Alexis Lorenze, 23, went to California Hospital seeking help for severe migraines. Hospital personnel allegedly insisted that she receive a Tetanus, Meningitis, and Pneumonia vaxx before she could continue her treatment. Within 10 min, SHE WENT TEMPORARILY BLIND, VOMITED and had a locked jaw. WTF?
🚔 Crime & Medical Tyrants 💸

I think it was pretty commonly understood last time I looked into it that the most common factors of migraines are stress, dehydration and inconsistent/poor sleep.
That's not to say that the chemical bullshit in food and shit aren't likely culprits too, but considering the stress we're under in perpetuity and how difficult it sometimes feels to drink enough water, it makes sense that migraines are so common. So many factors, as you said. +1 for talking about an app to scan products; that's a neat tool.
My Mom had migraines all her life. Docs put her on a large cocktail of medications, for many years, without trying to figure out the root cause. Only about 5 years ago we figured out she just wasn't drinking enough water. She's just never thirsty, but when she started forcing herself to drink more water, the migraines stopped.
Isn’t magnesium deficiency a major underlying potential cause? Mag supplements can cure migraines for some
my wife definitely gets them when she is stressed and dehydrated.
She immediately takes those body salt replenishing tablets/powders, it really helps shorten the duration and strength.
This 100%
Those early 5:00am work days I come home sometimes head pounding. It's the sleep, dehydration and some stress. Lots of jobs peoole are also switching from glasses to no glasses
I suffer so much and often. I’ve cut out as much artificial foods as possible and avoid tap water. I’m not sure what the chemical is, but I’d like to know to find out if my city uses it.
So what you are saying is that certain chemicals are crossing into the brain and the body’s detox is what triggers the pain. If you avoid getting poisoned you avoid the pain.
My questions. Why only some people experience this? Bad gut lining?
Have migraines always existed or is this modern?
Any relation to childhood shots or pills?
Tight ponytail, need for glasses or new prescription of glasses, not drinking enough, reading your phone to much.... and many other things can cause headaches...
Maybe these could be some causes making the headache worse.
You might want to look into Rife machine. I know it seems crazy, but I know you have to find a solution.
Frequencies is the next frontier. Tesla was right.
I had tons of headaches before and just cutting out a few foods and changing some habits I got rid of them
Gonna try all these ideas. I get them bad. Sugar and cheese are culprits for me but I can get them anyway. Slowed way down after going low carb, carnivore. Still hit every once in a while. Tylenol pm works most of the time. ER for a shot of ketoralac if it goes over the top.
I don't eat junk food at all. I suffered migraines and leg cramps until I started to take magnesium supplements. Problems went away within weeks.
Barring that, excedrine migraine, for me, is a miracle drug. Especially when taken early in the onset. I only get migraines on the rare occasion anymore, so I don't worry about excedrine being bad for me. If it was all of the time, I would seek other methods of control.