32 This TRAITOR snuck into Congress! - Eugene Vindman wins House race (www.theguardian.com) posted 4 months ago by winn 4 months ago by winn +32 / -0 Democrat and ex-Trump official Eugene Vindman wins House race Outcome in Virginia represents key victory for Democrats as they look to regain control of chamber 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Vindman, Wasserman-Shultz, R. Galligo, Adam Shiff, etc….all by cheating.
A good place to start election audits.
For now.
I hope Trump gives him relentless hell for 4 straight years, beyond what he can handle
Just ignore him. Nothing irritates a narcissist mire.
Knowing S.FL as well as I do, I can believe Wasserman-Schultz won fair and square. The area she represents is as Commie Jew as it gets anywhere in the country. And it's full of Killary supporters, too.
She needs to be investigated over the Awan brothers IT scandal, among other DNC crimes.
He shouldn't get too comfortable. Traitors, like him will be rounded up very shortly.
Collecting his reward?