Frens; I understand your jubilation at being pure bloods, but some of us did take the injections for various reasons ( mine was so I could cross the border to see my kids and grandkids) I m old and took the chance I’d be ok. Took my doses of horse paste to ward off the demons as best I could. Had a heart ctscan in 2019 all clear - now 2024 plaque in my carotid arteries (not the typical person to get that- figured it was the jab.) Got my nattokinase, bromalain, curcumin, quercetine & ivermectin on the go and communing with my inner Pepe. Enjoy your health and smart choices, but spare a prayer.
I've had NO covid shots of any kind. I had surgery last year on one of my carotid arteries. It was "a brick," according to my surgeon. Go get Linus Pauling's book or some of the others who write about his protocol. They thought I was going to have to have surgery in another artery this year. I started the protocol about 6 mos. before a CAT scan of that artery that looked bad in another procedure and guess what. No need for surgery now. POOF!
I didn't follow what he posted but similar. I assume it worked. The first ultrasound they couldn't get a good view of the veins to kidneys but they appeared to be clogged. The scan showed the veins and also why they could never find my second kidney. I only have one kidney. Something I was born with. They said most people who have it usually only find out like I did when they're looking for something else. BTW, reading another good book now, Deep Nutrition by Dr. Catherine Shanahan. You can read it for free if you have Kindle Unlimited. She details some things to eat (stay away from vegetable oils and sugar/carbs for starters) that will help clear arteriosclerosis. It's a very interesting book.
And yes I learned while being a Christian you honestly have no idea what impact you may have on someone, or that person may never know the impact they've had on you! God works in wonderful ways
I know muliple people who got long term health issues after catching covid from a coworker that bragged about being quad-jabbed. I think once that cat got out of the bag, people were going to get long term damage whether or not they got the damn thing themselves.
Keep taking care of yourself with that stuff you mentioned fren, that's good work you're doing. And remember that with God it'll be okay: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." from Psalm 23.
I love ivermectin- I enjoy and appreciate all your posts- I’m sorry to hear of your terrible experiences- I wasn’t trying to be negative towards anyone- just asking our community to spare a prayer - and not look askance at people who got jabbed. My hope is that RFK jr will produce a ‘Manhattan Project’ for health that will include help for all those who are suffering. ❤
I know you’re not. I’m sharing because I want others to know it’s ok to speak. Tucker Carlson recently spoke about how folks are suffering in silence. I’m very very concerned about what I’m seeing. Early on Q said they are listening and make your issues known on the forums. We know they watch. Too many of us know folks that are suffering because of the past 4 year medical massacre.
As big as a push was made to vaxx us, we need as big a push to reverse the damage. For you and everyone else out here. The baffling term i keep using is because these doctors are either dumb or derelict. Unless they’ve kept their heads under a rock, many must be questioning what’s happening.
I believe in prayer, but I also believe that faith without works is dead so to speak. RFK Jr was just nominated today. I believe he’ll get to work instantly. It’s his life work. His VP candidate is great. But we need to go scorched earth on the biomedical cartel. Stay well anon!
Looks like whomever took the jabb is screwed. "I'm from the government and I'm here to help". Yep, the government helped themselves to citizens wealth.
This was by design. It was crystal clear at the beginning of the scamdemic when they changed the definitions of what a vaccine was as well as the strong arm tactics to get it in every arm that they could, quickly.
We need to have global trials for crimes against humanity.
We've lost several teens "suddenly" in our small rural community over the past year. Some from accidents but some just died. Thankfully most didn't take them but guessing the athletes did. Another 16 yo girl died last week
They all got their virtue signaling points and the free donuts. I feel for the kids too, who were innocent. Myocarditis death rates at 5 and 10 years are tragically high. They knew it and even pushed to give this poison to young children.
If the "Journal of Emergency Medicine: Open Access" was a legitimate, properly peer-reviewed, mainstream journal it would be listed in PubMed, but it is not: This lists seven journals which have the phrase "Journal of Emergency Medicine" in their titles, but not this one.
The publisher, Opast, is mentioned six times in this recent, mainstream, peer-reviewed journal, report on predatory journals: .
Both Opast and Longdom are listed on Beall's original list of predatory journals: and reports like these:
They weren't pushing it, it was immediately before surgery and she seemed happy I didn't get it. It's like they are seeing complications during surgery,is the impression I got.
I would like to see the stats on pulmonary embolisms. I know 3 within my inner circle that had them. Shame. How can the people that pushed this live with themselves?
Frens; I understand your jubilation at being pure bloods, but some of us did take the injections for various reasons ( mine was so I could cross the border to see my kids and grandkids) I m old and took the chance I’d be ok. Took my doses of horse paste to ward off the demons as best I could. Had a heart ctscan in 2019 all clear - now 2024 plaque in my carotid arteries (not the typical person to get that- figured it was the jab.) Got my nattokinase, bromalain, curcumin, quercetine & ivermectin on the go and communing with my inner Pepe. Enjoy your health and smart choices, but spare a prayer. 🐸
I've had NO covid shots of any kind. I had surgery last year on one of my carotid arteries. It was "a brick," according to my surgeon. Go get Linus Pauling's book or some of the others who write about his protocol. They thought I was going to have to have surgery in another artery this year. I started the protocol about 6 mos. before a CAT scan of that artery that looked bad in another procedure and guess what. No need for surgery now. POOF!
