Whteman Air Force base is in central Missouri so this is not an usual scene in either Missouri or Kansas. Could be just a routine refueling practice. They often flew over our farm doing this.
Haha yeah those guys are incredible got to watch the SANDI unit in training as I was involved in a CST (Combat Survival Training) exercise with our guys (the B2 pilots). Those A-10 guys handle consistently more G's than any other airframe we have because of the nature of their work.
Or... they could have a full load of munitions aboard and need less fuel to take off to save weight. Once they are airborne they are easily refueled. Same with the BUFF. But if they did take off with a full load of munitions that begs the question...."Where are they going?". To play in the sandbox?
Most likely a KC-135R out of Tinker AFB practice refueling a B-2. One of my great memories was stopping into Tinker on a cross country. Both the transient maintenance crew and the burgers were very hot. Contractor maintenance. Hot ladies and great burgers. I hope it is still the same.
hey, isn't there a q post on whether the president's plane can be refuelled?
here it is:
YES! Post 151!
i just included it in my comment
Perfect haha. I think I was commenting as you were editing your comment. Team work!
You two are good! 👏
I don't remember...
Whteman Air Force base is in central Missouri so this is not an usual scene in either Missouri or Kansas. Could be just a routine refueling practice. They often flew over our farm doing this.
Yep! Was stationed there before, lived in warrensburg. Hello friend!
The A-10s flew over our farm and if they saw me they would drop down to tree top level and tip their wings as they zoomed by. I was like a little kid.
Haha yeah those guys are incredible got to watch the SANDI unit in training as I was involved in a CST (Combat Survival Training) exercise with our guys (the B2 pilots). Those A-10 guys handle consistently more G's than any other airframe we have because of the nature of their work.
Just my two cents but with this bomber being refueled over CONUS, I'm seeing it as a 'practice' run for the two pilots and fueling crew.
yep. they have to "practce" this continually. Gotta keep airmen trained up. maintenance to pilot to ground crews.
Or... they could have a full load of munitions aboard and need less fuel to take off to save weight. Once they are airborne they are easily refueled. Same with the BUFF. But if they did take off with a full load of munitions that begs the question...."Where are they going?". To play in the sandbox?
Kansas is the home of aviation training. Look it up. I guarantee this is a training mission!
Most likely a KC-135R out of Tinker AFB practice refueling a B-2. One of my great memories was stopping into Tinker on a cross country. Both the transient maintenance crew and the burgers were very hot. Contractor maintenance. Hot ladies and great burgers. I hope it is still the same.
SO cool!!
Kansas? A b-2 spirit over kansas? What.
They're stationed at Whiteman AFB, Knob Knoster, MO..
The 191st Refueling Wing probably refueled it out of Forbes, Topeka, KS!
I should have looked before I posted my reply above. Absolutely the KC130's out of Forbes.
Or McConnell AFB in Wichita. My son was ATC there. They are pretty much exclusively refueling tankers.
I've wondered if the B-21 has antigravity capability. Any thoughts?
I think you'd enjoy this broadcast by Bill, talks about the stealth platform and antigravidics.
Thanks, just think what they have now.
You're welcome fren, and yes indeed.
It's said U.S. military is 50-80 yrs ahead of the general population, so one can only imagine what's about to be shared (I hope)!
Perhaps the info Q suggested that'd put 99% in hospital... which is hopefully to cure us via med-beds!
Anythings possible fren, and it'll be one of the exciting things to see develop out of all we've endured.
A great photo.
KC130's out of Forbes, I bet.