Exactly. They will mistake his passion for America as the ravings of a lunatic. She is so rehearsed and poised, his passion seems unhinged. I feel sick.
Why? Nothing about last night made Trump lose any support. If anything, he gained a shit ton off bringing up the dogs. People will ridicule it, then question it, research it, then be like oh shit .. he's right. Tonight's debate wasn't about gaining ground, it was about staying still. He wanted to show how he would do under pressure, and he did great, as always
As subject matter expert (SME) They operate at certain frequencies and can be jammed. I believe this is why they won't allow an audience. Someone could bring in a handheld jamming device and that would wreck their plans and she would have been obliterated.
Boy she sure seemed to have all the answers - reminded me of Hillary who was given the questions. Hmm
Touche,my friend. You said it better than I did.
Kamala is so fake and rehearsed
And then Donald said ‘we’ll see’ 😂
Her voice.
Over and over "Lemme tell you...." Obama 2.0
"Talk about extreme..." <cackle, cackle>
Her major argument seemed to be abortion, which is not a Federal matter anymore.
SHe's trying to keep her fellow Wine Moms in the fold.
Avoided the question about Biden, then the two “journalists” covered for her.
She seemed drunk again, was starting to unwind towards the end.
Anyone notice the Golden flag on her lapel, it wasn’t an American flag, it was the same shape as Trumps but was golden. No red white & blue.
Is that not insulting?
Darn right, a master of all traits…
He seems rattled to me.
Same. He is debating 3 people at once. These moderators are fact checking him while letting her spew lie after lie.
I'm pissed for him. But the normies of the world are seeing him fail.
So tired of this scam. We need truth and declass already... dems have created such a shit show of fake garbage that these losers buy into.
Exactly. They will mistake his passion for America as the ravings of a lunatic. She is so rehearsed and poised, his passion seems unhinged. I feel sick.
Stay calm.
Trump won the debate.
He stayed calm,and delivered facts.
Great points, thank you.
Why? Nothing about last night made Trump lose any support. If anything, he gained a shit ton off bringing up the dogs. People will ridicule it, then question it, research it, then be like oh shit .. he's right. Tonight's debate wasn't about gaining ground, it was about staying still. He wanted to show how he would do under pressure, and he did great, as always
His self control was off the charts. I couldn't have stood there and remained as calm as he did.
Well said
Not seeing this. He is calm enough, but he is debating a threesome, plus, look at her ear lobes, earphone?
He’s hammering home the main points, immigration and gas prices.
As subject matter expert (SME) They operate at certain frequencies and can be jammed. I believe this is why they won't allow an audience. Someone could bring in a handheld jamming device and that would wreck their plans and she would have been obliterated.
He is POed! Keke