Things I hope we finally get answers for..
How old is the earth for realsies? Is it flat or a sphere? Are we alone in the universe? Is there a universe? Do we live in a simulation? Were we created or produced by random chance? Evolution? Nah, fuck that one. Is our history to be trusted? Are they chemtrails or just uber-long contrails? How long have humans really been around? Giants? Dinosaurs? Election fraud? Covid? Covid vaccine? What was in the envelopes?
We already know who killed JFK, who was behind 9/11, Michelle is a man, etc... However, it sure would be cool if the new administration could provide some clarity for everything else that we've never been offered answers for.
Until now, I've felt too uncomfortable sharing what i discovered in the 'Rofschild' AMA from 2011, claiming to be a Rothschild. It predicts the exact start date of Q's first post using a 666 delta. It gave me an existential crisis for a few days thinking the Rothschilds run Q and it's controlled opposition. But i realized this is the Q team pretending to be the Rothschilds so they can disclose things that are far too disturbing and unrealistic to be in the Q drops.
Rofschild started posting on 10/28/2011, Exactly 6 years before Q's first drop on 10/28/2017.
If you look at the typos in the title "I Am a ROFSCHILD, Axe me a Question", you'll see it creates a 666 delta predicting the start date of Q.
6 = F in RoFschild
6 = 24 = X in Axe
6 Years to the day, 2011 + 6 years = 10/28/2017
Now search in the AMA for this post "Who are the "Children of Israel?" Why was their seed blessed?" And it sounds a lot like Q's writing style. Link here
I'm currently half way through reading it, and there's a load of eye opening and disturbing things, especially while reading it through the lens of already believing it's truth coming from Q.
Q is pretending to be a rothschild while also given us a glimpse into their evil mindset. For the Cabal, it's all about natural law which means ZERO morals. You do everything to preserve and advance your own family/and wider family in your blood line no matter the cost. Survival of the fittest, if you are capable of enslaving humanity, then it is your right to do so. They believe that we are all slowly evolving into Gods, and it's all about purifying their bloodlines by carefully selecting who they breed with and which members of their bloodline should reproduce, like natural selection but manual. And they have advanced tech to decipher DNA so they know what their bloodline will evolve/ascend in to. They want to stay ahead, so they kill off humanity in mass extinction events so we get reset/slowed down, while their family bloodlines keep progressing.
They say their name "Rothschild" which translates to Red Shield, means Blood (Red) Shield, as in shielding/advancing their bloodline's evolutionary destiny.
They say that there are "MANY forces are at play here." in regards to human pain and fear being harvested, sounds like a hint about aliens.
They say humans have interbred with other similar but not genetically identical species, intergalactic travelers.
"It has been proven that the majority of mankind (85%) has a blood factor common with the rhesus monkey. This is called rhesus positive blood. Usually shortened to Rh positive. This factor is completely independent from the A, B, 0 blood types.
In the study of genetics, we find that we can only inherit what our ancestors had...except in the case of environmental or selective mutation. We can have any of numerous combinations of traits inherited from all of our ancestors. Nothing more and nothing less. Therefore, if man and ape evolved from a common ancestor, their blood would have evolved the same way. Blood factors are transmitted with much more biological precision than any other characteristic. It could be argued from scientific scrutiny that modern man and rhesus monkey have had a common ancestor sometime in the "past". All other earthly primates share this Rh factor. But this leaves out the people who are Rh negative. If all mankind evolved from the same ancestor their blood would be compatible. Where did the Rh negatives come from? If they are not the descendants of prehistoric man, could they be the descendants of planetary travelers?"
They hint that their is something special about our DNA, and say "You have manifest in a human form."
On a lighter note, it turns out vegans were right. They say humans are capable of immortality, and the perfect diet is vegan/natural foods, and importantly distilled water. That's why they poison us with all the processed crap and pesticides and minerals and things added to water. Meat and animal products upset the balance of alkalinity in your blood resulting in your immune system and things being less effective. Death is simply because the toxins build up faster than our body gets rid of them. And that if you eat the perfect diet your body can heal itself by your cells regenerating faster which takes about 2 years.
