Years ago when I first viewed this, I had times of weeping and depression and just the thought constantly of those dead children, the little girl with panda eyes, the children in cages, the pictures of little children hanging in a pool at Gloria Vanderbilt’s home (Anderson Coopers Mother) the stories of children hooked up to machines in Ukraine and the connection to the Biden’s and others, tortured then had their blood drained with it ending up being sold into the Hollywood elite, and much, much more, it broke me. I had to step away and I was so angry with 45 because no children were rescued that we found out about.
Hollywood became brazen as ever, mocking MAGA, J6rs, 45 and God with vile vomit inducing performances. But I firmly believe now that the preceding 4 years was to wake the world up to the atrocities. Q has told us that the little children and their abuse will wake the world up. While I will say this video is distressing, we need to see the anguish of these little ones and I just cannot imagine what they went thru. But please Lord Jesus, we cannot take another 4 years knowing that there will be no justice for them. Please arrest these evil people quickly so that we are never again just silent bystanders. They do not deserve to live for the cruelty and evil deeds they have committed. The thought of these people being arrested only to be released by another Democrat government after is hard to bear.
I don’t know what you WEREN’T seeing during Trump’s first term, but tens of thousands of kids were rescued then. I saved many articles of many raids and hundreds rescued at a time.
Poor little Darlings. What evil souls these pedophiles have. I heard once that there was a trafficking trail from Indiana to Florida. Saudi royalty and others did not need to visit customs or have an inspection of their private jets. A child taken from a front yard in Indiana could be in SA in 36 hours. This is the first country 45 visited overseas. Not long after 45 left, the King called all the princes in SA to a luxury motel and locked them in. Many were executed and many were left without money. Can you remember an early EO that crimes against humanity and trafficking of humans would result in jail time and stripping away of money?? It is believed that Al Waleed bin Talal was hung by his feet and had them beaten for hours.
QDrop 539
Question by an Anon to Q. 49315
just saw story about alwaleed in prison because he won't pay 6 BILLION to secure freedoom
Qs Answer
He doesn't have 6b.
We froze his assets.
Think logically.
When does a BIRD TALK?
45 next stop was to the Vatican. Remember the folder 45 held up on Jan. 6 - it was red. What is the colour of the folder the Pope gives his sermon from? Red. Me thinks it was a souvenir 😳😀
Next. To visit the Queen. Remember him walking in front of her? Who was outed not long after. Prince Andrew.
The Pedos are fortunate that we have a Constitution - the one they were trying to remove. It will save them from being treated in proportion to their crimes.
Thanks for the info. I wouldn't mind being imprisoned in that luxury suite. 🍹
I know that the Saudis paid for Obama's Harvard education. I wonder if they had chosen him from a long time ago and groomed him to be amenable to their wants.
Important information! I wish my sister could see it and begin to question the huge sack of hate she carries against Trump for no logical reason. My children tell me that one cannot be talked out of brainwashing like that by logic, when logic had no part in its inception.
The Bible says that the rich man will have difficulty entering the Kingdom of Heaven. But I think that this anti-Trump hatred is a much larger obstacle to heavenly acceptance. Please pray for Trump and his team who are helping to actually save the children. May they all be blessed by our Savior Jesus Christ.
I have to pray about watching this. Saw things a few years ago. Clearing one's mind enough to carry on is truly difficult. God, please help these tiny souls.
"It’s not for the faint of heart but the world needs to see it to understand the gravity of the evil that’s happening in this country and globally against children.
DISCLAIMER: This video has disturbing images in it but none of the content is illegal nor does the content in this video violate X’s Terms of Service.
I’m certain
wouldn’t dare censor this or me a day after she publicly pat herself on the back, right here in a tweet on X, for claiming to combat the sexual exploitation of children on the one-year anniversary of her testimony on Capitol Hill. "
I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to forget this. I think it will ring in our souls and feel like it’s our tragedy and fault because we didn’t see it. It has to be that way so it is acknowledged and people stand together against it. How can we even see the abusers as human? They will be safer locked up. I like Q’s quote, “God will judge them. We’ll arrange the meeting”.
If anyone wonders why they fight against Trump and us they way they do - that video explains it. They are evil, they have a lot to hide, they are afraid, and they don't want to stop doing evil.
Trump is doing many great things but what he’s doing and inspiring others to do to save children will be his greatest accomplishment even if it happens under the radar so to speak. Many of things he is doing, while helping everyone, exposes the corruption that funds these sick nefarious people putting an end to their dark hidden places and practices. Praise God for crafting a warrior like Trump!
I got the picture in the first few seconds I don't need to see anymore. You don't need to watch a beheading of someone to understand what was done to them.
