Why can’t these treasonous pricks ever be arrested . I know the answer , just disgusted ! I Live out here , these jerk separated the streets / roads and put in stupid bike lanes all over the place., they’re all smooth with new painting, of course the area left for cars to drive on is full of potholes , San Diego is terrible.
As a fellow Californian, I hear ya! It's more than frustrating. It's infuriating that these corrupt Politicians get away with this criminal behavior. Pure greed. Pure evil.
I was born in Calif but I left after more than 50 years because I couldn't stand the graft and corruption leading to horrible living conditions due to draconian taxes.
I'd love to leave CA, but I have 5th Generation family and friends who won't budge. Maybe Newsom and Kamala will do so much damage (already have, I know) that my immediate family and DH will see the light and leave. It may be too late at this point. Even so, I have faith in God to see me through any turmoil. If I or my loved ones suffer, I pray it will be short and enlighten them to the truth as we leave this world behind for a better one.
Thanks, Patriot! CA really is a mess, especially the Democrat-run big cities. Most of my family live on ranches, near small towns or in the country. It's hard for them to leave their lands even though the liberal government is corrupt and evil as all get out to hard-working, conservative Californians.
A Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year to you and your loved ones. God Bless.
It's pretty red where we are, but for some strange reason Democrats and Commies keep getting elected to a lot of the local and regional levels. I now believe it's election fraud whereas before I had difficulty believing such a thing. Trump really woke me up to how pervasive political corruption and cheating has taken over most of our country via electronic and mail-in voting.
Sounds wonderful where you are! Wyoming is gorgeous. We visited the state on vacation years ago.
Why can’t these treasonous pricks ever be arrested
It's a big club...(You know the rest)
They're not going to arrest themselves (see #1)
Since they're ALL compromised doing some vile activity (on film), they'd expose themselves if they spilled the beans...
Say they don't care about #4, they took a blood oath to NEVER, under penalty of horrid, ritualistic death, to never rat out a fellow member of the secret handshake club
They're living the high life just going along with the program, why would they give up their luxuries to benefit/vindicate the great masses of unwashed sheep/goy/slobs that aren't in the club?
Pelosi's kin would never do anything like embezzlement /S
"Everyone else" is doing it... and not getting caught... they'll take their chances because, "We have people literally EVERYWHERE" (Like Mr White from recent Bond film before he slithers away...)
Why can’t these treasonous pricks ever be arrested . I know the answer , just disgusted ! I Live out here , these jerk separated the streets / roads and put in stupid bike lanes all over the place., they’re all smooth with new painting, of course the area left for cars to drive on is full of potholes , San Diego is terrible.
As a fellow Californian, I hear ya! It's more than frustrating. It's infuriating that these corrupt Politicians get away with this criminal behavior. Pure greed. Pure evil.
I was born in Calif but I left after more than 50 years because I couldn't stand the graft and corruption leading to horrible living conditions due to draconian taxes.
Wow 50 years ! I’m sorry you left but I know you’re happy ! I think of it all the time , can I ask you what state you went to?
It wasn't just the 50 plus years living there, my family roots go back to the Indians that built one of the missions, but I still had to get out.
I moved to WY, one of the most red states in the union.
Such a great choice ! I wish I was in Wyoming ! Good for you ! Did you get land ? I’m in San Diego so I’d love a place with land !
My place in California hasn't sold yet so I am renting for now.
Plan on getting a few acres so I can have a nice big shop to putz around in and keep me busy.
Wyoming is absolutely beautiful.
Good for you. I hope you're doing well.
I'd love to leave CA, but I have 5th Generation family and friends who won't budge. Maybe Newsom and Kamala will do so much damage (already have, I know) that my immediate family and DH will see the light and leave. It may be too late at this point. Even so, I have faith in God to see me through any turmoil. If I or my loved ones suffer, I pray it will be short and enlighten them to the truth as we leave this world behind for a better one.
I'm loving living in a free state.
It was hard to leave Calif partly because my ancestors built one of the missions.
But, it was time to leave the shithole that the state had become.
Good luck convincing your family to move and if they don't, I pray you stay safe and healthy.
Thanks, Patriot! CA really is a mess, especially the Democrat-run big cities. Most of my family live on ranches, near small towns or in the country. It's hard for them to leave their lands even though the liberal government is corrupt and evil as all get out to hard-working, conservative Californians.
A Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year to you and your loved ones. God Bless.
Once you get out of the major cities, Calif is very red.
And, it is a beautiful state, I've seen just about every corner of the state over the years.
Your relatives could sell those ranches and buy even nicer land in a free state.
I can't believe how much my stress level has dropped since I left.
No worrying about locking your car or someone walking off with something.
People are friendly and look out for each other.
It's pretty red where we are, but for some strange reason Democrats and Commies keep getting elected to a lot of the local and regional levels. I now believe it's election fraud whereas before I had difficulty believing such a thing. Trump really woke me up to how pervasive political corruption and cheating has taken over most of our country via electronic and mail-in voting.
Sounds wonderful where you are! Wyoming is gorgeous. We visited the state on vacation years ago.
It's a big club...(You know the rest)
They're not going to arrest themselves (see #1)
Since they're ALL compromised doing some vile activity (on film), they'd expose themselves if they spilled the beans...
Say they don't care about #4, they took a blood oath to NEVER, under penalty of horrid, ritualistic death, to never rat out a fellow member of the secret handshake club
They're living the high life just going along with the program, why would they give up their luxuries to benefit/vindicate the great masses of unwashed sheep/goy/slobs that aren't in the club?
Pelosi's kin would never do anything like embezzlement /S
"Everyone else" is doing it... and not getting caught... they'll take their chances because, "We have people literally EVERYWHERE" (Like Mr White from recent Bond film before he slithers away...)
When the scamdemic first started, Newscum sent 1 billion dollars to China for "paper masks".
The masks never showed up. The money ended up in shell companies in the US.
James Li didn’t kill himself
So did he release the "evidence" yet...before they kill him.
This dude definitely did not commit suicide
Wait until he finds out that Newsome didn't lawfully win his election
The whole agency supposedly with many billions to spend on solving homelessness, has complete failure statistics
Oh good. They can all go to jail. Maybe that's what it will take because California will probably re-elect them again otherwise.
I am so not surprised by this news.
The homeless industrial complex is huge here.
Gavin: "Hey Todd, when you're stealing public money, do you get an erection too?"