Someone said if you mirror it, it is also like a piece of the masonic square and compass. It also looks like the Roman numeral 11, and when mirrored the first part looks like the Roman numeral 9, so 9/11.
Also, another interesting note. DARPA launched their XAI project in 2017 and ended it in 2021. Then in 2023 Elon Musk launches his xAI.
I would rather use anything other than a torture and murder device as a symbol for Jesus and his teachings.
Jesus' gave His followers a NEW COMMANDMENT -- for us to love one another (John 13:35 - 13:35). He brought the need for compassion and emotional health generally into the limelight.
NOTHING opposes and angers EVIL like love and compassion. No society can ever be healthy without broad levels of love and compassion in the population. Jesus also made that clear with his comments about children (Matthew: 18:1 - 18:6 and Mark: 10:13 for instance).
For teaching love and compassion, those in Power (helped, tellingly, by emotionally damaged ordinary citizens) tortured Jesus to death on the Cross.
The Cross is (to me) a HORRIFYING SYMBOL of what Power frequently does to those who refuse to join in with or at least ignore the evil that Power does.
I understand why Christians use the Cross as a symbol of Jesus and His teachings, but to me, a broken cross symbolizes the destruction (or at least attempted destruction) of Evil -- of corrupt Power, of the Cabal, of the Deep State, of every form of malice. The Peace Symbol, commonly seen in the 60s and 70s, contains a broken cross and that always made sense to me -- as a symbol of breaking EVIL and cruelty.
That's not how many Christians see it, but if you are one who sees the Peace Symbol, AKA Peace Sign - designed for the British nuclear disarmament movement in 1958 - as Satanic or otherwise evil, consider that some people DO genuinely see it differently.
Saying the Cross is a symbol of a torture murder device is like saying the rainbow is a symbol for fags. Both were hijacked symbols that had positive meanings before being coopted.
Also I say this as respectfully as possible I do think that is a warped view on the cross. If we are to believe Jesus's purpose was to die for our sins. This means his crucifixion was a central aspect of that action. The cross is the symbol of the greatest gift ever given to mankind and Jesus's destruction and victory over the forces of death and darkness.
Both were hijacked symbols that had positive meanings before being coopted.
The cross was never anything OTHER than an instrument of torture and murder until, much later, some Christians adopted it as a sign of their religion. Unlike rainbows, the cross never had any positive connotations before Christians adopted it; for centuries it was used as a particularly nasty way to publicly execute criminals, including those who merely displeased the Power of the day.
And I can't help but wonder if Jesus himself would want this horrible thing used as a symbol for Him and his teachings. How does torturing a man to death eliminate the sins of . . . well, ANYONE? I always had trouble with that. But on the other hand, Jesus did go to his death willingly, and I suspect He knew that his death, and the manner of it, and especially the CAUSE of it, would help spread His teachings about the need for love and compassion.
'llI say it again: I understand why Christians use the Cross as a symbol of Jesus and His teachings and I'm not arguing that Christians should STOP using it that way. I'd also say that whether I like it or not, the Cross as a symbol has done an amazing job of bringing people into the fold.
I think you're wrong about the aspect of crosses not being used as a positive symbol before it existing as a torture device, however I cannot rebut that with any tangible evidence atm I'll have to do some digging since this is based off information I believe I saw over a decade or more ago.
Well said covering both analogy’s !
As a Christian I have looked at the cross as both a symbol of what Jesus did for us but also cringed at the barbaric way they used the cross ! What a horrific barbaric way to kill people . I just thank God “ it is finished “ !
y'all seriously worried about your pagan sex ritual symbol. The cross predates some research on the Greek word 'Stauros'(stake) as well as some actual historical research. Christianity didn't even ADOPT the 'Cross' until 400 years after the death of Jesus nor was it the torture methood of the time. The Hebrew language doesn't even have a word for cross
Its not the cross that we worship but what Jesus turned the cross into. The cross was much older than Jesus they didn't invented it for him 😜 no, but Jesus became the lamb on that cross, fulfilled Isiahs prophecies of the messiah. The cross became a reminder of that, and hope. Also, there is Roman graffiti making fun of jesus for dying on the cross. Its called Alexamenos graffito. It's about 100 years after his death. So what was that about adopting the cross 400 years after?
There is always going to be something wrong and somebody mad or paranoid
doesn't mean it's not there. I see an X, A, I, for XAI, but also see the broken cross...
Symbolism will be their downfall.
I laughed. Kek.
Grok says that it is the symbol for X and the I for intelligence, as in AI but XI since it’s the chat box for X.
If our Lord and Savior is TRUTH, then apparently ai is broken truth.
Someone said if you mirror it, it is also like a piece of the masonic square and compass. It also looks like the Roman numeral 11, and when mirrored the first part looks like the Roman numeral 9, so 9/11.
Also, another interesting note. DARPA launched their XAI project in 2017 and ended it in 2021. Then in 2023 Elon Musk launches his xAI.
faces in the clouds
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Pretty sure it’s for XAI but I see it.
The 'I' portion is pushing it up towards inversion.
How appropriate for what will become the antichrist.
Upside down cross satanic symbol..more demonics from this cat.
I've always seen cross symbolism differently.
I would rather use anything other than a torture and murder device as a symbol for Jesus and his teachings.
Jesus' gave His followers a NEW COMMANDMENT -- for us to love one another (John 13:35 - 13:35). He brought the need for compassion and emotional health generally into the limelight.
NOTHING opposes and angers EVIL like love and compassion. No society can ever be healthy without broad levels of love and compassion in the population. Jesus also made that clear with his comments about children (Matthew: 18:1 - 18:6 and Mark: 10:13 for instance).