I've seen this kind of stuff before. It's very disheartening. Then one thing rises up inside. The resolve to pray and know that one day, all these evil jerks will be held accountable for their depravity. My sense of anger and desire for immediate justice fades and let's me know this is the Lord's battle and all I can do is pray. I still hope to see something come of their destruction while on this earth, If it happens, fantastic. If not, they'll stand before Him whose eyes are like fire. That should be terrifying to them. Done ranting.
The rescued children will need help, maybe for the rest of their lives, just praying for them, if it is all you can do, helps, but remember you can damage a human for just so long before their soul goes into a deep sleep. Parts of their brains have been changed, physically, due to this trauma. Please be willing to have charity towards them, the rescue is great, their help will go far beyond that.
The take downs need to happen in public, on camera so everyone sees. Their trials need to be televised, the evidence put forth. These monsters who have carefully crafted their public personas as heros and talented celebrities need their adoring fans to see who and what they are. Those who we trusted with our children, the teachers, the pastors, the doctors and others who have broken that trust and abused the helpless little ones need to have the brightest of spotlights shined on them as they are perp walked, sentenced, then removed from all creature comforts or even life itself.
I hate that b.s. line so much! 99% in the hospital is totally ridiculous, and even if it isn’t, so what? They are the reason the suffering continues, so maybe they should suffer themselves.
You're probably right about the evidence and courtroom testimonies but they still need to take these demons down, perp walk them in plain view of the public. No having them turn themselves in late at night from an indoor parking garage where nobody sees anything and it's kept all hush. No. The public needs to see the justice system doing its job with no preferential treatment. The trials should be televised. If people are sickened by them they can change the channel but a clear message need to be sent.
I hope people are ready for this. I'm ready to save the children.
I pray it’s time Fren !
Years ago when I first viewed this, I had times of weeping and depression and just the thought constantly of those dead children, the little girl with panda eyes, the children in cages, the pictures of little children hanging in a pool at Gloria Vanderbilt’s home (Anderson Coopers Mother) the stories of children hooked up to machines in Ukraine and the connection to the Biden’s and others, tortured then had their blood drained with it ending up being sold into the Hollywood elite, and much, much more, it broke me. I had to step away and I was so angry with 45 because no children were rescued that we found out about.
Hollywood became brazen as ever, mocking MAGA, J6rs, 45 and God with vile vomit inducing performances. But I firmly believe now that the preceding 4 years was to wake the world up to the atrocities. Q has told us that the little children and their abuse will wake the world up. While I will say this video is distressing, we need to see the anguish of these little ones and I just cannot imagine what they went thru. But please Lord Jesus, we cannot take another 4 years knowing that there will be no justice for them. Please arrest these evil people quickly so that we are never again just silent bystanders. They do not deserve to live for the cruelty and evil deeds they have committed. The thought of these people being arrested only to be released by another Democrat government after is hard to bear.
With you anon. Why we are all here x
I don’t know what you WEREN’T seeing during Trump’s first term, but tens of thousands of kids were rescued then. I saved many articles of many raids and hundreds rescued at a time.
The little Asian girl Obama is kissing looks like the dead Asian girl taped up.
Same face, same haircut, same tone skin, same pattern on sweater.
What's Hunter doing with the tiny girl in garters? Worse is on his laptop.
Is she the same little one with Obama and George Clooney on his boat in Italy?
I don't think so. That looks to me like a different girl:
Poor little Darlings. What evil souls these pedophiles have. I heard once that there was a trafficking trail from Indiana to Florida. Saudi royalty and others did not need to visit customs or have an inspection of their private jets. A child taken from a front yard in Indiana could be in SA in 36 hours. This is the first country 45 visited overseas. Not long after 45 left, the King called all the princes in SA to a luxury motel and locked them in. Many were executed and many were left without money. Can you remember an early EO that crimes against humanity and trafficking of humans would result in jail time and stripping away of money?? It is believed that Al Waleed bin Talal was hung by his feet and had them beaten for hours.
QDrop 539
just saw story about alwaleed in prison because he won't pay 6 BILLION to secure freedoom
Qs Answer
He doesn't have 6b.
We froze his assets.
Think logically.
When does a BIRD TALK?
45 next stop was to the Vatican. Remember the folder 45 held up on Jan. 6 - it was red. What is the colour of the folder the Pope gives his sermon from? Red. Me thinks it was a souvenir 😳😀
Next. To visit the Queen. Remember him walking in front of her? Who was outed not long after. Prince Andrew.
The Pedos are fortunate that we have a Constitution - the one they were trying to remove. It will save them from being treated in proportion to their crimes.
Thank you for the nice trip down memory lane.
Thanks for the info. I wouldn't mind being imprisoned in that luxury suite. 🍹
I know that the Saudis paid for Obama's Harvard education. I wonder if they had chosen him from a long time ago and groomed him to be amenable to their wants.
