Frankly, after hearing that he was considered for the role of Indiana Jones, I have always been sorry he couldn't take it (I think his contract for that series prevented him).
I have never been a big fan of Harrison Ford as a person, even if I have liked several of his movies a lot. I don't know why, really, maybe it's just that he has never made hating his role as Han Solo that big a secret, and that irritated me. Actors should respect fans of their characters enough that even if they disliked playing said character, or the movie, they'd keep their mouths shut about that. After all, it's the fans who in the end make or break their careers. The people making movies can only give them a chance, but even they will not be able to push them for audiences forever if an actor can't win those over for at least some of his movies.
Love that show. I have never desired to go back in time. Life is special for it's entirety, but damn, give me back the innocence and hope of that time period.
If you can find all of the episodes, in order, it is totally worthy of a re-watch. I'm back up to Season 5 by now. I never realized how many I missed on CBS at 8pm on Thursdays in real life back in the 80's.
Also funny that you say that, fren. I am strongly considering going back and looking up all of the Rockford Files episodes once I am done with the Magnum, p.i. stuff. In the later seasons, a certain "Lance White" played by young unknown actor Tom Selleck, makes a couple of appearances. Plus, all of the Rockford "recording messages" at the start of the show are unique! Some actually come to fruition during the episodes!
Very well done. Could we do Fall Guy?
Or Knight Rider!
Almost totally forgot about Fall guy.
Tom Selleck! 😍
Frankly, after hearing that he was considered for the role of Indiana Jones, I have always been sorry he couldn't take it (I think his contract for that series prevented him).
I have never been a big fan of Harrison Ford as a person, even if I have liked several of his movies a lot. I don't know why, really, maybe it's just that he has never made hating his role as Han Solo that big a secret, and that irritated me. Actors should respect fans of their characters enough that even if they disliked playing said character, or the movie, they'd keep their mouths shut about that. After all, it's the fans who in the end make or break their careers. The people making movies can only give them a chance, but even they will not be able to push them for audiences forever if an actor can't win those over for at least some of his movies.
Running around in his UDT's for years in the series...😻🌊
Love that show. I have never desired to go back in time. Life is special for it's entirety, but damn, give me back the innocence and hope of that time period.
If you can find all of the episodes, in order, it is totally worthy of a re-watch. I'm back up to Season 5 by now. I never realized how many I missed on CBS at 8pm on Thursdays in real life back in the 80's.
Funny you say that. This made my wife and I go a lookin'. We found then, but are starting with The Rockford Files!
Also funny that you say that, fren. I am strongly considering going back and looking up all of the Rockford Files episodes once I am done with the Magnum, p.i. stuff. In the later seasons, a certain "Lance White" played by young unknown actor Tom Selleck, makes a couple of appearances. Plus, all of the Rockford "recording messages" at the start of the show are unique! Some actually come to fruition during the episodes!
Dilly maga team on point as always.
Yeah he gets a lot of good stuff
Awesome....I think next should be "The Six Billion Dollar Man".
Obama bought the Magnum PI house on Oahu and tore it down
What a dick
Yes, Big Mike's is Yuuuge. Needed a bigger house just for it.
(Chortle) I need that today, thanks!
Starring Mike Pence? LOL
That was great! 🐸
Ice Cube?
How about some Crazy like a Fox?
Should do one on M to F sex change and called it "Cleave it to beaver."
Roger Stone makes me want to vomit.