posted ago by Qanaut ago by Qanaut +96 / -0

The optics for the Democrats this week cannot possibly be worse. Despite all their desperate propaganda on prime time news, they are set to hold their DNC in the worst possible location with reportedly over 80,000 protestors flocking in. To top it all off they have chosen one of the most cringe and unlikable candidates.

This indicates two possibilities. Either the White Hats are forcing their hand in all of this, or the Democrats have reached the point in which they simply do not care to make their theft of the 2024 election look legitimate and on the books.

Either way, the Democrats are in a no win situation. They have reached levels of desperation that puts them squarely in the most dangerous game territory. Remember Anons, an animal is most dangerous when they are a breath away from death. They will fight like hell in their last moments and cause as much damage as they can as they shuffle off this mortal coil.

The odds of a false flag event in the coming days are at an all time high.

Eyes open this week Anons! No fear!