CANADA/USA ANNEXATION SUPER-THREAD! RumoUrs are that Trump isn't just blustering about making Canada the 51st state! What do you guys think? Let's all put on our 'big boy pants' and share serious details on what you think will need to make this marriage work!
🍁 Marriage Proposal? 🍁

First, le sauce (Time to download French on your Duolingo, frogs?):
Okay, so, let's get down to brass tacks, as my father would say. What would it actually take to make this work? I did something about this, and here are my thoughts.
First off, and within just a few billion dollars, Canada's economy, although small, is not tiny. It is roughly equivalent to that of Texas. So, considering the size of this merger, speaking as a Canadian and former Albertan that has for all of my life been absolutely sick of getting ass raped by Ottawa, I'm not willing to fully "dive into the deep end right away" and merge with the United States. I am, however, willing to start out as an autonomous region within the United States.
I am not happy with this "initial" offer (which, we all know is a joke, but we are just having a fun thought experiment, here). I also want Canada to also have ICE deportations, homes cannot be owned by corporations, both the IRS and the CRA are disbanded, the RCMP is first merged with the FBI and then either reformed or disbanded so that all new territories have to establish their own internal investigatory agencies and police forces. I want guarantees that our stock exchange will operate free and independently and list only Canadian companies (with a plan to merge the stock markets, say, 15 years from now, once cryptocurrency has taken over) The Central Bank of Canada is merged with the Federal reserve, and then disbanded. Provinces may be reorganized according to resources and economic output and culture/faggotry (IE, British Columbia is split into two provinces, Alberta and Saskatchewan are joined), but the 'notwithstanding clause' (allowing provinces to opt out of sweeping federal mandates) is preserved for a period of 30 years. Certain provinces which are not heavily populated must negotiate their own electoral college rights to maintain their voice within the Republic...
Doesn’t the UK have an interest in Canada?
Royal Assent: Every Canadian federal law requires royal assent to become law.
Role Today:
Impact: Once royal assent is granted, the bill becomes law.
Yes, Canada is owned by The Crown. But don't forget how much The Crown owes America. In lieu payment, we'll take Canada.
I must have hit a nerve.
That 'legal entity' version of the crown is dead and mulched so it is unlikely that it's replacement has any valid legal clam to the land....
Look at the video starting at point I indicate. Norm Traversy is the expert on this.
Correction:used to, the monarchy is no more
First thing Canada would have to do is separate from the crown. We may have to do the same thing by dissolving the US Corporation and returning to a true republic.
Lol. I advocated for this exact same thing over two years ago. Future proves the past, I guess.
“Homes cannot be owned by corporations.”
Curious what all the ramifications to something loud this would be. Here in the U.S., if you want to own multiple properties in order to rent them out (extremely common) it usually makes sense to incorporate with an LLC or an S Corp. Not sure individuals looking to muse money that way would be able to stomach the risk otherwise. What’s the thought process on this? Just trying to keep Blackrock out of it? (understandably)