You guys like totally need to leave the transgendered alone, ok?
Some of them spent over $300,000 to invert their penis into a Franken pussy and have the world's most beautiful breasts only to find out 3 years later that they have male pattern baldness.
Bald topless dancers with Franken Pussies do not have it easy my friends, so have some compassion.
Well, if we assume that is from the Empire era when there were a lot of them, a lot forcibly drafted, at least some kidnapped and indoctrinated as children and very mentally disturbed - and hey, if we go for the Disney era stormtroopers when most of them were kidnapped and forcibly indoctrinated as children, so even more mentally disturbed individuals among them...
Yep, seems believable. Although why we should be interested I don't know. Unless the idea is to show how effed up a lot of them presumably are due to the evil done to them?
Okay, Disney, so not. But a stormtrooper is maybe not the smartest possible choice no matter how they mean to present him. But Disney has already proven that they are presently not ran by actually smart people.
They are actually run by extremely smart and talented people. How else were they hiding and brainwashing the lot of us since young, but then, they got their ass kicked by smarter people.
So now, they just all looked very stupid to those who are awake. Think for a moment, if 2016 did not happen, we would be like, "Oh, there's so many gay and trans, we just need to be more inclusive."
Yeah it looks familiar!! It looks like that actor Temura Morrison! From the Aquaman movie! But in all seriousness just another thing to dig the grave a foot deeper on my favorite fandom. What a travesty.... star wars was cool when the nerds still had it
Disney has killed this franchise. anyone that would try to save it would have to ret-con too much at this point. "Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money" could make Scrooge McDuck bucks. (i have little faith in Amazon however..)
Translation: Disney insiders leak reason why future star wars episodes will suck.
Bankrupt them
Work in progress my fren. Isn't it awesome!!
Glorious it will be.
Yoda, is that you?
You guys like totally need to leave the transgendered alone, ok?
Some of them spent over $300,000 to invert their penis into a Franken pussy and have the world's most beautiful breasts only to find out 3 years later that they have male pattern baldness.
Bald topless dancers with Franken Pussies do not have it easy my friends, so have some compassion.
And that fraken pussy smells like franken anus…
You know you set me up to say R3 smells franks and anus again.
unQestionable_truth ponders the implications and avoids stepping in what R3 is smelling.
And grows maggots
I tried to upvote... but I missed
groomer wars
Yes. No tv for kids.
better to teach them about the agenda, IMO. if you understand the manipulation, it's easy to resist it.
Great idea. Smart.
This explains why the storm troopers can't shoot in the movies.
Isn't a sign of mental illness trying the same thing over and over and hoping for different results.
yes. It is.
She looks like Kamala to me. LOL
It's a Predator that can't shoot for shit KEK! I'll show myself out, now LOLOZ!!!
Well, if we assume that is from the Empire era when there were a lot of them, a lot forcibly drafted, at least some kidnapped and indoctrinated as children and very mentally disturbed - and hey, if we go for the Disney era stormtroopers when most of them were kidnapped and forcibly indoctrinated as children, so even more mentally disturbed individuals among them...
Yep, seems believable. Although why we should be interested I don't know. Unless the idea is to show how effed up a lot of them presumably are due to the evil done to them?
Okay, Disney, so not. But a stormtrooper is maybe not the smartest possible choice no matter how they mean to present him. But Disney has already proven that they are presently not ran by actually smart people.
They are actually run by extremely smart and talented people. How else were they hiding and brainwashing the lot of us since young, but then, they got their ass kicked by smarter people.
So now, they just all looked very stupid to those who are awake. Think for a moment, if 2016 did not happen, we would be like, "Oh, there's so many gay and trans, we just need to be more inclusive."
No, if they were truly smart they would still be making money while brainwashing us way more subtly. As they used to.
Trump team smarter so they got their asses kicked.
Yeah it looks familiar!! It looks like that actor Temura Morrison! From the Aquaman movie! But in all seriousness just another thing to dig the grave a foot deeper on my favorite fandom. What a travesty.... star wars was cool when the nerds still had it
I used to love Star Wars also.
Disney has killed this franchise. anyone that would try to save it would have to ret-con too much at this point. "Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money" could make Scrooge McDuck bucks. (i have little faith in Amazon however..)
No faith in any of these DS companies.
WELLLLL..."STAR WARS" headed for the hole in the outhouse!!!! I just hope it's DEEEEEP ENOUGH!!!
Howls. That's a good one.