Have you seen the Moon comms in Ghosts in the Machine 2, The quote at the beginning is from a book called "The Moon is down", then the video shows the moon with the words "The most powerful weapon" so maybe it's the main cabal/evil alien base and where they hide when they depopulate us.
And the R Anon post that's been verified via coincidences from Trump's tweets and Q. It says "You would never believe the files kept on'd never believe WHERE they are kept"
Only 4 words are in all caps NASA, ONE, ONE, WHERE. If you take the first letter of each it spells NOOW = MOON upside down. Which makes it sound like the good guys also have a secret base there.
The day after the R Anon post, Trump misspelled are/our = R, and also tagged a random person called ClayHiggins18 instead of the correct twitter account. 18 = R. And Q#3896 with a similar timestamp that creates a 3.....2.....1 coincidence, and on that same delta, Mar 23rd, Q posted a meme with an R misspelled in #3172
And there is an airforce woman claiming she was kidnapped in order to test if current military radar equipment could detect the cabal UFOs, and that she was taken to the moon, and another guy in the jungle claiming to witness "soldiers" with no uniform markings loading crates of human trafficking victims into UFOs in poor countries after natural disasters. Insanely disturbing stuff, "The truth would put 99% in the hospital". It's an absolute miracle it's even possible to take them down.
Did you know that Former Attorney General, Bill Barr's father, Donald Barr was the headmaster at the school that hired Jeffrey Epstein to be a teacher. And that Barr wrote a book called space relations, about humans being kidnapped to become "illegal playthings of the galaxy's super-rich."
God know's how many millions of years this has been going on for, or even longer. Trump has has said "millions of years" a few times. We could truly be in the midst of an intergalactic war between good and evil.
Hi fren, this is very interesting. Thanks for revealing it.
The style of the Rofschild posts reminds me of the question and answer style of Majestic 12 message of disclosure:
Interesting, i've heard of MJ12 posts before but never looked into them, Thanks for sharing, i will now.
Yw. Btw, fwiw, anon Paul Furber (@pauf) on Gab, a pretty knowledgeable guy tho I often don't agree with, him recently admitted that he thought that Q wasn't genuine soon after Q started posting so you aren't alone. He will engage on Gab if you're interested in finding out why.
For the record, mods and anons, I myself am on board with Q. I'm not black pilling. Q would want inquiring minds on his team. That is how we've gotten as far as we have. It's obvious that Q is leading us to a very bright future.
Regarding the MJ12 posts, there are other similarities between Rofschild posts and MJ12. The two biggest that I observed are the tone of the writing (MJ12 isn't snarky, tho) and the opinion of women. It is a very masculine tone. I'm not making judgement, just saying. The hostility in the Rofschild posts is obvious. There is a little hostility in some of the MJ12 writing but not nearly as much. In my opinion, this hostility is a flaw and unnecessary. It reveals some very human nature.
It's strange, but after one of the first times I had ever even heard about Majestic, that same day, I went to the local thrift shop to look for books to read. In the rows and stacks in the chaotic book room, there was a book with a bright red cover called "Majestic" by Whitley Strieber. It seems that the book found me. I read it. It's strange to say the least. It's a book about alien encounters. This author seems to have the same opinion about women, too. Make of it what you will.
One last thing: Rofschild mentioned Catherine Fitts in a positive way. She goes by Catherine Austin Fitts. She is a cool-headed thinker, a brilliant financial mind. She looks at the big picture of finance integrated with world events. She is worth listening to.
I had a chance to speak with her SHE is an amazing Human ! Catherine Austin Fitts. FTW !
Interesting, ye, i listened to a few of Catherine Austin Fitts interviews, good stuff.
Do you know if MJ12 has done any "Q proofs" to verify they are legit insiders, or said things later proven to be true.
Yes, and some of the Rofs posts are racist too, but Q has no choice but to pretend to be an asshole to convince the rest of the cabal it really is just a Roth talking and Patriots don't have access to that knowledge.
