REMEMBER THE GUY THAT INVENTED EARTH DAY AS WELL. he ended up murdering his girlfriend, storing her body in his apartment and fleeing to france to avoid extradition...
Check this out .. The founder of Earth Day in 1970 was demonrate senator GAYLORD NELSON... who names their son Gaylord?
And the Co-Founder, a Jew I think, Ira Einhorn. sounds like a devil's name. He murdered his girlfriend.
Ira Einhorn was on stage hosting the first Earth Day event at the Fairmount Park in Philadelphia on April 22, 1970. Seven years later, police raided his closet and found the "composted" body of his ex-girlfriend inside a trunk.
After his arrest, Einhorn jumped bail and spent decades evading authorities by hiding out in Ireland, Sweden, the United Kingdom and France. After 23 years, he was finally extradited to the United States from France and put on trial. Taking the stand in his own defense, Einhorn claimed that his ex-girlfriend had been killed by CIA agents who framed him for the crime because he knew too much about the agency's paranormal military research. He was convicted of murdering Maddux and is currently serving a life sentence.
Now, now, purkiss, you are splitting hairs. Even if she was two years old when it was created, she still grew up with it being present in her father's sphere of influence. I'll give her a pass on this one, only on technicalities.
Yes, theoretically she could have learned about it when she was 8 or 10 or whatever, and "celebrated" for a year or two, before she went off to boarding school.
Not that I believe anything that batshit crazy bitch says, but it is possible.
I said to a black guy last week “Merry Christmas” and I got no response… I thought to myself, well I’m not saying “happy holidays” in it’s place and I’m sure as shit not saying Merry Kwanza because it’s Christmas time… not Kwanza time.
This is bullshit anyway because her family isn't black.
I doubt that even 1% of actual blacks celebrate "kwanzaa."
America Really dodged a bullet there...Imagine this as your President and Commander In Chief...??
Don’t look now…..
" Karenga also founded the United Slaves Organization, a violent black nationalist organization with ties to the FBI."
Kwanzaa was invented in 1966 by Marxist professor Maulana Karenga to undermine Christmas, 2 years after Harris was born.
5 years later he was jailed for kidnapping, torturing innocent women in California.
Memorize the above and make sure we tell everyone we meet!
REMEMBER THE GUY THAT INVENTED EARTH DAY AS WELL. he ended up murdering his girlfriend, storing her body in his apartment and fleeing to france to avoid extradition...
Check this out .. The founder of Earth Day in 1970 was demonrate senator GAYLORD NELSON... who names their son Gaylord?
And the Co-Founder, a Jew I think, Ira Einhorn. sounds like a devil's name. He murdered his girlfriend.
Ira Einhorn was on stage hosting the first Earth Day event at the Fairmount Park in Philadelphia on April 22, 1970. Seven years later, police raided his closet and found the "composted" body of his ex-girlfriend inside a trunk.
After his arrest, Einhorn jumped bail and spent decades evading authorities by hiding out in Ireland, Sweden, the United Kingdom and France. After 23 years, he was finally extradited to the United States from France and put on trial. Taking the stand in his own defense, Einhorn claimed that his ex-girlfriend had been killed by CIA agents who framed him for the crime because he knew too much about the agency's paranormal military research. He was convicted of murdering Maddux and is currently serving a life sentence.
Einhorn is finkle....finkle is einhorn...
Something happened in 1966!
Elon responded
All the blacks friends I had, celebrated Christmas 😂
only black teachers and government workers would be so brainwashed by identity politics to celebrate Kwanzaa.. lol
Her Jamaican dad owned slaves.
Goal is more racial division.
Now, now, purkiss, you are splitting hairs. Even if she was two years old when it was created, she still grew up with it being present in her father's sphere of influence. I'll give her a pass on this one, only on technicalities.
Yes, theoretically she could have learned about it when she was 8 or 10 or whatever, and "celebrated" for a year or two, before she went off to boarding school.
Not that I believe anything that batshit crazy bitch says, but it is possible.
You're mean. ;)
I said to a black guy last week “Merry Christmas” and I got no response… I thought to myself, well I’m not saying “happy holidays” in it’s place and I’m sure as shit not saying Merry Kwanza because it’s Christmas time… not Kwanza time.
Liar Liar panties on fire.
What up a buffoon... Thank God humanity took a different path! 🙏
Who cares? barbie dolls are more real than most politicians...including this phoney cunt...
But…..they had a beautiful lawn.