Those who remember the Petition to have a General Election in the UK with about 5% of the country signing it probably knew it was going to land flat. And it did. But we have more data as a response was shared.
This Government is fixing the foundations and delivering change with investment and reform to deliver growth, with more jobs, more money in people’s pockets, to rebuild Britain and get the NHS back on its feet. This will be built on the strong foundations of a stable economy, national security and secure borders as we put politics back in the service of working people.
On entering office, a £22 billion black hole was identified in the nation’s finances. We inherited unprecedented challenges, with crumbling public services and crippled public finances, but will deliver a decade of national renewal through our five missions: economic growth, fixing the NHS, safer streets, making Britain a clean energy super-power and opportunity for all. This is what was promised and is what we are delivering.
The Government’s first Budget freed up tens of billions of pounds to invest in Britain’s future while locking in stability, preventing devastating austerity in our public services and protecting working people’s payslips.
Mission-led government rejects the sticking-plaster solutions of the past and unites public and private sectors, national, devolved and local government, business and unions, and the whole of civil society in a shared purpose. The Government will continue to deliver the manifesto of change that it was elected on.
UK economy: current result FAIL
Since September, the pound has been tanking.. It's still trending down. Taxes are up, pensioners are getting screwed over, and the NHS has been getting worse and worse.
Also, according to Ons Unemployment is up too, and the job market is from the look of it, the job market is shrinking. Growth at best is stagnant since July, and has been on a downturn since 2022 at least here in the UK. Si six months in and they are weak on promise 1
fixing the NHS: current result: FAIL
NHS still has massive staff shortages. It still has too little money. Personal experience of the GP system here for me and my wife is so hit and miss it beggars belief.
Anecdotally, I have a bad case of psoriasis that is starting to give me arthritis at fucking 40, and I had an appointment to see a specialist. It was pushed from 3 months wait, to 18 months wait, then the next week it was unilaterally cancelled. I went private, cost hundreds of pounds as a result to me out of pocket, but got treated at least. Still an issue but one I can at least try to manage myself now. Wife has had lots of health related scares and the only way I can get scans done for her in a timely fashion is to pay for them myself. Her favourite doctor is now Dr. Chat GuPTa
But don't take my word for it:
- people dying from long ambulance wait times and poor services
- current plans hindered by staff shortages
- failures in cancer diagnosis causes massive payouts last year
So year, NHS is still a shit show
safer streets? Current result: fail
Southport massacre. Grooming gang scandals not being addressed or taken with the severity they should be still. UK police appear to be overwhelmed and staffed with weak cops.
If I need to source this, you just have to look at Elon's posts on the failure of the UK to protect its girls from harm.
clean energy? Expected to fail, it's a six year plan
There is no wiggle room for errors in the plan. It looks like it's another target based policy which was only designed to give government more control, which in my view is never good.
Opportunity for all: current result fail
British men have been complaining the job market doesn't exist for them out of university at all because they are white males. White men are part of all, and dei is impacting them. Hard. As I already mentioned the job market has shrunk. The pound is down and investment is drying up. I would not be surprised if we aren't in a recession already, or about to enter one.
So yeah, for all their blather, the government and the cabinet Office can kiss my arse with its lies until the cows come home. I won't believe the system is working as they say it will. I'll believe it is working based on how it delivers results, and right now it isn't.
It's going to be an interesting four years. Queir is hellbent on ignoring all criticism, and now Reeves is tying us to China. Hey Don, there's another island that could do with buying 🤞🤞
Oh if only...
seriously DJT ask the king if he'll sell England to America. The rest of the British Isles will probably be in favour of that as they could laugh at the English harder then. No sarcasm at this point, most of the UK prefers trump right now.
DJT doesn't need to ask Charles the PEDOVORE anything. He already knows it all.
I hate to say it, but it doesn't feel like the British people can be trusted with their own liberty, they just want to give it away at the earliest opportunity. So to give it up to America would at least tie the nation in with PDJTs plan for liberty going forward which will be the strongest chance of real freedom and truth. I vote for that. All these media/business people quietly becoming less critical of him or seemingly warm to him would still rather jail him at the earliest opportunity as soon as they think leftists have power again.
