She was asleep and instantly ingulfed in flames due to the suspected use of alcohol as an accelerant.
Edit: I see what you mean in the graphic video absurdly posted by GWP. Not sure why anyone would stand there like that. Nor why NYPD officer would keep on walking. Very strange.
Yes, I meant the video. If it were any sane person they wouldn't just stand there calmly as a fire was burning them up & tbh, same goes for an insane person too. Even if they were tied & gaged they would be moving their arms & kicking their feet. She just stays standing with some slight movements. Makes no sense.
Who wants to place bets on whether the following points are true?:
The "citizens" posing with Hochul in this photo are actors.
The train that they're in was pulled over to a maintenance rail/tunnel and isolated, meaning the general public was not capable of boarding the train and Hochul did not have to mingle with "the riff-raff" or risk her safety on New York's dangerous subways.
I believe there utterly stupifying acts being performed by the heels of this movie are completely staged to make the worst impression possible when the timing is the worst. Perhaps in efforts to shake a few more sheep loose, maybe just to make their position totally obvious to people that might give them another chance.
We live in a twisted circus.
That thing is a literal demon and nothing will convince me otherwise.
Is this some sort of Satanic Spiking of the Football?
Seems that way, who brags about something like that when she should hang her head in shame and send condolences to the family?
It’s like they dare us to seek revenge, because they see mercy as our weaknesses.
Discipline Is GODLY and is important for the growth of humans.
Why did she just passively stand there while her head & back were burning. Something doesn't make sense
She was asleep and instantly ingulfed in flames due to the suspected use of alcohol as an accelerant.
Edit: I see what you mean in the graphic video absurdly posted by GWP. Not sure why anyone would stand there like that. Nor why NYPD officer would keep on walking. Very strange.
Yes, I meant the video. If it were any sane person they wouldn't just stand there calmly as a fire was burning them up & tbh, same goes for an insane person too. Even if they were tied & gaged they would be moving their arms & kicking their feet. She just stays standing with some slight movements. Makes no sense.
I saw just a snapshot of it yesterday and thought the same thing, bizarre.
Or that guy fanning the flames with his jacket.
That’s the guy who lit her up.
Unfucking believable.
Wine and xanax cause short term memory loss.
so does pot.
Recalled is not what I am thinking!
Who wants to place bets on whether the following points are true?:
So what "action" exactly did she take? Obviously some kind of security theatre action, that doesn't do anything, but makes people feel good
I believe there utterly stupifying acts being performed by the heels of this movie are completely staged to make the worst impression possible when the timing is the worst. Perhaps in efforts to shake a few more sheep loose, maybe just to make their position totally obvious to people that might give them another chance.