Remember that Queen of theirs that could easily pass for Schwab's sister, who gave up the throne earlier this year. I suspect Denmark's 'elite' class has a lot more to worry about than finances 🤫
👀 hmmm where’s this going? I think something big will be revealed about Greenland and I don’t think we will be buying it. That’s not the play- that’s calling attention to Greenland so info can be revealed!
Greenland is rich in rare earth minerals that we need to make our own semiconductors. China now is not selling them to us and we have to be fully self reliant. I believe this is a strategic move.
Its owned by Denmark who will say no. In return Denmark have offered to buy all of the USA except for the government, saying that is too far gone to be worth anything.
This is amazing. For the last 7-8 years, we have been fighting deep state and their wish for establishing a new world order. Now that Trump hopefully will take over the reigns in January, many here act like the US is now the new world order, and can pick or choose which small countries or land pieces they can freely annex next. With that attitude, don't be surprised that other countries will call you the new bully in the classroom.
I don't believe that is Trump's attitude, he is always by the book. Consider this, Trump's latest tweet could just be his usual "big ask". Yes Greenland is of strategic importance, but the US already has a base there. Perhaps all he wants is to secure more mining rights, in front of Russia and China?
Great points! I believe he is drawing attention to Denmark & Greenland so we will learn something about illegal activities. For instance, I believe Denmark is the seat of the cabal so he is drawing our attention there so we learn more and as a bonus trolls the DS. Same is true of Greenland. This is ALWAYS what DJT does. On the surface he sounds like a bully which is why the Dems I know, hate him. But in reality he’s acting ALWAYS as a lightening rod to educate us!
It is certainly posdible, the royalty goes way back. I would wager that the modern seat of the cabal is Brussels, which headquarters EU and NATO. Not to forget The City of London.
If he makes a proposal to the citizens of Denmark such as the purchase price will be divided amongst the citizens of Denmark and they each would get a check, I think they might go for it. Offer the actual citizens of Greenland something too, like US benefits and a path to citizenship.
It's not exactly up to him, iirc they are almost completely reliant on Denmark for funding and Denmark is having some pocketbook issues at home
Remember that Queen of theirs that could easily pass for Schwab's sister, who gave up the throne earlier this year. I suspect Denmark's 'elite' class has a lot more to worry about than finances 🤫
👀 hmmm where’s this going? I think something big will be revealed about Greenland and I don’t think we will be buying it. That’s not the play- that’s calling attention to Greenland so info can be revealed!
Greenland is rich in rare earth minerals that we need to make our own semiconductors. China now is not selling them to us and we have to be fully self reliant. I believe this is a strategic move.
It's a very unusual situation, but either China or we will have control of it so it is better that it goes to us lol
The usual from the US, you got it so we will take it as its our right to have it. But DJT is not like that but if he is?
Its owned by Denmark who will say no. In return Denmark have offered to buy all of the USA except for the government, saying that is too far gone to be worth anything.
This is amazing. For the last 7-8 years, we have been fighting deep state and their wish for establishing a new world order. Now that Trump hopefully will take over the reigns in January, many here act like the US is now the new world order, and can pick or choose which small countries or land pieces they can freely annex next. With that attitude, don't be surprised that other countries will call you the new bully in the classroom.
I don't believe that is Trump's attitude, he is always by the book. Consider this, Trump's latest tweet could just be his usual "big ask". Yes Greenland is of strategic importance, but the US already has a base there. Perhaps all he wants is to secure more mining rights, in front of Russia and China?
Great points! I believe he is drawing attention to Denmark & Greenland so we will learn something about illegal activities. For instance, I believe Denmark is the seat of the cabal so he is drawing our attention there so we learn more and as a bonus trolls the DS. Same is true of Greenland. This is ALWAYS what DJT does. On the surface he sounds like a bully which is why the Dems I know, hate him. But in reality he’s acting ALWAYS as a lightening rod to educate us!
It is certainly posdible, the royalty goes way back. I would wager that the modern seat of the cabal is Brussels, which headquarters EU and NATO. Not to forget The City of London.
We'll just see how well this ages.
Greenland cannot possibly expect to push around the United States.
Setting him up as Zelensky 2.0? He certainly looks the part both physically and sartorially.
They aren't.
If he makes a proposal to the citizens of Denmark such as the purchase price will be divided amongst the citizens of Denmark and they each would get a check, I think they might go for it. Offer the actual citizens of Greenland something too, like US benefits and a path to citizenship.
When the Q stuff all goes down the United States should be able to hand over whatever check they want and get Greenland. "We're not asking" lol
Yes. If we provide demonstratively better value than Denmark, we can just walk right in. Since we have the gold, I don't think that will be difficult.
Nothing quite as affirming as an official denial.
Trump is that guys boss so whatever…
Not his choice. It's Denmarks.
"We'll see about that!"
Prime Minister for like, 59K people? I don't blame him for not wanting to turn over his country though.
and here I was thinking Greenland is a distraction..
Given what we know, this makes no sense. That tells me that Trump knows something we don't.