Congressman introduces bill to exclude illegal immigrants from Medicaid
“This common sense legislation ensures that taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits are preserved for those who lawfully qualify, prioritizing the needs of American citizens and legal residents while promoting fairness and fiscal responsibility,” Kiley said in...
The very fact that this is necessary shows the deception and corruption of our infected and rotted system.
Getting rid of them will be the best thing for U.S
I know! "Introduces bill" for undoing shit that NEVER should have been allowed in the first place. It's ludicrous. Truly though, the contrast has been shown in stark and undeniable relief now...and the Boss is bossing bigly.
No. I told an example of a shed on your 10 acres property. If someone found your shed, destroyed the lock and squat there, you are not responsible for their lives, right?
They never should have been ON Medicaid to begin with.
You telling me? Of course.
Some of this crap is so stupid I can't imagine the person to think it was a good idea.
They did it to buy votes.
The only problem is that they still will get healthcare at a hospital (Hospitals legally and morally can not refuse) but it will not be reimbursed for that care. This could place a burden on hospitals.
I have a hard time feeling sorry for hospitals, they might have to unload some administrators and cut back on their lobbying.
The concern I have is resources may be affected which could affect everyone. Unlikely that hospitals will decrease administrative workers silence many are now functions as corporations more than hospitals
While I agree with you in theory, the hospitals are huge conglomerates (most) which have resources they can and do use to manipulate the systems to their advantage, as a taxpayer who pays for Medicaid, as I assume you are, I am tired of paying for the care of people who are here illegally. I dont even like paying for care for criminals who are citizens.
I work in hospital. Often take care of uninsured and poorly insured patients. If the hospital is going to pay higher wages for staff,(not me but nursing and other support staff) it becomes a problem when unreimbursed services and supplies are used up. Or the hospital lacks a bed for the next patient and they wait long for transfer to our hospital or in the ED
I’m not a big fan of corporate hospitals, but that’s what we have now. I still have to work with it and care for patients in that theater.
They may need transpotation to a medical facility near their home...
Maybe the country where the person is from should pay the bill if the person can’t
Wait and see.
This is needed legislation.
Make no damn sense but you have to legislate everything now and spell it out.
Sad but true.
They need to just make a law that illegals get NOTHING. No drivers licenses. No housing. No jobs. No medicaid. No medicare. No food stamps. Zip. Zilch. Nada. And any state that gives them a dime or provides for them has all federal funding cut immediately.
Then, the officials who let it happen should be removed and tried for treason for supporting enemy invaders (enemy combatants, should the illegals steal even a pack of gum or harm a hair on a citizen's head). It's the only way to stop this shit.
I second that.
Exclude them from using our Emergency Rooms as their PCP.
And since we now know the 14th amendment does NOT grant anchor babies citizenship, none of them deserve or get benefits either. This will take a lot of work because many of the parents have fraudulent documents, I'm guessing. In my 23 years as a healthcare provider, I've only had 1 family leave to go home to come back via legal immigration. Just 1.
Wow. Hear hear....
they are stealing from Obamacare for this, then taking medicare for obamacare. STEALING FROM SENIOR CARE FOR THESE DEADBEATS. IT MUST STOP.
Obama is so evil he needs to rot in hell for ever.
This should never have happened in the first place.