Since Covid, I've been taking care of my Dad, saved his life three times so far, love em. However, he is still a woke tard that believes if its not on the MSM or CNN it never happened. Its so hard man, Covid wrecked me financially and all I have left is my health.
Yesterday, had me leaving hard on my bike to get away. I could not take the verbal insanity. Came home Late, to peace and quiet. But I have to say that this latest news of Richard Grenell, embassedor taking home hostages / Americans is over the top for me.
As bad as I have ever had it, its nothing like being a hostage away from home with Joe Biden as your President. Thank you Jehovah God for Richard taking these people home, HOME, and thanks to President Trump, a new meaning for life itself.
Bless you for caring for your dad and loving him despite ideological differences.
God smiles on you for caring for a parent, it is in the commandments. I took care of my Dad who had end stage cancer, back in the mid eighties. I went down to Florida to do that. He and I were fine, but his wife, my step mom, and her mormon daughter just about drove me to drink. They were just nasty to me, I would go for very long walks, would take his car to Indian Rocks beach and hang around with the Pelicans, eat shrimp and pasta, then get some movies for him and I to watch. When it was getting close to the time, I had a minister come over to pray with us, step mom sat and chain smoked in the living room, asking, "but what do you talk about". Sheesh. Gold digging step daughter kept trying to get her Mom to take money out of their joint savings to support her and her 9 kids and husband. It was awful, but the time I had with him was pure gold.
God has a place for you, Bless you Dear Sir.
God bless you fren for your patience to put up with that stuff. Loving your dad as you do, and bearing up under all the stupidity of the wokeness takes super human strength. I'm glad you know God, who strengthens you. I honestly don't know if I could do it. You are a special breed. All the best and may your dad very, very soon have his eyes opened. God bless.
Always good to remind ourselves of others less fortunate than us and that "There, but for the grace of God, go I".
Hostages, human trafficking victims, victims suffering from the malfeasance of big pharma... the list goes on. I thank God daily for all my blessings, all His protection and so much more. Thank Him also for all the good people working towards a better world including Mr Grenell. This hostages retrieval is definitely worth celebrating.
You're blessed to have your father with you, as challenging as it may be at times.
The most important thing right now when caring for your father is not if he is Wolk, or a Trump die hard. What matters most is that he has Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. I would be spending time sharing Jesus with him, not politics. If he is saved, then allow the Lord to lead him into seeing the truth. Start praying for him three times a day. I started doing that for my daughter, and she’s changed so much. Just remember, even though he is your father and you are caring for him, it’s not OK for him to be rude and disrespectful to you. You have to put up boundaries and let him know that it’s not OK to be verbally or mentally and emotionally abusive. When I finally stood up to my father, when I was caring for him, this changed the trajectory of our relationship. Prayers going up for you both. 🙏
Pray for father wakes up and your relationship grows in common bond
stream this for your woke dad
When all is said and done, each and every one of us has to walk our own paths. Bless you for your care of your dad rather nor not he agrees with your outlooks, that is true compassion and love, ya dad is going to do what he is going to do and it is his choice. I cant remember the last time I was to the point where, I had to just get in my car and drive somewhere, anywhere, just to collect myself over something. Covid financials + Bidens economy has been so bad for so many. One of my nephews just lost his job, one that he loved. He wasnt let go but rather, the small business he had worked for for a good chunk of years now couldnt survive any longer so closed (they had two shops before covid then had to close one of them after but, they never were able to recover even still). I as well get along well with my sibling who isnt quite there yet but, it has gotten better over the last few years. lmo, life is too short to stop loving fam for things that come and go in life.
You are a good person. 👍 Thanks for the story.
Because I know so many intelligent, brainwashed normies, and they refuse to look at documents and evidence, I have pity for them, more than frustration. This is because I truly believe the programming is penetrating their minds with frequencies that make them vulnerable to being brainwashed. Along with that, fear-laden messages make the mind ready to believe.
I will look for a video I saw in the past about hypnotism methods.
I can't seem to find the scientic study from the 70s about using pulsating frequencies to brainwash the subject. But here I found one about manipulating the nervous system.
Computer monotors and TV monitors can be made to emit weak low-frequency electromagnetic fields merely by pulsing the intensity of displayed images. Experiments have shown that the ½ Hz sensory resonance can be excited in this manner in a subject near the monitor. The 2.4 Hz sensory resonance can also be excited in this fashion. Hence, a TV monitor or computer monitor can be used to manipulate the nervous system of nearby people.
For a TV monitor, the image pulsing may be inherent in the video stream as it flows from the video source, or else the stream may be modulated such as to overlay the pulsing. In the first case, a live TV broadcast can be arranged to have the feature imbedded simply by slightly pulsing the illumination of the scene that is being broadcast. This method can of course also be used in making movies and recording video tapes and DVDs.
US6506148B2 - Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors - Google Patents
If this is true, maybe Trump can undo it somehow.
Dad vaxxed?
I think the whole hostage bit was just stagecraft. Wouldn't let yourself get too tied up in it emotionally.