Its only a few days until the election. We have stuck with Trump and Q from day 1. How could you come so far only to doom with "if they steal this then its over" or "they already rigged it"?!?!
After everything weve been through over the last 4 years, the damage and division the cabal has done to America for decades, if not centuries, with only hours left on the clock, NOW is the time you choose to give up and doom????
Dont take the black pill! Have faith and see this thing through till the end!!! We are all in this together. We were told it was not going to be easy. We were told things were going to get scary. We were told what was going to happen. Now is not the time to give in. Now is the time for strength and resolve.
Fortify yourselves!!! Be the light in the dark. Be the positivity for others to emulate. Be the rallying cry for the weary. Be the armor for the weak. Be the faithful amongst the fairweathered. BE THE AWESOME AUTISTIC SON OF A BITCH YOU HAVE BEEN FOR THE LAST 8 YEARS!!!!!
A lot of fake MSM stories flooding the net today about how the Hoe is doing way better in the polls, lol. Liars to the bitter end.
Ask yourself. What is the goal of propping her up with fake polls and making it look like she has a chance?
It is to legitimise the steal.
Now should be the time to PRAY and VOTE if you are not already doing so. Fast if you are dooming and pray even harder until you hear CNN announce Trump is the winner!! God wins. HE annoints our president. He may have allowed the Biden presidency to wake us all up but I don’t believe he will allow a Kameltoe White House to lead the country into total destruction. Have faith in God so that no matter what happens you can know in your heart that HIS WILL is done!
2Chronicles 7:14 “ IF my people, who are called by my name, will HUMBLE themselves and PRAY and SEEK my face, and TURN from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.” We’ve still got work to do…
Keep it simple.
Vote early for Trump.
Hope for the best.
Prepare for the worst.
Eat popcorn on 11/5.
There’s a new bagged popcorn out now that is suuuuuuper awesome be sure to have 7 or 8 bags on hand.
What's it called?
i assume you got it?
I'm not worried. I read the Bible. God wins.
Also, the astroturfing on Reddit tells me we will win, and we won in 2016... We can stop the steal.
We won in 2020 too. It was stolen
I'd say we let the steal happen, whereas something stopped it in 2016, however you are correct.
Can you elaborate on "astroturfong"? I do not have and will not get the reddit app...
Hiring bots, Chinese usually to spam big subreddits, r/pics for example, with unfavorable pics of Trump or favorable pics of Kamala, and have other bots mass up vote them to try to get useful idiots to vote for her based on that.
It's cringe and largely doesn't work but they are desperate.
Oh. I see.... Thanks for the info.
I'll bet that astroturfing happened on all social media
I’ve got complete trust and confidence in GOD.
Will pray for you
I'm extremely nervous.... But if I keep remembering that:
Hillary could have won in was a miracle she didn't....Trump saw EVERYTHING they were expecting to be able to kept hidden.... And declassified it all before leaving office...
Trump DID win in 2020.... And Sleepy Joe was NOT inaugurated, didn't reside in the Whitehouse, didn't attend official functions, made zero "presidential" contributions, and is actively undermining Harris' campaign...
But most of all, Trump surviving the assignation attempt.... That was a miracle...
Lot's of stuff going on we can't see
I would NEVER give up.... It's just too important!
I just don't want to be mad for the next 4 years...
Ready. On all fronts.
Same here. We will know exactly where we stand by the end of this week. I'm just glad we finally get our main questioned answered soon.
By the end of March.
Don’t put your apples all on this week.
I'm thinking more of the line on how the Military gets activated.
Too big to rig, when we all get out and vote! So do it!
Why would anyone doom when NCSWIC
Look, I’m doing my part. I know we’re all doing ours, and I know we outnumber them.
I just don’t like how we have to rely on judges to decide if and when to stop the obvious fraud. It happened last time, it’s happening this time. It’s obvious to everyone.
But it’s so important to the DS to keep the status quo that they won’t go easy, and it may get hot. That’s the part I’m not looking forward to.
At the same time, I’d very much prefer it get hot than everybody just bend over and spread em.
I get the feeling we won't have to rely on those corrupt judges fren. I believe this time, we will be relying on the military, specifically the Space Force.
God I hope you’re right.
The only thing the DS fears is him winning outright. If she “wins” they win. If they muddy the waters enough to have us turn on ourselves, they win.
A saying of the Royal Marines: "They don't crack me, I am a rubber duck"
This is a common sense post which I think is greatly needed. I have been very surprised at some frens the last two weeks. The proofs we have been waiting for have been happening. Maybe some need to stop and pray. I know that helps me when I am low or find myself engulfed in rage at the evil machine.
Faith is good for the mind and soul. 4 years ago I couldn't imagine how we would ever find unity but look what God has wrought using our magnificent bastard. Hang in there.
Time for the WHITE PILL!!!!
Who’s despairing?
Already voted. Pray and fast tomorrow. Father has got this.
Anyone who hasn’t gotten involved in elections or town/county activities yet needs to start doing it asap moving forward, because government of/by/for the people requires involvement.
I don't say it's over. They will steal it. Their lives depend on it. So, what I do say is, what do we do once they steal it?
Unless the military stops the steal. That's possible but I think it's unlikely.
I think white hats will prevent the hacking like they did in 2016 imo. We shall see my fren.