The lawfare from the cabal's lefty arms has been destroying the country for decades, and they still own to many of the POS on the bench across America. If they are in someone's pocket follow the money and hang their asses with it.
Fire the judge! Clinton fired EVERY federal attorney. Can't Trump can get rid of a judge? Since when does a stupid judge have more authority than POTUS?
The Constitution doesn’t give the judiciary any authority over the purse.
The lawfare from the cabal's lefty arms has been destroying the country for decades, and they still own to many of the POS on the bench across America. If they are in someone's pocket follow the money and hang their asses with it.
this will not stand
in the mean time, freeze all government accounts used to transfer money overseas
The military needs to FORCE these activist judges via gun point behind the scenes.
Too bad they can't.
Send the DOJ after the judge's family. That's what the left would do.
Does the Judiciary have control over the legislative budget or the Executive branch?
Ignore the lawfare judge's decision. Just ignore it. Trump is immune from prosecution.
Fire the judge! Clinton fired EVERY federal attorney. Can't Trump can get rid of a judge? Since when does a stupid judge have more authority than POTUS?
An attorney is not a judge. Federal judges can only be removed by impeachment.
Cry moar, fags!