Yes! I read JohnTitor17’s post re the Linus P protocol - I’m on it- excellent to hear you had good results!!
I didn't follow what he posted but similar. I assume it worked. The first ultrasound they couldn't get a good view of the veins to kidneys but they appeared to be clogged. The scan showed the veins and also why they could never find my second kidney. I only have one kidney. Something I was born with. They said most people who have it usually only find out like I did when they're looking for something else. BTW, reading another good book now, Deep Nutrition by Dr. Catherine Shanahan. You can read it for free if you have Kindle Unlimited. She details some things to eat (stay away from vegetable oils and sugar/carbs for starters) that will help clear arteriosclerosis. It's a very interesting book.
Thank you! I’ll check it out. I’ve been keto 3 1/2 years - never felt better , lots of energy and no brain fog.
I actually tried it myself. Granted, I only did 3 weeks... It's a lot harder to follow than I thought it would be!
I even made a post from when I started
Ha ha! Your post is what got me going - thanks- amazing the effects we have on each other without ever knowing 😊
I'm honored! Thanks for the feedback!
And yes I learned while being a Christian you honestly have no idea what impact you may have on someone, or that person may never know the impact they've had on you! God works in wonderful ways
I know muliple people who got long term health issues after catching covid from a coworker that bragged about being quad-jabbed. I think once that cat got out of the bag, people were going to get long term damage whether or not they got the damn thing themselves.
Keep taking care of yourself with that stuff you mentioned fren, that's good work you're doing. And remember that with God it'll be okay: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." from Psalm 23.
I love ivermectin- I enjoy and appreciate all your posts- I’m sorry to hear of your terrible experiences- I wasn’t trying to be negative towards anyone- just asking our community to spare a prayer - and not look askance at people who got jabbed. My hope is that RFK jr will produce a ‘Manhattan Project’ for health that will include help for all those who are suffering. ❤
I know you’re not. I’m sharing because I want others to know it’s ok to speak. Tucker Carlson recently spoke about how folks are suffering in silence. I’m very very concerned about what I’m seeing. Early on Q said they are listening and make your issues known on the forums. We know they watch. Too many of us know folks that are suffering because of the past 4 year medical massacre.
As big as a push was made to vaxx us, we need as big a push to reverse the damage. For you and everyone else out here. The baffling term i keep using is because these doctors are either dumb or derelict. Unless they’ve kept their heads under a rock, many must be questioning what’s happening.
I believe in prayer, but I also believe that faith without works is dead so to speak. RFK Jr was just nominated today. I believe he’ll get to work instantly. It’s his life work. His VP candidate is great. But we need to go scorched earth on the biomedical cartel. Stay well anon!
Looks like whomever took the jabb is screwed. "I'm from the government and I'm here to help". Yep, the government helped themselves to citizens wealth.
And health.
Great Awakening will be painfully challenging for some. Pun intended.
This was by design. It was crystal clear at the beginning of the scamdemic when they changed the definitions of what a vaccine was as well as the strong arm tactics to get it in every arm that they could, quickly.
We need to have global trials for crimes against humanity.
Hmm ... how did I know who the mystery population was from just reading the headline?
I feel sorry for the kids of parents that had their children take the jab,
We've lost several teens "suddenly" in our small rural community over the past year. Some from accidents but some just died. Thankfully most didn't take them but guessing the athletes did. Another 16 yo girl died last week
I have buried more friends that I can to state on the forum. Sudden Death is now a common term, unheard of prior. Same for myocarditis.
They all got their virtue signaling points and the free donuts. I feel for the kids too, who were innocent. Myocarditis death rates at 5 and 10 years are tragically high. They knew it and even pushed to give this poison to young children.
Depopulation. Global Trials. Public Hangings.
"peer-reviewed" in a known predatory journal. Be careful and do your research.
From one of the comments on the substack article:
A quick search for "Journal of Emergency Medicine: Open Access" finds it is part of the Longdom operation:
If the "Journal of Emergency Medicine: Open Access" was a legitimate, properly peer-reviewed, mainstream journal it would be listed in PubMed, but it is not: This lists seven journals which have the phrase "Journal of Emergency Medicine" in their titles, but not this one.
The publisher, Opast, is mentioned six times in this recent, mainstream, peer-reviewed journal, report on predatory journals: .
Both Opast and Longdom are listed on Beall's original list of predatory journals: and reports like these:
Young 20s family member recently had a seizure that led to finding a brain tumor. I don't think it's good news. Also they are jabbed.😔
Sorry. I’m concerned also.
And the death rate of COVID jab-pushers will go up soon too.
Nitter Source
Ohio state required jabs..even for remote students
Could be worse…??
I guess they could be deader-er.
*will be
I had hernia surgery the other day,and the nurse asked me if I had any covid shots,right before surgery. I was so surprised I didn't ask her why.
Definitely seamed strange.
You’re not the only one. Even eye doctors are pushing it. STILL.
They weren't pushing it, it was immediately before surgery and she seemed happy I didn't get it. It's like they are seeing complications during surgery,is the impression I got.
I wish I had asked more.
Is that better or worse than Vioxx?
it's a mystery
I would like to see the stats on pulmonary embolisms. I know 3 within my inner circle that had them. Shame. How can the people that pushed this live with themselves?