Any history buff out there know of any society that was able to overthrow a tyrannical government AFTER having their guns taken away?
No and that is a big problem and why we need 47, Q and the WHs.
Have you guys been following Martin Geddes?
How are all his court filings going?
Has anyone pitched in?
Him? He is a scam artist, he was behind the Bossmaker grift where more and more money was demanded in return for even less info. All it was advice to register yourself under common law.
I remember seeing that, but tbf I ignored it because the name was so stupid.
It seems like he’s been doing some good attacking UK governments through common law mechanisms since then, though, which seems like a good path forward.
good, informative post. sorry for the condition of your country. keep your chin up, fren...
Praying for God’s intervention on UK’s behalf!
Where are the descendants of the people that conquered MOST of the civilized world 300 years ago?
The bankers killed off all the alpha males in wars...
The Jews play the long game, and conned the strong fighting MEN into dying in battles.
What were left with are the children, the women, the pussies, and beta male survivors of multiple world wars. THEY are now destroying the western world, and handing Britain away to any gimmi-grant that puts their hand out
Brits were killed off, and conned into handing away their country to 3rd world shithole people...
killed off in war after war
which is one of the primary reasons for war
You mean the bankers and their conscripts? They are still doing what they have always done just on their own Island atm.
No, I mean the MEN that were wearing the uniforms-----taking orders from the bankers and their conscripts! Kek
Where did the East India Company and its leaders end up, anyway?
They surely transitioned to some modern corporation after the “breakup”. Part of BNSF? British Telecom? DTEGY? NIPPON? MSC? MAERSK?
I should do a bigger dig on them than my old one. Bet there’s some real good stuff there. Don’t see it rn, but did find this comment:
I would bet they did NOT just go away. Just as Satan appears as an angel of light, his minions just transform from one entity to another when they have been exposed. The East India Company was exposed for their Heroin trade so they just morphed into something else and kept doing what they were doing!
You ever see this post of mine?
Prayers for you from across the pond, anon. I wish you and all my British cousins well in this coming year. The "bugs" you talk about in your system of government might just be "features" in reality. Let me refer you to an outstanding post here yesterday by VaccinesCauseSIDS:.. it may explain a lot of what you are experiencing:
It is almost like Socialism does not work.
Side note as to your psoriasis... have had great success using Horse Paste 1.87 Ivermectin topical and it has disappeared. Not medical advice.
" The Government’s first Budget freed up tens of billions of pounds to
invest in Britain’s futureline British Politicians' pockets,"Brexit is a failure. There's no way around it. Even Farage doesn't seem to know how to save it, as he's said. His play is to get more power and just to disrupt the system enough to allow for another conversation with a different majority who also doesn't seem to care. They wanted to be a free trade behemoth like Singapore, but now they are basically an unincorporated US state.
They need to become part of America to save themselves.
Brexit didn't actually happen. It was a failure due to corrupt govt compromise. It either needs to happen properly or UK needs to become an American state and I don't know that the people have it in them to become a free nation. The people are weak.
This statement must have been copypastaed from a free “Political Statement Template - General BS Assertion of Goodwill” package.
You paint a rosier picture than I would have guessed.
But stay strong friend. This movement is not about saving any one country or people but about removing the shackles placed around the feet of all of humanity. Nobody gets left behind.
The horror stories I could tell you. The level of incompetence and fuckery afoot knows no bounds.
I don't think social care will improve. I believe that we will end up with a sort of two-tier system. First sovereign people will have much more freedom, lower taxes, health choices so that they can take control of their own health in new ways. We may indeed have systems of care but they will be based on a different founding premise of self-control and self-direction in partnership with doctors who can help you understand different pathways to healing. The second tier will be those who cannot cope with that sort of liberty or do not choose it. Many of the elderly and vulnerable will be caught up in that second system. It's not compulsory, but if you want state help it will be delivered using AI/Metaverse and state medics. It may even be better than what the NHS provides now, but it will be more proscribed for those who cannot take responsibility for themselves. It will help the jab dependent cope, may even provide accommodation for the homeless and work for the trapped.