Paint some bullshit art while you're high on coke.
Have an art appraiser you found through your dad's political and business connections to appraise it for millions of dollars.
House burns down.
File insurance claim.
Get paid with sweet, legal, clean cash.
That's a sad commentary about the depreciation in value of the U.S. dollar.
They moved all his garbage paintings into the path of the fire so he could claim a loss to the insurance company and get the cash.
Prove me wrong!
Hopefully his landlord takes the settlement for back rent
Boo Hoo
I guess he will have to find another way to launder money.
I'm sure they were insured..right?
Wanna bet he is somehow "insured"?
Hmmm. Motivation for government to cause a general fire in the vicinity of perp. Hunter's home?
Unfortunately many of his 'artworks' of the variety that get delivered in shipping containers have probably perished too.
The $ value it was originally sold for in some dodgy deal does not equal "worth".
Watch that crap was insured and he will make $$ off it -smh
Oh no worries, the art is covered by his renter's insurance, don't ya know
Mother of Navy was taking his paintings in a lue of a child support