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Hussein & Big Mike allegedly took part in Diddy orgies
Red Pill USA
Who remembers when Chrissy Teigen was asked about the public places she "did it," and her response was "the Obama thing?"🤔
12:35 PM • Sep 20, 2024
Lord, please destroy our enemies... eradicate these degenerates. Help those of us who are faithful to You, please MAKE OUR COUNTRY GREAT AGAIN
Timing is everything. Obama plans to put Big Mike into the WH are always accompanied by some revelations
makes sense. now Big Mike and Obummer have to decide if they wanna risk being exposed via Diddy by running for office
I don't think they have a choice regarding risk of exposure anymore because they are no longer in control of the narrative. They much be crapping big bricks about now.
not sure. come to the good side and there should be room for some forgiveness (with consequences, but with a less burdened soul). I'm still not entirely convinced obummer hasn't been acting as a white hat mole for years. if so he's caught a lot of sickos not sure why but reminded me of this scene "Am I Not Merciful !" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QGVIwRLC3bQ&pp=ygURaSBhbSBub3QgbWVyY2lmdWw%3D
So Whitehouse is the nickname for Barry’s rectum?
mike painted the inner walls white
I guess the O's nuts are the doorbells????????
I'll let myself out!!!!! 🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I know why Mike says no to the White House.
In a debate, all Trump has to do is ask him if he's a man. There are rumors, and if he would be willing to take a DNA test. Otherwise, many Americans think he's lying.
He would say, No. I want my "privacy" or some other response.
It would destroy the campaign and the memes would go crazy.
Memes destroy them. And conservatives are great at it.
The media would rip him apart for saying that. No matter how much you tell an NPC that a DNA test is fair, they'd be blinded by Trump even thinking to ask the question
There not going to really let him talk. Time to serve up tge chef.
He had that 'Covid' 60th birthday bash at MV with footage leaked of 'illuminaries' in attendance. And an MV manager just resigned after Pedo Diddy arrest.
--"MV manager just resigned"--
Any sauce? TIA
This has to be Team Clinton obliterating Team Obama if any of these allegations are true. If they are, then I have zero doubt they killed Joan Rivers. The media will have a few things to explain a few things too ... They called beautiful for some reason. Same with that rake faced sicko Huma Abadeen or whatever it's last name is.
You spelled "rat wrong.
Not a bit surprised 😮!
These people are EVIL, SICK and STUPID.
That'll be the first set of videos that go 'missing', or are unfortunately 'corrupted' in transit.
They will never willingly allow black jesus to be exposed.
I felt like LeBron James dunking on everyone in a jr. high league at those freak offs
Name checks out
And 45 drew attention to Taylor Swift recently. Odd for him to say he hates her, clearly wants her under scrutiny.
It sounds like Michelle and Barrack did SOMETHING FREAKY with P. Diddy!!!!!!!! You're gonna need a lot more popcorn soon because this show is just getting started. HA! Stupid is as Stupid does, especially when it is videotaped for all of posterity to see when it eventually goes public. I'm sure the timing of that video release will be impeccable.
Hussein sucking hot dogs.
As gross as it is , I hope there's videos of big Mike banging Diddy is his presidential dress
Someone on video said “secret service”. Double meaning?