An issue that I see with purging hoardes of deep state leeches from govt is that they may get some kind of golden parachute severance package. That gives them abundant time to regroup and come back later to infiltrate the nation all over again. The bad ones need to be punished severely, and many must be eliminated entirely.
Comments (16)
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I believe that much more cleansing has already taken place than people realize.
I hope you are correct!
Yes, I agree. There are leftists / whackers at all levels of the Federal government, but also State governments, City governments, school boards, library boards, etc. etc.
Some of them, more at the upper echelons, are actually "deep state" in the sense that they know the harm they are doing and are doing it anyway--they do indeed need to be tried and sent away for a long time, or at the very least prevented from any type of Public Service job again.
People working at lower levels of the government are more likely to be brainwashed normies than actual "deep state operatives". I'd be OK with just laying them off, golden parachute severance package or not. They can be un-brainwashed by the reality of having to get a "real job" and are probably redeemable.
It is important for patriots to get involved in civil society at all levels. If YOU are on the school board, some leftist / whacker / WEF-disciples is NOT. If YOU are on the library board, then some tranny wanting to get gay-leftist propaganda on the shelves is NOT. Etc. We can't confine ourselves to being ONLY "digital soldiers". We have to get deeply involved in the real world.
The "deep state" that you refer to has committed evil of unimaginable proportions on billions of people. Being sent away for a long time is simply not enough. Their souls should be sent to the eternal damnation that they signed up for.
The ones who were conciously aware of what they were doing: certainly. The US has capital punishment and that is a very valid option. Not every country has that option.
I will cut some slack for people who were not concious of the harm they were doing, but whose natural human emotions were weaponized / distorted by the ones who did know what they were doing. That second group is redeemable.
i thought there was a Q drop that mentioned they were going to do this right so that once POTUS is gone, this can never happen again? does this ring a bell with anyone else?
Before 2020, yes - most of these people would not technically violate any laws, but facilitate all the evil without getting their hands dirty and hence at worst they get fired with their parachutes.
However, one of the reasons for the "pause" was to force all these people to get desperate and actually violate laws - esp after a lot of safeguards were put in place before hand to ensure these are violations.
This is why everyone have had to pick a side and those who picked the wrong side would be full be documented and punished.
Biblically for Christians, this is not our world. We live in it and try to make the best of what we can with God's help but Satan is the prince of the power of the air and the ruler of this world. He may be set back for a while but he will not go away until Jesus puts him away for good!
Agree. Anyone who has read Revelation knows what is to happen. The best we can hope for is a reprieve. Make Reprieve Great Again!
These unhinged tyrants are definitely fueled by their $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Their entire identity is built around $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
I see this in Ireland all the time. They think the financial success they have had in life is a result of their superior character, and ergo their opinions are automatically superior too. This thinking is very widespread among Ireland's rather large upper middle class (NB: "Upper middle class" is the American term - in Ireland and the UK, this demographic is referred to simply as "middle class." Yes - the terminology can be confusing!).
I've believed for a long time that this all hinges on a shift in public opinion across all demographics.
We have not reached critical mass yet. Buckle up.
Yes but this is also why they need to get rid of the agencies and not just the people. This reduces attack vectors and stops the blob from reinfesting. If there is no administrative state agencies to infiltrate, then what? This is what Elon's job is...
Also there won't be enough people left to run government (a good thing)
I tend to agree with you. I do think this is part of why we need an army of people constantly getting truth out there to hopefully keep pressure on those who are corrupt. We have IMHO just started the long watch.
Kick them out of government and give them a golden parachute. Two months later abolish the department they were working in. If they sue force a law that stipulates they have to sue their former department. Oh, it no longer exists, guess they cannot sue.
Regular retirement and the amount of which is determined by your years employed. Don't think a golden parachute would be passed or signed into law.
I expect the worst will 0.1% will be prosecuted, but deals will be made with the vast majority of them. The real goal will be to create a government that is so streamlined and based that there is no room for them to return, while also creating a culture where virtually no one will want to support people who advocate for such a corrupt and poisonous world.