I don't know of any MJ 12 Q proofs in this document, just a lot of additional Q-style information.
I think that Q has been very, very gentle on our psyches compared to what it could tell us if it wanted to.
Agreed, I trust their judgement for deciding which things no one needs or wants to know.
Yes, same here. But there is more out there to consider with discretion if one wants to go there. I think humanity will know all someday, but we need to be slowly brought up to speed. I believe it will take generations to adjust our collective minds, cultures, and beliefs.
files are kept on the moon.
Yup, sounds like it, and what do you think they meant when they said "you would never believe the files kept on you", can they read our brain scans, look at how AI is starting to decipher what a person is looking at just from their brain activity.
Q already responded to the flat earth question with "no"
Well, it's not really. It has mountains.
One question will ruin a flat earthers day: How does the sun light up the underside of clouds at dawn/dusk?
And how do they explain time zones??
Notice he responded but didn’t answer your question? Flat earthers are so fucking moronic 🙄
Thanks for the kind words. I think I presented these as food for thought. These opposing sides exist. How did you decide what side I'm on Mr (or Ms) Smarty Pants?
I used to be one of you.
And by "one of you" I am assuming you mean those of us that can discuss challenging topics politely and intelligently rather than immediately starting in with name-calling. I have not chosen a side on this front because I am smart enough to know that because there are two sides, one of them is a lie; but we don't know which one yet. And, sorry, you don't know either...
Ok 👍🏻
name checks out.
God says it's flat; Q says it's not. Maybe it's a cube.
I'm leaning towards elliptically round (not quite perfectly spherical), and hollow on the inside.
The term is, "oblate spheroid."
Chapter and verse?
The bible never explicity claims it's flat. It does however say "4 corners. 4 pillars, sheoth (darkness) below, heaven above a firmament." I would venture to say some of that would be metaphysical to prevent overloading the minds of people back then.
It’s also spherical, but 🤷🏻♂️
Well, I like the questions, and I would like to find out what is behind the curtain: The Masterpiece,
and of course, who we've been talking to, who Q really is
What’s the story re Antarctica?
I guess Galileo must have been a heretic then...
Was Galileo even a real person? Do we know?
pretty short list
I like answering questions. AMA.
The earth is 6,016 years and 2 months old. It's an oblate spheroid. We are not alone in the universe. There is a universe. It's also indistinguishable from a simulation.
We were created via preexisting order. Nonlife became ordered life (including Rh-) via preexisting life; it happened too fast to be called evolution. It shouldn't be called microevolution either, it's continuous environmental tracking. All histories must be compared for trust (we know Galileo was real).
Chemtrails are chemtrails (Ed Griffin, Hal Lindsey). Humans, giants, and dinosaurs have all been here 6,016 years and 2 months. Election fraud in the US began in 1776, but the first election fraud was the election of a snake. Coronavirus disease has been around for slightly less than 6,016 years and 2 months; four common coronaviruses cause billions of colds every year. Coronavirus disease vaccine was invented in the 20th century (the 2019 gene therapy is not a vaccine). The envelopes contained incriminating evidence (the council of time travelers has not permitted me to say more).
OTOH, the 1537 Bible of Thomas Matthew contains "flat earthe" at 2 Sam. 11:11 but in the KJV this just means "open fields". The underside of clouds might well be lit up by earthshine. Time zones work fine on an icewall flat earth. Antarctica is protected by government thus a natural subject of conspiracy arising from restrictions of movement, but this will change.
What's behind the curtain keeps changing from day to day so today it agrees with your imagination but it will not be revealed until your imagination has changed to be consistent enough with what is coming. Q is Satoshi Nakamura and Cicada 3301. Big things are afoot. I can sleep knowing the truth about everything.
Evolution is a real thing for real.
Lol, made me chuckle, fren!
Micro evolution? Most certainly.
Any other type? Nope.
As far as diversity of the species go, I'm sold. But, as far as humanity's origins here on earth, I keep a pretty open mind. But, I do believe that humans are evolving continuously.