Well, Fujimori was the president of Peru! Why did no western media question that? We all know the answer! The infiltration was worldwide and they played us into believing they were fighting each other, while the only ones really fighting each other was us!
No. They abolished it officially in 2005. Though in practice it had been abolished for 50+ years prior to it. And what kind of Justice you get usually depends on Wealth. Or if the Government and or a Cartel LARPING as the Government depending on the region of Mexico wants to make an example of you.
Did they travel back in time, 2000+ years to find that man?
Stone Age people. There is actually one of these Christian civilisation hating nut cases on here, I think thats the username it goes by.
Does Mexico have the death penalty and do they generally give proper justice?
Or will their President Scheinbaum protect him?
For a Catholic country it's interesting, isn't it?
20+ hits on opposing candidates from what I heard.
Well, Fujimori was the president of Peru! Why did no western media question that? We all know the answer! The infiltration was worldwide and they played us into believing they were fighting each other, while the only ones really fighting each other was us!
No. They abolished it officially in 2005. Though in practice it had been abolished for 50+ years prior to it. And what kind of Justice you get usually depends on Wealth. Or if the Government and or a Cartel LARPING as the Government depending on the region of Mexico wants to make an example of you.
I guess the extradition isn't much to celebrate.
Hopefully once the US swamp is well drained, Trump will start helping Mexico drain theirs.
Where was he arrested? The cops are wearing Interpol caps.
Appears to be Guatemala City. He is wanted by Mexico for human trafficking.
Something something saving for last, it seems?
Post- https://x.com/RyanMattaMedia/status/1883875341028278406
This seems huge. Like cutting the head off the snake.
How often do we hear about the protected class known as the synagogue of Satan getting arrested?
Well he is circumcised soo...
Pretty small snake. Reported population of 200-300.
22 bullet right behind the ear and call it a day!
Base of the skull in back works rather well...from what I understand. 22 HP does wonders on soft tissue!!!!
I'm feeling generous; if 1 doesn't work, give him another.
Only medicine on the planet guaranteed to cure pedophelia!!
I only can wish
I hope they're walking him to the firing squad lineup
Oy vey!
Here’s an article about him being arrested -