If it's not a replacement Obama then the statement that they probably do like each other bothers me quite a bit. Obama is one of the major evils in this world.
I'm hopeful President Trump has that evil bastard in check and is controlling him now to help eliminate the deep state and Obama's bosses. The powerful people in the shadows controlling the world's government need to fall and if pretending to get along with Barry helps then so be it. President Trump knows a lot more than me so I have faith he's doing what's right.
"We met backstage before we went on"...
Can’t believe this isn’t being talked about on here.
It most certainly wasn't getting talked about on the PDW link to Trump's comment. Here's a link, but, warning, it may make your eyes bleed
That’s a pretty funny string!
We are watching a movie/play.
That sticks out as hint hint to me
If it's not a replacement Obama then the statement that they probably do like each other bothers me quite a bit. Obama is one of the major evils in this world.
Rewatch the video. They met before the funeral. Think Loretta Lynch / James Comey kind of thing
I'm hopeful President Trump has that evil bastard in check and is controlling him now to help eliminate the deep state and Obama's bosses. The powerful people in the shadows controlling the world's government need to fall and if pretending to get along with Barry helps then so be it. President Trump knows a lot more than me so I have faith he's doing what's right.
I am guessing Obama 2.0.
Art of War.
Or is it the War of Art? Don't ask me...I'm about to mix a batch of Meyer lemon and scallion sourdough.
It could be. It depends if hunters Malibu house survives the fire or not
Kek...it supposedly burned
If we consider this is all a show, there is no resume to presume this wasn't a body double.
Was Obama a gray hat turned into a white hat?
Lol. Giving Obama enough rope, as they say. Trump is so very good at this.
Yes, he's the Master!
Obama has sold out his satanic partners,and Trump made a deal with him i bet.
We were told there would be no deals. I wonder if it was for a particular person or in general.
Obama will try to claim Kenya citizenship to escape. No deals for Hussein.
We will see i guess
If it's not that, it's a fake Obama.
That's just two extremes. It could be that they were both being nice. For whatever reason.
What if Obama, though nasty and evil, was/is under the control of the global cabal? Trump saves everyone, but the most evil behind it all?
He avoided a direct answer - not his usual response and he didn’t lie either! I wish I had his composure. He even surprised himself! 😊