posted ago by Smellorama ago by Smellorama +101 / -0


President Joe Biden, 82, “is totally dejected” and the White House feels “like a morgue” with a “glum atmosphere” due to President-elect Donald Trump’s imminent triumphant return, NBC News reported based on people who recently met with officials.

The mood at the White House reflects the state of the Democrat party, which is reeling from a landslide defeat to Trump and Republicans, who control Congress as well.

The shattered party does not appear to know why Trump won or how to prevent further Democrat defeats. It is in the middle of revamping its nine-year-old talking points that claimed without evidence that Trump and Republicans were racist, bigots, and misogynists.

In recent weeks, the bewildered party does not seem equipped to mount a strong resistance to Trump’s cabinet nominees, most of whom appear to be on a glide path to confirmation, although Senate Democrats might try delay tactics, moves that are expected but can be overcome with strong Senate Republican leadership.

NBC News reported on Biden’s mood at the “morgue’:

In the White House, the mood feels “like a morgue,” according to a person who recently met with officials there. Biden leaves office feeling he contributed significant wins for the country that Americans don’t appreciate. Privately, he has vacillated from feeling melancholy to resigned to angry to wistful as he reflects on his legacy, two people close to him said.

“He’s totally dejected and the people around him are, as well,” another person close to the president said. One White House official attributed the glum atmosphere to Trump’s impending return to the Oval Office and noted that Biden’s aides warmly reacted with cheers when he surprised them at a staff party earlier this week.

Another White House official depicted personnel as holding back on emotions until Jan. 20 actually arrives.

“It’s hard to reflect, it’s hard for it to sink in that we’re done here — until we’re actually done and out the gates with our stuff,” the official added. “That’s their mood … it hasn’t sunk in for people who are still here yet because we’re working until the last minute.”

Trump’s return to power is the greatest political comeback in American history. He overcame political opponents who tried to imprison him, bankrupt him, remove him from the ballot, and make him politically irrelevant by introducing a partisan committee to investigate January 6 — and whose inflammatory rhetoric created a ripe environment for two assassination attempts.


