Is an interesting question. For one, it looks like a must, you (and all of us in other countries have our own...) really need to get rid of your Pelosis and such, people who can stay in power and run things for the benefit of none but themselves and their allies for decades, well into their dementia years.
On the other hand, if you have limits to the years anyone can serve you also limit the years of those people who actually may be able to serve their country well and do good.
And then there is the question of experience. If you do play with a revolving door of people running your country, you may end up with too inexperienced ones having to play games with some old wily foxes of other countries which do not have limits to how long anybody can stay on top at times, with the end result maybe being that you will be at the losing end due to that.
On the gripping hand, what presumably draws more than enough of people who just want the power and don't really give a damn about the people or even their country except where it concerns their personal situation and profits is at least partly the fact that there are no limits, once somebody learns how to act in order to stay there and in power they can have a lifelong career for themselves. At a position where they can wield power over others and gain material profits. Something people with certain types of personality disorders can find an irresistible lure, so there presumably is a lot of them in politics, all trying to become the next Pelosi, or maybe the next president, although the president's position does have that pesky problem of term limits.
Which again makes the idea of term limits, and the fewer terms the better, sound like a good idea. Might even discourage the power seeker types at least a little.
I believe term limits would be unnecessary if we had honest elections. I believe as it stands right now that the majority of US representatives have been selected and installed, Not elected to serve. Once they have been bought and rewarded it becomes an illness. Think of the addict who's drug is power, fame, money. My USA was never supposed to have career politicians.
It's my position that governmental terms should be structured so that no one ever runs for office while in office: so, longer terms (say, 6 years?) and no second terms. It is supposed to be "government SERVICE", not career. As to the rest of the reasons not to have term limits? We'll work those out. What we WON'T have is career politicians lining their pockets at the expense of the American people.
I agree with longer terms and no running for office, while in office. How about, unlimited non-consecutive terms.
Good idea. They just need a regular dose of real life - like buying their own groceries and gas - to keep them in touch with the real world.
The whole idea is that the government should be small, and the representatives are simply representing people - they dont need any special experience - just the ability to listen to their constitutents and vote accordingly.
In Bosi's (Australia's Gen Flynn) words - Politics should be such a a hassle that no one would actually want to do it, let alone do it for life.
I wonder how many politicians would stop perpetually running for reelection if their insider trading immunity was revoked?
With term limits realistically what happens?
You get new faces every few years, and that will help with keeping the collusion between reps down.
However, what does it really take to get into Congress?
It takes millions of dollars. Who has been doling out those dollars? The cabal has to put their players in place. What is to stop them from just funding a new face every time one of their previous puppets runs out their time? Nothing!
In my opinion what we are really going to have to address is campaign finance. The nine hundred pound gorilla in the room is the the big corporate and multi-billionaire donations that buy our representatives. This goes right into the money it takes to get on some committees in our Congress. The practice of buying a slot on a committee should be stopped dead.
My husband and I discussed this in the car on the way to town the other day. He seems to think that the House should serve 6 terms for an amount of 12 years (only) and the Senate should only serve 2 terms for the same amount of 12 years. This way they're not "LONG TIMERS" and wielding power. The PRESIDENT should also be allowed 3 terms of 4 years for his 12 year total also.
They must also take a cognitive test each term as we know some people who have been diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimers and Dementia in their late 50's. So being that young isn't a sign of good cognition.
After that, it should be mandatory to retire. And...NO ONE BECOMES A LOBBYISTS and SELL THEIR MEMOIR BOOKS.
No. People are elected for 50 years because the elections are rigged. In parts of the world with honest elections people get sick of a politician and call for change often. Lasting two elections is standard. Not 20. Especially strange how they are literally hated and doing the worst job very publicly, yet are getting re-elected no problem.
Politicians are the front facing veneer, the major problem is the lifetime weasels and rats in the senior civil service ranks.
These people NEVER face accountability and are rarely mentioned in public. As public “servants” every aspect of their lives should be public, they are the traitors doing the damage, making deals with NGO’s and corporations, the politicians are highly paid salesmen.
These are the snivelling rats that should have term limits, before talking about politicians.
I'm not too worried about the youthful representatives within our government not being able to go toe to toe with savvy old war horses from other countries. Look at Vivek and Gaetz. They are youngsters who I have absolute faith in their brain power. Heck, I'd put them up against Aunt Nancy and that ugly toll looking thing with stupid glasses. (I don't know her name or her district, but dang she is unattractive). Maybe the cream always rises, yet the stupid ones always seem to have the biggest pocket books and the voting machines "select" them to win. I think once this country is set on the proper course we will not have to worry about foreign war horses besting our young congress people because we will get he brightest for those positions.
Once election fraud is finally felt with, the Schumer’s and Pelosi’s don’t stand a chance at re-election.
End insider trading. Implement annual financial audits to ensure their seat isn’t being used for financial gain via backdoor deals. End Citizens United. If the Constitution is being spat on, implement impeachment. End the amount of money in lobbying. Ban congress from ever working a private sector job in big pharmaceutical, defense, banking, or anything else there would be a massive conflict of interest, or at least implement an 8 year pause from doing so after leaving congress.
Many things can be done to ensure the swamp doesn’t take root and I’m sure the MAGA team has spent years discussing exactly this. I trust them to decide if term limits are one of these measures.
Term limits would strictly be an exception to a rule if cunts stopped becoming politicians.
Incidentally, since I decided to snoop on your profile (see u/me), I noted you just got a GreatAwakening mod ticked for some reason, minutes ago. Somehow you've now gotten banned from this subchannel only, and 3 of your comments have been being deleted. The public logs show the first line of each deleted comment in GAW and I don't see a reason for each of them to be deleted at different times.
I'm not connected with the GAW mods so I don't have an answer for you as to why. You won't be able to reply to this comment while that decision stands, but you are free to message people and to use any other sub, such as c/Christianity. If you'd like me to investigate further, please message me, reply to me elsewhere, or use my name "u/SwampRangers" in a different sub.