Took a break from the hurricane and did a quick search on this 'pink' color we've been seeing and found another hangout of the peds. Pinks Hotdogs
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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I had a boss many years ago who previously worked as a sound man in Hollywood. He would often talk about how great Pinks was.
One day he took me there and I got to try a legendary Pinks hot dog.
To my complete surprise it tasted like a hot dog. Nothing spectacular or different in any way to a hot dog you would get at Circle K. I just couldn't understand what they hype was about.
Its probably made with ground baby.
Ground something that shouldn't be in there. Human most likely for special customers for special events like expensive hotdog parties.
Oh dude that's cruel.
Same way I felt about KRISPY KREME. We were in Vegas years ago and decided to try this supposedly spectacular donut…There were no KRISPY KREME donuts in Alaska at the time. We stood in line, in the heat to get one of them….To us it was no big deal….My apologies to people who LOVE those donuts. We just don’t get it.
Regarding Pinks? I’d heard of the place but never made a connection until now. 🤮 🤢
You are probably exactly right. Personally, I can’t remember the last time I had ANY donut or donut like pastry. But they are probably all loaded with the same sh*t.
They throw away the left over donuts. In the 80s I worked at BBQ restaurant and they sold left over food to hog farms. (Leftover from customer’s plates) So much is wasted now.
I’m in NC, Krispy Kreme is from NC. Growing up it was a treat to get Krispy Kreme at the grocery store. There was only one stand alone Krispy Kreme, the original, I think Greensboro I’m not positive. At age 19 I went to one and got a hot donut, apparently it’s a big deal to eat hot. I’ve never cared for them compared to small local shops that made awesome donuts. Growing up my mom cut holes in canned biscuits and fried them. That was a better donut than K.K. 🍩
I didn’t know that. I remember my mom making real donuts once. From time to time mom made the fried biscuit donuts too. 😀
It has so much hype I think bc of the history too. It was just a hot dog. Even when I lived by it I never even went, but also the lines are usually long.
Chicago red hots the best
It's like when someone famous says something that the average 5 year old knows, all of a sudden it the wisdom of the ages.
That’s LA. Every foodie institution here is mediocre at best, but it’s worshipped as if it’s something more.
I do miss not having a Tommy's chiliburger once in awhile since I escaped Calif.
Tommy's chili burger then to the Fox Inn. Fun times.