers "drive" any of those vehicles. They drive people in buses and taxis and they drive products in trucks. Yet this is how the lingo gets us. We work backwards logically "Oh you're a truck driver so you drive a truck, and I'm a car driver cause I drive a car." None of it is legally accurate and yet here we all are, using the lingo day and night, thinking we're subject to Vehicle Codes that have nothing to do with 90% of us.
And of course, police don't know this, and even if they do, they want to keep their job, so they don't put up with it and are more than happy to keep oppressing the people they're supposed to serve under color of law. And so many people like the idea of forcing people to pass a test to get a license to ride their cars that it's nearly impossible, even armed with the truth, to get a critical mass of people to care enough to band together and do something about it. These guys on the internet calling themselves Sovereign Citizens have tried, but more often than not they end up with a judge who doesn't want the curtain pulled back on that issue and invariably rule against them without any legal basis whatsoever.
Yeah, we agree
Didn't mean to make it seem like a disagreement there, rather to amplify your remark
Fair enough... I stole it from Truth Social... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
It’s worse than this shows. Income tax up until like the 1950s or something legally only referred to what we now call capital gains. Wages were never included in the legal definition of income—SCOTUS has ruled on this a shocking number of times but at some point the definition was lost on the public and people just fell in line and operating under color of law the Feds starting taxing wages and calling it income.
You're more than likely correct but at least this gives most normies a baseline ton work from... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Then WE THE PEOPLE will be able to put a stop to it... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Either way it’s illegal.
Agreed fren... Cheers... ☕️☕️☕️
Deception of the federal tax code (1 hr. 28 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vg1nYbch4TQ
Thank you fren... I'll check it out when I have a little more free time... Cheers... ☕️☕️☕️
If they can’t tax it, it’s “unfair” and “bad”.
That's what "they" want us to think... Thank goodness people are wakkng up... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Repeal the 19th while we are at it.
Not so fast on that... Conservative women are level headed and patriots just like you or me... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Tax Code: literally zero people on the planet can understand it, by design
It should be burned with fire, the ashes passed through a fine screen and sprinkled over Washington, DC from an airplane
I can actually picture that in my mind... What a glorious sight that would be... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
another common "Worst Generation" L?
Kekekekek... Merely posting what I find and believe to be true... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
That is missing perhaps the most damning statistic of all; the percentage of the population paying the income tax. It was originally UNDER 1%.
I stole this from Truth Social... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
I had to pay $15,000 nextra over the oast two years. Get our money back from ukraine with interest!!
I just want the fed gone, keep whatever you stole. I need to start fresh with NO income tax!!
I hear ya my fren... Cheers... ☕☕☕
Burn it to the ground!
Agreed fren... Cheers... ☕️☕️☕️
I want to know when and IF the American people are going to rise up to stop the theft of their lives, integrity and our nation which was fought for and the blood that was shed to keep us a free nation?
It has begun and is increasing on a daily basis... Have faith and trust in God's plan for his people... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Agreed but this has been going on since before Moses... It's Good/God vs Evil/Satan and always has been... Have faith in God's plan... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
I think we're all guilty of that my fren... All we can do is to continue putting our faith in God and know that he has the best of intentions for our well being... Cheers fren and don't give up...
Taxation is theft... Before 1913 every need of this country was taken care of without taxing the American public to death... Government has gotten too big and We The People are paying gor it through these endless taxes... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
What is this? £?
You know this forum records edits? Nice try, commie spy! Edit: Mods nuked his ass.