Fat POS is starting to wake up
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Yogurt was ranting near the end of his awful appearance and all I could think of was... if I shut my eyes and listen to what Cunk has to say... he is a Trump supporter but he doesn't even know it yet.
He is a doors fan!
Actors being played a roll, too important with NPC influence to get rid of. Probably not as bad as the Pdiddy and friends. He's going to help deprogram the lefties, these sheep were brainwashed by the media, and the media is how you can brainwash them.
All the Soros paid bot subscription hit and all the lefties lost thousands of accounts.
The Jokes on Dee!
Let's pray for this for sure.
Chunk has always promoted team evil and openly mocks religion, conservative values, and anything not liberal trash. His hubris is only exceeded by his disdain for anything contrary to his insular world view.
Can we wield the crazy to do our bidding for a time? maybe. Remember though, that is what the Democrats tried to do and look what happened.
Yeah, I noticed it on election night. Went to TNT to see Cenk have another meltdown like in 2016 (it was very entertaining). Instead they had guests and Ann saying good things about Trump, and Cenk was listing all the ways the democrats had screwed up. Very shocking, not at all the 100% Trump bashing, temper tantrums, and gnashing of teeth I had expected.
Just saw this. Wow!
Chunk is in despirate need of Jesus.
Even if he got his head out of his butt for 5 seconds, I'm not sure I'd want an ally like that.
He's the guy when shipwrecked in a movie would take all the food for himself and the only weapon and try to hold everyone hostage with no plan, and would end up eaten by a giant mutated alligator, with everyone watching cheering while he screamed.
Yes, that's kind of what I was expecting!
The guy is a Trump hater through and through. He just has moments of clarity, looks around, gets pissed, goes back to it. Wouldn’t let him work at the drive through window.
I've listened to enough of his speeches and "debates". He's just not that smart and/ or just really bad at putting together arguments.
Anna Kasparian had her moment a while back. She's smarter than Cenk.
She's smarter than she's allowed to let on. He's her boss. She's waking him up in a tactful enough way so that she doesn't lose her job.
Never thought of that. Good theory. It has sturdy legs.
His self Reply to this tweet is very telling that he is having a Bill Maher change. Noticed it lately in his rhetoric too.
Never thought much of this guy but there are a lot of people on the left that are going to be shocked at what MAGA is going to accomplish that is going to benefit ALL Americans!
The white hats are in control-control of everything, including the media. The turn around must be done with care. Little tiny red pills and not all at once. This is truly glorious. The lefties seeing this is okay, not a bad thing, will allow them to do the mental gymnastics to wake up. I see it every day. It’s now becoming what the cool kids are doing so the rest will try to emulate.
What he needs is a 5lb. Rectal red pill.
No one's asked cuz you sir are a BAFOOOON
Yea... He and Anna Kasperian are slowly waking up....
Anna was sexually assaulted by a homeless man and talked about it on the YTY show. She was raked over the coals for making "unhoused neighbors" look bad.... She couldn't believe it.... Opened her eyes....
Struggling for relevance.
He is about the biggest dub of a whiner I've ever listened to. Dumb as a rock too.
Chunk is not a populist. He is a deranged cluster b society fat fuck who sees the writing on the wall.
I like Cenk. He drank the anti Trump Kool Aid for a bit but I think he's really starting to wake up. I used to like him in the early days of TYT before he got a little crazy when Trump became a thing.