Warning: Hamas-Linked CAIR Unleashes 50,000-Strong Muslim Army Trained to Dismantle America’s Institutions (Video) - RAIR
"Fifteen years from now, the Muslim community will have 50,000 — an army of these people. They will design our image, they will protect the truth and the news... we can have, in ten years, at least 40-50 members of Congress, in the U.S. Congress." - Nihad ...
This, to me, is what everything else is distracting from.
In fact, I am curious to know if there were any Q posts that talk about the Islamificaiton of the US? Unfortunately, I do not know how to search in a way that I am confident is a thorough search. Does that make sense? So... I am hoping/asking for help.
My hope is that the Q Plan that is global accounts for the spread of Islam.
That’s my fear. No mention of deport kebab and restore the white population in the west.
If white women want to be bitch bosses instead of raising an family and dating doesn’t become easier for men it’s fucked anyways. Ask any millennial or Gen Z. Dating is a nightmare. I don’t blame passport bros at all.
"No mention of deport kebab and restore the white population in the west."
Sssssh! You're not supposed to notice! Both the Left and the Right are equally terrified of being smeared as Racist!
Maybe there is a plan they haven’t said yet for optics but these are our lands.
Over half now have bright colored hair, nose rings, college edumacated, pronoun obessesed man-haters. The job of destroying this country is half done. Hopefully we can salvage the under 18 kids from this fucking garbage. At least most of these freaks are not reproducing🙏
We are doing good with men. But the massive red pill of lonely career women is coming.
Hopefully when the plan goes through and men can provide for a family on a single income again women will wake up to feminist and corporate lies.
Gonna be a lot of lonely old hags.
Feminism is a fucking cancer
This is post is NOT wrong. At least until your skin pallor and heritage becomes your uniform - and the shooting starts.
Good Ole' boys know how to hit their targets.
Just sayin....
Search in Google maps for “Masjid”, not “Mosque”.
You’ll find a lot more of them…
good tip. thanks.
Thank you!! A lot of those!
https://qalerts.app/?n=1237 < key
Q highlights Michelle Bachmann's digs into the Muslim Brotherhood, a point in history to remember, and good starting place to do more research from.
I loved her. I hope the patriots got her a special role in the Plan. She seems to be quite the researcher, and bold too! It's a risky thing going after the Brotherhood up there in MN!
yw fren! <3