For teaching love and compassion, those in Power (helped, tellingly, by emotionally damaged ordinary citizens) tortured Jesus to death on the Cross.
The Cross is (to me) a HORRIFYING SYMBOL of what Power frequently does to those who refuse to join in with or at least ignore the evil that Power does.
I understand why Christians use the Cross as a symbol of Jesus and His teachings, but to me, a broken cross symbolizes the destruction (or at least attempted destruction) of Evil -- of corrupt Power, of the Cabal, of the Deep State, of every form of malice. The Peace Symbol, commonly seen in the 60s and 70s, contains a broken cross and that always made sense to me -- as a symbol of breaking EVIL and cruelty.
That's not how many Christians see it, but if you are one who sees the Peace Symbol, AKA Peace Sign - designed for the British nuclear disarmament movement in 1958 - as Satanic or otherwise evil, consider that some people DO genuinely see it differently.
Just my warped view of things.
You're not alone in this view of the cross, Narg.
Saying the Cross is a symbol of a torture murder device is like saying the rainbow is a symbol for fags. Both were hijacked symbols that had positive meanings before being coopted.
Also I say this as respectfully as possible I do think that is a warped view on the cross. If we are to believe Jesus's purpose was to die for our sins. This means his crucifixion was a central aspect of that action. The cross is the symbol of the greatest gift ever given to mankind and Jesus's destruction and victory over the forces of death and darkness.
The cross was never anything OTHER than an instrument of torture and murder until, much later, some Christians adopted it as a sign of their religion. Unlike rainbows, the cross never had any positive connotations before Christians adopted it; for centuries it was used as a particularly nasty way to publicly execute criminals, including those who merely displeased the Power of the day.
And I can't help but wonder if Jesus himself would want this horrible thing used as a symbol for Him and his teachings. How does torturing a man to death eliminate the sins of . . . well, ANYONE? I always had trouble with that. But on the other hand, Jesus did go to his death willingly, and I suspect He knew that his death, and the manner of it, and especially the CAUSE of it, would help spread His teachings about the need for love and compassion.
'llI say it again: I understand why Christians use the Cross as a symbol of Jesus and His teachings and I'm not arguing that Christians should STOP using it that way. I'd also say that whether I like it or not, the Cross as a symbol has done an amazing job of bringing people into the fold.
You don't get the Gospel do you?
TLDR The Old and New Testament:
1. God's Nature
God is perfect—all that is good, pure, and just.
2. The Standard of Perfection
To be with God, you must be perfect—imperfection (sin) separates you from Him.
3. The Ten Commandments
God gave the 10 Commandments as guidelines to help people live in perfection.
4. The Consequence of Sin
Breaking God’s law is sin, and sin results in imperfection, which leads to separation from God (eternal death, or Hell).
5. God's Mercy
God, in His mercy, allowed people to offer animal sacrifices to temporarily cover their sins.
6. The Problem of Increasing Sin
Over time, sin grew worse, and people were unable to fully restore their relationship with God.
7. The Promise of a Savior
God promised a Messiah to save humanity and restore the broken relationship.
The Gospel
8. Jesus Christ
Jesus is the Messiah—God made flesh—who lived a perfect life, fulfilling the law.
9. The Sacrifice
Jesus died on the cross, taking the penalty for humanity’s sin upon Himself, offering forgiveness and reconciliation with God.
10. The Resurrection
Jesus rose from the dead, proving victory over sin and death. His resurrection guarantees eternal life for those who believe.
11. Grace Through Faith
Salvation is a gift of grace—received by faith in Jesus, not by human effort.
12. New Life in Christ
Believers receive the Holy Spirit, who empowers them to live righteously and become more like Christ.
13. The Church and the Great Commission
Jesus established the Church to spread the message of salvation to the world and make disciples.
14. Jesus’ Return
Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead, establishing God’s perfect kingdom.
15. Eternal Life
Those who trust in Jesus will live forever with God in a new heaven and new earth, free from sin and death.
I think you're wrong about the aspect of crosses not being used as a positive symbol before it existing as a torture device, however I cannot rebut that with any tangible evidence atm I'll have to do some digging since this is based off information I believe I saw over a decade or more ago.
OK. I'll be interested to see what you find.
Same, thanks for the conversation thus far! Will post here if I find anything of note when I get a chance to do a little digging.
Even the Stations of the Cross wreaks of trauma ritual.
Yes. Gibson's The Passion of the Christ really brought that home. Hard to watch.
Well said covering both analogy’s ! As a Christian I have looked at the cross as both a symbol of what Jesus did for us but also cringed at the barbaric way they used the cross ! What a horrific barbaric way to kill people . I just thank God “ it is finished “ !
Because Xi is a play on AI but for the X platform and if X and I touch it looks that way...
Because it has an intersecting line.
y'all seriously worried about your pagan sex ritual symbol. The cross predates some research on the Greek word 'Stauros'(stake) as well as some actual historical research. Christianity didn't even ADOPT the 'Cross' until 400 years after the death of Jesus nor was it the torture methood of the time. The Hebrew language doesn't even have a word for cross
Read the New Testament is written in Greek and Aramaic..
Its not the cross that we worship but what Jesus turned the cross into. The cross was much older than Jesus they didn't invented it for him 😜 no, but Jesus became the lamb on that cross, fulfilled Isiahs prophecies of the messiah. The cross became a reminder of that, and hope. Also, there is Roman graffiti making fun of jesus for dying on the cross. Its called Alexamenos graffito. It's about 100 years after his death. So what was that about adopting the cross 400 years after?