Badlands Media Special Coverage: Election Certification Vote--
BTW "If....Trump won 2020, so did Pence. If Trump is still President, Pence is still VP this would prove 100% that it WAS all just kayfabe 😂🤣 "remember.....cuz of what Pence did, this is what they did....Electoral Count Reform Act will NOW protect Trump 2024. Pence took slings n arrows too. for us n the team" "One of the more interesting subplots we often circle without directly touching is a scenario where Kamala Harris is forced to certify a Trump election win in January." Jon Herold thx to Pence, the Electoral Count Reform Act changes that Pence gave up his reputation and his career for this one move right here. And he did it because he loves his God and his country. Service to your country isn't always just putting on a flak jacket, picking up arms and marching into battle. This was the most effective Kayfabe ever...and ppl still think he's a traitor Electoral Count Reform Act
'Role of the Vice President.
Affirmatively states that the constitutional role of the Vice President, as the presiding officer of the joint meeting of Congress, is solely ministerial and that he or she does not have any power to solely determine, accept, reject, or otherwise adjudicate disputes over electors'--
Yes but we know that was NEVER going to happen.
I see too many ANONS not understanding THIS PART of THE PLAN.
I don't buy that the Q team had J6 and Pence being a traitor as part of the plan. I think they may have wargamed it, using simulations, but I don't believe that was the outcome they wanted. They had ways to deal with it if that happened, but I'm sure that wasn't their first choice. I don't believe the good guys would allow thousands of patriots to go to jail for several years as part of their plan.
Im saying that whether Pence is a traitor or was was acting under orders there was NEVER going to be a reversal of the results.
A. He is a traitor and did EXACTLY what the WH knew he would do
B. He is a WH and followed instructions
The end result is the same.
Exactly. The world has been in a terrible mess almost as much because of the normies as the cabal. Sometimes I wish I would see it more in my personal circle, but in the broader sense normies as waking up in much larger numbers now than back in 2020.
I'm sure Glen Beck doesn't consider himself a normie, but he is in a lot of ways he doesn't realize. Still, on his radio program today he mentioned that he is a completely different person than a few years ago. He said he used to be a "ra ra go America Flag Waiver about everything". Now he says he still deeply believes in America's foundations but doesn't trust the government one bit. He's getting there.
Almost sounds like there was a plan.
They are still caught up in Left vs Right ....R vs D....Thinks just because Fox news tells more truth than CNN that they are honest......they dont understand the concept of controlled opposition....they dont get how the baddies play both sides in order to pit us against eachother....
I don't think he's a traitor. He gave the commies extra time to pass their electiom reformation stuff. Thanks to him, Kamahal had no choice but to certify Trump.
Some say he is pedo. If pedo…WH made him do it.
Yeah... makes sense...
"White hats made him bang kids..."
"C'mon Mikey... throw a good phuck into that kid for the Plan"
If he acts like a traitor we need to treat him as such.
I agree there was never going to be a reversal. Even now I don't think it will happen. SCOTUS blew the ACA/Obamacare case because they were paid off or afraid they would be killed. No way they touch the 2020 election. It would be 8-1 against, with Thomas in dissent.
What do we REALLY know about the J6 prisoners?
how many r antifa or azov?
Those people likely weren't arrested even though they were the most violent ones.
We don’t know much at all.
surprising huh...NOT
I was waiting for someone to bring this up. For some reason people don't believe these patriots are in prison. What I know is my old rep Louie Gohmert went to the prison in DC and I trust Louie implicitly - more than MTG and anyone else that went there.
Was Gohmert allowed inside to see the prisoners? I saw the coverage of him, Gaetz and MTG not being allowed in the building.
DId he ACTUALLY visit any specific prisoners?
Buffalo Boy, Trump at the capital, everyone ramped up Trump saying they stole it, everyone knows the crowd is going to end up at capital, Trump knew that Pelosi was pulling Nat Guard, everyone knew something would go down at the capital that day.
And it was a great show, patriots walking in line, cops ushering people in, doors being unlocked, Pelosi had film crew. (All this slipped by?)
It was a stark contrast, this one day where we got CLOSE to their “sacred” playing grounds of DC…….
Compared to MONTHS AND MONTHS of stores being looted and looted, burned to the ground, people terrorized, entire city blocks TAKEN OVER. NO GO ZONE. BY RIOTERS AND ANTIFA BROWNSHIRTS W RIFLES.
Courthouses, police departments, housing, vehicles, assaults, drugs, weapons, explosives…..
CRICKETS! Summer of Love they said!
Trump pardoning those who made the sacrifice that day will be a huge step towards righting this huge injustice.
When the Antifa brown shirts pop up on command, their punishment will be justified clean and swift.
This isn’t even getting to the part where Q basically told us numerous times trying to make us understand IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY.
All the fakery and fuckery that came with it we must understand SO MUCH if not ALL
HAD TO BE THIS WAY! And doesn’t it make so much sense? How much had to be done publcially and behind the scenes where Trump couldn’t be in charge?
How do you get them to mega rig an election so hard, TWICE, that it must all be undone and and redone?
I agree. We can't go on being surprised by events. We have Q to refer back to.