I've heard there are restaurants in Saudi Arabia where you can select which child you want to consume. In America too.
Feels like the world is being run by perverts. (Except for Trump and company of course).
Important information! I wish my sister could see it and begin to question the huge sack of hate she carries against Trump for no logical reason. My children tell me that one cannot be talked out of brainwashing like that by logic, when logic had no part in its inception.
The Bible says that the rich man will have difficulty entering the Kingdom of Heaven. But I think that this anti-Trump hatred is a much larger obstacle to heavenly acceptance. Please pray for Trump and his team who are helping to actually save the children. May they all be blessed by our Savior Jesus Christ.
There is something seriously wrong with people if they can't set aside their hate long enough to see children rescued from evil people.
I have to pray about watching this. Saw things a few years ago. Clearing one's mind enough to carry on is truly difficult. God, please help these tiny souls.
It's past time to end this.
Every CPS & Social Service, including charities, needs to be investigated or shut down and start over.
"It’s not for the faint of heart but the world needs to see it to understand the gravity of the evil that’s happening in this country and globally against children.
DISCLAIMER: This video has disturbing images in it but none of the content is illegal nor does the content in this video violate X’s Terms of Service.
I’m certain @lindayaX wouldn’t dare censor this or me a day after she publicly pat herself on the back, right here in a tweet on X, for claiming to combat the sexual exploitation of children on the one-year anniversary of her testimony on Capitol Hill. "
Noticed the video even showed the rescue from the white house. It's getting out now!
I remember that night.
Me too.
Put all evidence on global tv, they will not be able to walk down the street.
Just like CNN was everywhere for so many years.
I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to forget this. I think it will ring in our souls and feel like it’s our tragedy and fault because we didn’t see it. It has to be that way so it is acknowledged and people stand together against it. How can we even see the abusers as human? They will be safer locked up. I like Q’s quote, “God will judge them. We’ll arrange the meeting”.
If anyone wonders why they fight against Trump and us they way they do - that video explains it. They are evil, they have a lot to hide, they are afraid, and they don't want to stop doing evil.
Trump is doing many great things but what he’s doing and inspiring others to do to save children will be his greatest accomplishment even if it happens under the radar so to speak. Many of things he is doing, while helping everyone, exposes the corruption that funds these sick nefarious people putting an end to their dark hidden places and practices. Praise God for crafting a warrior like Trump!
I got the picture in the first few seconds I don't need to see anymore. You don't need to watch a beheading of someone to understand what was done to them.
I've seen this kind of stuff before. It's very disheartening. Then one thing rises up inside. The resolve to pray and know that one day, all these evil jerks will be held accountable for their depravity. My sense of anger and desire for immediate justice fades and let's me know this is the Lord's battle and all I can do is pray. I still hope to see something come of their destruction while on this earth, If it happens, fantastic. If not, they'll stand before Him whose eyes are like fire. That should be terrifying to them. Done ranting.
It's time! God Bless the Children!
The rescued children will need help, maybe for the rest of their lives, just praying for them, if it is all you can do, helps, but remember you can damage a human for just so long before their soul goes into a deep sleep. Parts of their brains have been changed, physically, due to this trauma. Please be willing to have charity towards them, the rescue is great, their help will go far beyond that.
Does anyone have context for that clip of David Spade talking about Tom Hanks? Where and when, who was he talking to, etc.,.j
God Bless You Liz. You are one of the truly GREAT ONES.
Pepe at 3:04
I just don’t understand how these people are out there walking around.
The take downs need to happen in public, on camera so everyone sees. Their trials need to be televised, the evidence put forth. These monsters who have carefully crafted their public personas as heros and talented celebrities need their adoring fans to see who and what they are. Those who we trusted with our children, the teachers, the pastors, the doctors and others who have broken that trust and abused the helpless little ones need to have the brightest of spotlights shined on them as they are perp walked, sentenced, then removed from all creature comforts or even life itself.
I wholeheartedly agree! But, remember Q said "the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital? Q Post 142
Not sure too many people will be able to handle this truth. The first time I saw this stuff 5 years ago I balled my eyes out.
I hate that b.s. line so much! 99% in the hospital is totally ridiculous, and even if it isn’t, so what? They are the reason the suffering continues, so maybe they should suffer themselves.
With all the research we do, the WHOLE truth is probably 10X worse. I believe they will suffer the consequences.
You're probably right about the evidence and courtroom testimonies but they still need to take these demons down, perp walk them in plain view of the public. No having them turn themselves in late at night from an indoor parking garage where nobody sees anything and it's kept all hush. No. The public needs to see the justice system doing its job with no preferential treatment. The trials should be televised. If people are sickened by them they can change the channel but a clear message need to be sent.