Hillary Clinton was hung at GITMO in April, 2021. Since then, it's been stand-ins making short live appearances. This situation makes a presidential run unlikely.
They wish! They had their chance in the primaries, everyone knew Biden's weaknesses, but he was anointed anyway. The had their chance when they coup'd him, but they anointed the cackling hyena anyway.
She changes her policies daily to appeal to different classes of voters, whom she believes will not NOTICE that this is a last minute attempt to deceive and pander to them?!?
No one but an idiot would view another substitution as other than a desperate move to maintain dem power. How could they even justify it? to even the most incidental voter?
THEIR voters! That they had convinced to vote for Biden!
OH NO BIDEN NOT OK after all we told you!
THEIR voters! That they had convinced to vote for Kamala!.
OH NO KAMALA NOT OK after all we told you!
wouldn't throwing Kamala under the bus, also throw Obama under it? Also, by extension or implication, anger the black vote which is what is sinking them>
One of the scrolling headlines in this Babylon Bee Video says that "Kamala is so disliked that the nation is considering Hillary." Keep in mind that this video was published January 17th 2022.
Pure speculation but no wonder it is being anticipated. There is already quite enough evidence to imprison her. And more on the cusp... but none of that matters to the demon-rats. For anyone who has not noticed by now, they focus on achieving a goal, and the prices paid to get it, the misery and lives lost, do not even cause a little blip. "End justifies the means" as always. As opposed to Republicans who at least used to believe that if you wreaked havoc and horrible things accomplishing a goal, it was immoral. Ethics, integrity, morals and "what would Jesus do?". It is just that in order to not have people harmed by those with no conscience, you have to know how to thwart evil. Those are lessons being learned, and it is very difficult because by nature, humans do not want to believe the very worst about those in power and are belligerently naive or woke and ruined.
How in the world can a change of batter be legal at this late date?
they are democrats its not legal but they dont care.....
Logistically I can't begin to make it work. Even at the extreme edges of laws and norms and assumed state compliance.
The last possible shuffle opportunity was the convention and they went all-in with Harris.
Only thing I can come up with: kick off WW3 or some extreme natural disaster that fully suspends voting.
They are saying that to explain why bill and Biden are tossing her under the bus.
I doubt they would even try and if they do,most states wouldn't follow along.
California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Michigan might follow along.
Look at the unlawful things they’ve done to Trump, and our country. They do not care one iota about the rules and laws.
Hillary Clinton was hung at GITMO in April, 2021. Since then, it's been stand-ins making short live appearances. This situation makes a presidential run unlikely.
It was witnessed by Trump himself.
Well, it would be interesting to see what would happen if they do replace Kamala with Hillary and then Hillary is arrested on Oct 30.
They wish! They had their chance in the primaries, everyone knew Biden's weaknesses, but he was anointed anyway. The had their chance when they coup'd him, but they anointed the cackling hyena anyway.
She changes her policies daily to appeal to different classes of voters, whom she believes will not NOTICE that this is a last minute attempt to deceive and pander to them?!?
No one but an idiot would view another substitution as other than a desperate move to maintain dem power. How could they even justify it? to even the most incidental voter?
THEIR voters! That they had convinced to vote for Biden! OH NO BIDEN NOT OK after all we told you!
THEIR voters! That they had convinced to vote for Kamala!. OH NO KAMALA NOT OK after all we told you!
This is beyond Clown World.
wouldn't throwing Kamala under the bus, also throw Obama under it? Also, by extension or implication, anger the black vote which is what is sinking them>
Just a question.
Black folk wondering why y'all voted for them in the first place.
Its truly sad.
If this happens, the United States will be in utter turmoil
One of the scrolling headlines in this Babylon Bee Video says that "Kamala is so disliked that the nation is considering Hillary." Keep in mind that this video was published January 17th 2022.
I still think they'll put Biden back in and add Hellary as his veep
This is why Trump is telling everyone to VOTE EARLY! What a fucking disaster that would be for the dems.
Pure speculation but no wonder it is being anticipated. There is already quite enough evidence to imprison her. And more on the cusp... but none of that matters to the demon-rats. For anyone who has not noticed by now, they focus on achieving a goal, and the prices paid to get it, the misery and lives lost, do not even cause a little blip. "End justifies the means" as always. As opposed to Republicans who at least used to believe that if you wreaked havoc and horrible things accomplishing a goal, it was immoral. Ethics, integrity, morals and "what would Jesus do?". It is just that in order to not have people harmed by those with no conscience, you have to know how to thwart evil. Those are lessons being learned, and it is very difficult because by nature, humans do not want to believe the very worst about those in power and are belligerently naive or woke and ruined.
Arcancide? Only way to get she devil on the ballot in a good many states. Does stupid kamala have any idea who she is dealing with?
Kameltoe had better get herself some serious security, or she just might become their martyr.